
Mated To The Devil Alpha

  Effortlessly throwing her over his shoulders, Rex kicked the door open and threw her to the bed. His fist connected with the wall and he began to yell while punching it.     "You are my mate, Rain!" He yelled "My property!!!".    A sly smile spread across Rain's face as she stood up.      "You only want me because your first mate rejected you," Rain said breathless "I won't reject you, Alpha Rex, use me as you want, I don't care" She smirked, "I will make life a living hell for you".                              ^^^^^^^^^^     As long as history can tell, an Alpha has never been rejected before. Well, that changed when Alpha Rex, a ruthless Alpha got rejected by his first mate.      He couldn't tell if he was cursed or not, all his fear is going through the pain of losing his mate again.     He has to keep his Pack strong, keep his mate and protect his dignity.

Bebeeizrael · Fantasy
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64 Chs

Chapter 50: I am finished


 Seating with Alaric while we examine the remains of the leg we found, I made sure to send a message to the Alpha surrounding our parks and also the Alpha king.

 I was sure something or someone somehow would connect one of the parks to them because of it happens and they succeed in taking all our females, the generation of that park would die.

 Men can't get men pregnant!

 That's the awful truth some people do not want to digest.

 Who would provide for them if no other park offer their daughters as mates or just to help them reproduce?


 That would be so humiliating and painful.

 Staring blankly at Alaric, I could not help but think about Rain. I bet she will be fine because Sean would not want to fail his Alpha. Would he?