
Mated to the Ancient Alphas Son

Finding out that you are the Son of the very first Lycan created can be a bit.. Overwhelming! Especially when you never knew that they existed! Manny is newly home from the Marines and is just looking to settle down. When one day he has a chance encounter with Keya. A tiny touch from this girl is enough for him to want to make her Wifey. Keya has had some intense run-ins with several boys and isn't looking to be in another overwhelming relationship. She meets Manny while at Papa's restaurant and didn't think much about it when she gave him a hug to thank him, but boy, was she wrong! Secrets from Manny's past will have him doubting his family. And finding out the truth will send him to an unknown location shrouded in secrecy. Can he really be a Lycan? Do they actually exist? And if so, is he the offspring of the one and only Ancient Alpha, the Alpha that all other Alphas must obey?! And what about Keya? What does her background hold? Join them on their journey to love, truth, and self-discovery in a world where things are not always what they seem. Warning: this book contains near Rape, Violence, Harsh Language, and Dark Content. And human, mystical creature relations.

Lioness_Keya · Fantasy
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63 Chs

Revelations At The Spa Pt 4

Keya P.O.V

A slight shiver flows through me as I think of all the things they will say if he did that! I quickly try to think of a way out of this situation. I beg him. 'Onyx, please let me go. We don't have that much time before the masseuse comes back. And I'm sure you're not supposed to be in here. Plus, the other guys want to be introduced as well.' After a few moments of reluctance. He slowly releases my head. Thank GOD!

"Okay, who's next?" I blurt impatiently. He argues, "Hey I just got here. And I have some things that I want to show them." Crap! "Ok. Fine." Fuck. He pulls me over to a sink and turns on the water. He holds out his hand and the water forms into these floating, softball sized water balls. He casually tosses it up into the air and creates about eight total. Turns off the faucet. He then confidently juggles the floating balls of water for a minute. We were amazed! This is sooo cool! He grins at them, all whooping and clapping at him. Asking arrogantly, "If you like that, watch this!" And tosses all the balls high into the air. Does some weird movements with his hands and they all transform into a unique weapon! A trident, a sword, a mace, an axe, a bow & arrow, some shurikens, some daggers, and a gun! When they fell down, some hit the ground with a loud thud. Which surprised me because they are made from pure water. But it sounds like metal or something. The trident, sword and the axe were tall and made the thud. But the other weapons simply were suspended, twirling in mid-air. Whoa!

My youngest aunt asks disbelievingly, "Are those even real weapons?" He eyes her sternly. "Yes. If one cuts you, you will bleed. Are you doubting my skills?" He asks her fiercely as all the weapons suddenly began pointing menacingly in her direction. Everyone looked like they were gonna shit themselves. Especially her. "Onyx, what the hell?!" I yell. He stares fiercely at her for a while longer. Then throws his head back and laughs haughtily. As he spins his hands around towards the sink. And all the weapons turn into regular water before going down the drain. "Nothing Babe. Just having a bit of fun." He grins while wrapping his arms around me. What the hell was that all about? I eye my fam and they look like what he did wasn't funny at all!

Ok it's time for him to bounce. Like, for real. "Right. Okay, it's time for them to meet Dag. We've had enough of your antics for one day, Onyx." He gasps, looking heartbroken. But what the hell ever! Asshole! Spooking them like that! "But, Babe-" He pleads. I cut him off by raising my eyebrow and hand. Telling him sternly, "No, we don't have time and I want them to meet everyone else." He sighs heavily, "Fine. I love you, Babe." He holds my face close to his. While pressing me into him and kisses the daylights outta me! He has the wettest kisses ever!

Suddenly I hear bones cracking and my feet leave the ground! 'JUICY MA!' Dag says happily. I open my eyes and see this gorgeous ass, emerald-eyed, extremely ripped, dark-skinned man! With really long, thick, reddish-orange dreadlocks. Umm... okay, what the hell? I know I just heard Dag's voice. So who is this guy? I'm totally confused right now. "Dagonae?" He grins at me, showing lots of big, square shaped but sharp teeth! Why is his face so large? I realize that we were rising. Then his head bumps into the ceiling! I hear my family exclaim, shocked. Some scream, gag, gasp, choke and cough. I'm just as shocked. He looks nothing like he did yesterday. My arms can't even go fully around his neck now! "Umm... wha..?"

'This is Dagonae's true form,' Kane informs me. Oh, wow! Really??? "Can you put me down, please?" I slowly ask. His smile instantly turns into a pout. 'I WANT TO HOLD.' God he's loud! Awww, I don't know why, but he is really cute when he's sad. And he's one of my favorite guys. "I understand Dag. I just.. want to see what you really look like, that's all. I've never seen your full form before," I say, caressing his immense face. My tiny hand barely covers his nose! Holy Crap, this is how big he really is!? He sighs sadly but slowly lowers me to the ground. And I get a glimpse of his...! OMG!! Now I know why some women call them a 'third leg'!

Once my feet touch the floor. I frantically search for the towel. I know it's a lost cause hearing my family go absolutely bonkers behind me! "Holy Shit! He's gonna kill her with that thing!" Oh, God. "Lucky bitch! Why it couldn't have been me?" Is she freaking serious?! "Biiiiiitch, if you ever need help, just let me know!" Help? Help with what, exactly? "I can't unsee that now that I've seen it." Shit, me neither. "That beast's gonna rip her lil' ass in half!"

Oh, God, just shut up. Y'all are so not helping the situation! My legs go a bit weak after hearing that. Gulping, I wobble as I look up at his towering form. Damn, he's tall and wide! He's like 6ft across! He's scrunched over not being able to fully stand up in this little room. He squats down, placing his knuckles on the floor with a thud. I take the towel and tuck it in the crease of his thigh and hip. It doesn't fully cover his dick, though. I see its colossal tip dangling below the towel's edge. Goodness!

I try to stand in front of it as I nervously turn to face my family. Some had their hands over my younger relatives' eyes. Some of them look like they wish they could run away. Some look petrified. Some look speechless.

Some look like they wish they were me! Jeez, I just want today to be over with already. I take a deep breath and release it. "Y'all this is Dagonae and," I turn to him, then back to them with a shy smile. "He is Manny's Giant. Dag, this is my family."

Let me know if y'all like the descriptions of the characters. Please and thank you :)

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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