
Chapter 8


When we got back to the pack , the ceremony was at a close and Zion and his Luna Amelia were being surrounded by various Alphas and Lunas congratulating them .

We got to the front were they were and it was at that point the whole fiasco began .

“Congratulations are in order Alpha Zion and Luna Amelia” Mirko said .

Zion didn’t bother to reply as his gaze were fixated on the conjugation of both I and Mirko’s hand. Amelia nudged him and he came to it

“ Thank you. We truly appreciate” he said

absentmindedly. “ I see that you have taken a fancy to our dear Rosalyn” he tried to sound nonchalant.

Mirko could sense something was off and pulled me closer to came to the realization that all I told him was that I was rejected but I never told him by who . I realized my mistake a little too late.

“ Yes I have. She is my mate and I have come to inform you , she will be moving with me to my pack to lead beside me as my Luna “ I smiled at the proudness in his voice.

Zion’s face contorted into Jealousy and rage.

“ Your mate?!!... She cannot be your mate!!.” He growled loudly. His wolf was taking over at the thought of his mate being taken away from him.

My eyes were bulging as Mirko tightened his grip on me. At this point Mirko began putting two and two together about who my rejected mate was .

“ Why can’t she be my mate?!!. She is mine as I am hers” He said firmly and his expression hardened.

Even in the midst of tension , I smiled and swooned at his words. The banter had grabbed the attention of the surrounding wolves including Mirko’s parent as well as Zion’s.

“ That cannot be true!.” Zion wasn’t thinking straight as his wolf took over . Amelia tried to calm him down to touching him but it didn’t quite the opposite.

“ Do not touch me!.” He shook her grip off him as he looked at her with disgust.

“ She is my mate!!. Mine and Mine alone.” Zion was ready to pounce.

“ Say that again!. I dare you.” I would soon find out why Mirko was to be feared.

I touched his hand hoping it would in a way calm him and to my surprise, it did just that. Another mistake I made .

Zion noticed my touch on Mirko and that simple gesture broke the camel’s back.

He lunged at Mirko with Mirko pushing me out of the way to prevent me getting hurt. It was a show of fists and blows as I was overcome with worry for Mirko’s sake. Mirko shifted halfway and with one hit had dislocated Zion’s jaw and he whimpered.

“ENOUGH!!!.” The man I would come to know as Mirko’s father boomed.

The power and authority in his voice immediately stopped their fight with Zion being helped up by another alpha.

“ What is going on!” Alpha Hunter demanded to know.

I decided that was my cue to speak


“ I wasn’t talking to you mutt” He said disgustedly.

“ Let her speak!!. You do not speak to her in that manner!. She is the future Luna of the Blood River pack and if she damn well wants to speak , she is free to do so!!.” Mirko came to my rescue.

“My apologies, go ahead!.” As he gestured to me. I could see how it pained Alpha Hunter to especially apologize to me. I was sure if it was any ordinary Alpha , it would be a different outcome.

As everyone waited for me to speak including my father who stood firmly beside Alpha Hunter waiting for the worst. His snare was evident as I spoke

“ I was fated to Alpha Zion but was rejected by him long before we knew of Luna Amelia existence.”

The gasp and shocked murmurs that went round was appalling with Amelia and my father taking the award for most shocked.

“ That cannot be true!!. No way can my son be fated to such weak disgrace of a wolf!.” Alpha Hunter was just begging for his throat to be ripped out by Mirko.

Mirko made an attempt to move and attack Alpha Hunter but was held back

“ One more word!!. One more word against my mate and see what you become!!. See how I end you without any remorse!.” He said and even I felt fear for Alpha Hunter.

“ He knew he had a mate and still went ahead with the ritual. The moon goddess had pity on me and rewarded me with a second chance mate. One who loves me and ready to fight my battles already despite just knowing me”. I explained further looking at Mirko shyly.

There was an uproar as Alpha Hunter dragged his son from where he went to nurse his wounds.

“ Is what she said true!!!.” He asked harshly as he threw his son on the hard ground. “ Did you have a true mate and you rejected her?!!. Did you know of the existence of your mate and did the blood ritual with a chosen mate?!!” His voice getting louder as he spoke.

“ Answer me!!!” He demanded

This was the first time I was seeing Alpha Hunter treat his son with anything but love. Everyone could say that he had spoilt his son rotten.

Luna Anna stood with Amelia, both were crying. It was almost pitiful.

“Yes…bu…t..t…it was because” Zion stuttered.

Alpha Hunter without allowing Zion to finish his sentence , grabbed him up and slapped the living daylights out of him . I screamed as I hugged Mirko tightly.

“ Do you know what you’ve just done?!!. You just put the whole pack at stake!”. Alpha Hunter was ready to kill his son at this point.

I honestly couldn’t blame him for his reaction . It was one thing for an ordinary wolf to reject his mate without facing repercussion but it was different for an Alpha. He needed his true mate to rule beside him , only then could he rule peacefully. He needed his true mate to calm him down when he was faced with threatening options.

An Alpha wolf would only submit to his mate; his true mate. A chance mate for an Alpha was only allowed when the true mate has not been found as a chance mate would only satiate the wolf but not calm him down fully and with time the wolf would learn to tolerate the chanced mate.

This would not happen in Zion’s case as his wolf already knew of my existence and it would only be a matter of time before he snapped and attacked any and everything who wasn’t his mate.