
Mated to Him

Sierra, mated to the Alpha King had the best marriage with him, the love of her life but what then happens when the sins of his past comes haunting their marriage, threatening to break the love they both shared.

DaoistyNmycW · Urban
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13 Chs

Chapter 6


I glanced at the wall clock, hoping that Alex would somehow call me but there was nothing. There wasn't even a missed call or a message from him and i had a strong feeling that he was fed up with me, fed up with everything we had held dear. Was this really how relationships worked? I mean, one small misunderstanding and he was calling it quits? This wasn't what i expected from him and it pained me to think that he was finally giving up on me, giving up on the love we claimed to have for each other.

Sighing, i made my way towards my window that overlooked the beautiful nightsky of New York city. It was a beautiful night to wrap yourself around your lover but not mine. Alex was probably in the hands of another girl and thinking about it now, pained me to say the least.

Just then, my phone made a silent beep, indicating i had a call. I didn't want to get my hopes up and i glanced at the caller ID, i realized that it was Tiara calling. I was happy she was calling because it's been weeks since i heard from her. Actually, the last time i heard from her was when she called to tell me that she was eloping with a rich handsome man which was against my wishes for her but alas, she did what she had in mind, leaving me wondering on whether i was a bad friend.

''Tiara?'' i asked, picking up the call.

I expected to hear her scratchy, throaty voice but imagine my shock when i heard small sobs. If there was one thing i knew, Tiara never cried and hearing her sobs now sent alarm bells ringing in my head. What on earth was going on? Why was she crying? What happened to the man she had eloped with?

Several questions with so little answers crowded my mind and i needed answers to them before i lose it completely.

''Tiara?'' i asked.

''Sierra...'' she breathed heavily.

Already, my wolf was already prancing about within me, sensing that something was definitely wrong. I never knew Tiara to be like this, it was weird as hell.

''What's going on? Oh gosh! Baby girl, are you alright?'' i barraged her with qustions.

''He left me.'' she heaved.

That should be it. Thinking about it now, i realized that that was the only thing that could get her to be this way. It was one thing to love someone and another thing to get dumped by the person you thought you loved.

''Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry baby.'' i sighed, walking back to my living room.

It looked like Alex wasn't going to call me and at that moment, i didn't know what to feel. Many things were happening all at the same time and i really wanted to find clarity in the midst of everything happening.

''He just left all of a sudden one morning. I don't know what i did to deserve this Sierra, i never envisioned that things would turn out this way. Why am i not capable of being loved.'' she cried.

I knew i needed to get to her fast but still, i didn't know where she was which just made matters worse.

''Where are you Tiara, i can come over.'' i said.

''No... don't bother, its too late.'' she sighed.

''Nonsense! It isn't. Have you forgotten what i possess?'' i asked.

Even though she was human, she knew about my wolf and she never for one day looked at me like i was freak or a monster which was something i would forever be grateful to her for.

''No Sierra, i don't want you to come over. I'll be okay, you'll see.'' she sighed.

I knew that if i even argued from now till the next morning, she would never agree. Tiara was strong headed, no one could ever beat her in an argument which was one trait of her's that i loved.

''Are you sure?'' i asked.

''Yes, i'm sure. Anyway, tell me about what you've been doing?'' she asked.

I took a deep breath, gathering my thoughts before plunging into the whirlwind that was my love life. "Well, you remember how Alex and I had that big argument a few weeks ago? We were on the verge of breaking up, but then we decided to give our relationship another chance."

At that moment, i was happy i had told her about Alex a few weeks back when she called. Now, he was no longer a stranger to her but what i did not expect was a dislike for him when she hadn't even met him yet. Tiara had a good hunch and if she was feeling this way, what were the odds that Alex didn't love me? I quickly discarded that thought. Alex loved me, i had seen it in his eyes and no conviction would take that away from me.

I paused, waiting for Tiara's response. The silence on the other end made my heart sink, and I wondered if I had made a mistake by reaching out. But then, Tiara spoke up, her voice filled with genuine concern.

"Oh, Sierra, I'm sorry to hear that. I thought things were going well for you two. What happened?"

I let out a sigh, trying to find the right words to explain my tangled emotions. "Honestly, I thought things were getting better too. We talked things out, apologized, and agreed to work on our issues. But lately, I can't shake this feeling that something's not right."

Tiara's voice softened, understanding my turmoil. "What makes you feel that way, Sierra? Are there any specific signs or incidents that have made you doubt your relationship?"

I hesitated for a moment, realizing I hadn't really analyzed the situation deeply. "I guess it's a combination of things. Alex used to be so attentive and caring, but now it feels like they're distant and preoccupied most of the time. Our conversations have become shorter, and they cancel plans at the last minute. It just doesn't feel the same anymore notwithstanding the fact that i had seen some incriminating things about him."

Tiara offered her support, her words filled with empathy. "I understand why you're feeling uncertain, Sierra. It's important to trust your instincts and communicate with Alex about your concerns. Maybe there's something going on that he hasn't shared with you yet."

Nodding even though Tiara couldn't see me, I appreciated her advice. "You're right, Tiara. Communication is key. I need to have an open and honest conversation with Alex about how I'm feeling. I don't want to jump to conclusions or make assumptions. We owe it to ourselves to address these issues head-on."

Tiara's encouraging words gave me the strength to confront my fears. "Thank you, Tiara. I'm so grateful to have you as my friend. Your support means the world to me."

She responded warmly, "You know I'll always be here for you, Sierra. No matter what happens, remember that you deserve happiness and a healthy relationship. You're strong, and I believe in you."

A sense of relief washed over me, knowing I wasn't alone in this journey. I knew it wouldn't be easy, but with Tiara by my side, I had the courage to face whatever lay ahead and now, i was ready to talk to Alex and find out what happened.