

Ava's betrothed was seduced by Lily and she ended up a prisoner in her own pack. Her life was over or so she thought. She meets her one true mate but he is Lily's elder brother and he hates her so much. Will their love story bloom or is it doomed to end in flames?

WinwritePawat_555 · Fantasy
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215 Chs


Lavender had finally been able to dismiss the pack members who were intent on welcoming him back and expressing their gratitude.

He cursed Ryder inwardly, it was all his fault, how did he even know that he had been there?

"You shouldn't be so angry, they are just excited to see you." Jayden told him.

"And how is your leg?" Lavender asked.

"It's fine. Helena massaged it yesterday, it doesn't even hurt anymore."

"That's good to know." Lavender turned around to leave.

"Where are you going?" Jayden asked.

"To see my dearest brother, we have a lot to talk about."

Jayden had a feeling that this talk would end up being a shouting match.

"Should I come with you?" he asked.

"No need for that. You have done enough." Lavender replied and walked off.

Lavender went to Ryder's study and walked in.

"Do you remember anything about the concept of knocking or has your stay in the forest removed all your good manners?" Ryder asked him.

"Hello to you too Ryder"

"What brings you here?" Ryder asked.

"How did you know I helped her?"

"She told me."

"And you just concluded that it was me?"

"Who else has green eyes as memorable as yours and was in the forest at that time? It was obviously you."

"Can I go back to my home now?" Lavender asked.

"This is your home." Ryder replied.

"No it isn't."

"What do you mean?"

"This is Lily's home, it was never my home and you always made sure I knew that."

"Are you serious right now? You attacked her, you wolfed out on her, she was a helpless little girl, your baby sister and because of your irrational hot temper, you almost killed her. Was I supposed to applaud you or shake your hand for a job well done?" Ryder asked in anger.

"You were supposed to hear me out, I told you that my wolf was forced out, I couldn't control it, it was like something else controlled me. You were supposed to investigate, you weren't supposed to treat me like a criminal!" Lavender yelled at him.

"That is the most absurd thing and you know it, I thought now that you are matured, you would have dropped that lie already. Every werewolf is in charge of their wolf, your wolf is under your command. Jayden might have believed your lie but I won't. Maybe if you had taken responsibility for your actions instead of inventing lies, I won't have treated you like a criminal." Ryder yelled back at him.

"I didn't lie, I never lied to you." Lavender yelled in a broken voice, he was on the verge of crying, he hated feeling this way, this was why he left.

"What's going on? You two are about to tear the whole house down." Evena said as he and Jayden walked inside the study.

"And if it isn't the betrayers who call themselves my friends." Ryder said to the both of them.

"Look Ryder, I know you are upset but he begged me to keep it a secret." Jayden said in an apologetic tone.

"I am your Alpha Jayden, and before I became your Alpha, I was your friend, your fricking best friend yet you took his side, you helped him lie and deceive me for years."

Ryder turned to Evena, "And you, I told you to do a soul search and you told me you didn't find him. Yet he was in this pack all along. What was your reason for lying to me as well?"

"I just thought that he had his own reasons for choosing to hide out there."

"All of you here always tell me I care for Lily far too much and I am biased towards her. But Lily would never lie to or deceive me, she would never betray me like you two did, she would never run away from home and make me worry endlessly about her intentionally. And that's why she will always have my heart." Ryder told them.

The three of them looked at him without saying anything.

There was a knock on the door and Ava came in. She looked around and observed the tense atmosphere.

"Is this a bad time?" she asked.

"Not at all. Is there anything you need?" Ryder asked her.

"Helena wanted to know what you want for lunch."

"Have you eaten lunch?" Ryder asked her.

"Not yet."

"How would you like to go out to town and eat lunch with me?"

"really Ryder?"


"i would like that a lot."

"Then go get ready, we leave in five minutes."

"Okay." Ava said happily and left the room.

Ryder turned back to look at the three of them, "I have always thought that I could rely on five people in this world,, Lily, Lavender, Jayden, Evena and Helena. But it turns out I was wrong."

"Ryder, I am really sorry." Evena said.

"Thanks for coming out to help me last night but you can leave now." Ryder told Evena.

He turned to Jayden and Lavender. "I am still your Alpha and until you denounce me, you are still under my command. Clean out your old room, pack your belongings from that shed and make yourself at home. Jayden, I want you to assign him a task to do. I have a lunch to go to so I am leaving please lock the door when leaving." Ryder walked out of the room leaving them gaping at him.

He saw Ava waiting for him outside, she was wearing a beautiful blue sundress and she looked very beautiful indeed.

"You look lovely." he told her.

"Thanks, Helena bought it for me."

"Well she has a good eye. Are you ready to go?"

"Yes I am." Ava smiled brightly.

Ryder led her to his car and opened the door for her and they drove off to town.