

Ava's betrothed was seduced by Lily and she ended up a prisoner in her own pack. Her life was over or so she thought. She meets her one true mate but he is Lily's elder brother and he hates her so much. Will their love story bloom or is it doomed to end in flames?

WinwritePawat_555 · Fantasy
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215 Chs

Lavender Flowers

Ryder stood up and leaned closer to Ava on the bed.

"Do you think any of this is a joke?"

Ava was a bit scared now, she had never seen Ryder this angry before.

"I don't think it's a joke" she managed to say.

"Do you have any idea how scared I was when I didn't see you or how worried I was when I felt your pain?"

Ava kept quiet and didn't say a thing because she honestly didn't know what to say. Ryder was worried about her? Why was he worried about her? Didn't he hate her?

"please don't get into trouble again, do you hear me?" Ryder pleaded in a whisper. She nodded in response. 

"I want to hear you say it"

"Yes, I hear you" she answered.

"Now lie down and get some rest" he told her as he helped her lie comfortably in the bed. 

"Ryder?" Ava called his attention. 


"those girls you took down their names, one of them, her name is Hannah didn't join them in beating me. She even tried to dissuade them. Don't punish her along with the rest"

"I have heard you. Now rest."

Ava nodded and relaxed into the bed and rested. 

For the rest of the week Ava stayed in bed. This was Ryder order as he wanted to make sure that she was completely healed. 

There was peace in the house since Ava was in bed and couldn't stir up any trouble. 

There was only one problem, the silent cold war between Ryder and Jayden. Ever since their confrontation on their way back from the pack meeting, the two hadn't talked to each other except for official issues. 

Helena was tired of the awkward atmosphere between the two of them so she decided to talk to the both of them to find out what the problem was. 

She met Jayden first. 

"Hey Jayden"

"Hey Helena" Jayden said. 

"so I noticed you and Ryder haven't been talking to each other for a while, do you mind telling me what's wrong?"

"There is nothing to talk about Helena"

"Ok" Helena replied. 

"it's just that I can't stand his obnoxious character sometimes" Jayden suddenly spoke up. 


"Yes obnoxious, I mean when Lily was attacked by by 'you know who' back then. He was completely stubborn about the whole issue back then but now that it is Ava, he has suddenly changed. He practically treats her like a princess"

"isn't it good that he has had a change of heart?" Helena questioned. 

"Where was this change of heart back then? He doesn't even want to hear his name spoken" Jayden said bitterly. 

"Jayden, change takes time. Besides Ava is a stranger and a female at that so it is normal for him to treat her that way"

"I just hate how he handled the whole matter" Jayden said. 

"Do you resent Ava?" Helena asked. 

"How could I do that? She is a sweetheart". 

"Ryder is stubborn, you know that. Give him time, okay?"

"I will" Jayden said. 

Helena approached Ryder.

"Hey Ryder"

"Oh, hi Helena"

"so I noticed you and Jayden haven't been talking for a while now. Is everything okay?"

"everything is fine" Ryder replied.

"are you sure?

"Is just that I can't stand his self righteous attitude."

"self righteous?"

"Yes, self righteous. I know he is still pained about what happened back then but I think I resolved it the best way I could have considering the circumstances back then. Does he honestly expect me to treat Ava harshly despite her injuries or I should have turned a blind eye and let the pack continue to harass her?"

"that is not what he wants. I think he just wants you to treat 'you know who' a lot better like the way you are treating Ava" Helena gently explained.

"I think it's too late for any of that and Jayden needs to understand that"

"just make peace and start talking again. I am sure he misses you just the way you miss him." Helena told him.

"I will think about it" Ryder said. Helena patted his shoulder gently and walked away. 

Ryder thought about what Helena had said and decided to look for Jayden so they could talk.

He found Jayden in the backyard, painting something. Jayden was good with drawing and painting.

"What are you painting?" Ryder asked. 

Jayden turned around to look at him.


"What kind of flowers?" Ryder asked as he came closer.

"You have eyes. See for yourself" Jayden said.

Ryder came closer and looked at the painting.

"Lavender flowers" he noted.


"the painting is beautiful" Ryder complimented him.

"thanks." Jayden replied.

"You know back then, I was always jealous of you two. I knew you first, we were friends first. Yet, you liked him better, you always took his side. I always wondered why you preferred him over me? Even when the issue with Lily happened, you refused to even listen to me despite all the evidence and even till now, you still believe he is innocent."

Jayden looked at him. "I never preferred him to you. You were my best friend. You still are. The reason I think he is innocent is because I believe that there is more to the story. I don't love him more than I love you. I love you both the same way so you don't need to be jealous."

"I am trying my best not to be so judgy again or act cruel because I am defending Lily. That is why I am treating Ava better."

"I know and I don't resent you for that. I am sorry I acted that way" Jayden apologized.

"I am sorry too." Ryder said.

"friends?" Jayden said as he stretched out his arms for a hug.

Ryder hugged him. "friends" he replied. 

Later he sat down and watched as Jayden painted.

"Do you know where he is now?" Ryder asked. 

Jayden hesitated a bit before replying, "I don't know where he is"

"I hope he is safe"

"I hope so too."

The two sat in a comfortable silence as Jayden continued to paint. Helena and Vivian who were outside eavesdropping high fived each other. 

"Helena, who were alpha Ryder and beta Jayden talking about?" Vivian asked curiously. 

Helena patted her head. "They were talking about someone very special to the both of them. Someone they both loved very much."

"Where is this person now?" Vivian asked. 

"he is no longer here but wherever he is, I hope he is okay." Helena said as she led Vivian away.