

Ava's betrothed was seduced by Lily and she ended up a prisoner in her own pack. Her life was over or so she thought. She meets her one true mate but he is Lily's elder brother and he hates her so much. Will their love story bloom or is it doomed to end in flames?

WinwritePawat_555 · Fantasy
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215 Chs


"Have a little patience Dustin." she replied.

The door opened and a young man walked in, the first thing to be noticed about him was his extreme beauty. It was very rare for men to be described as beautiful but he was an exception. His white hair hung in long curls on his head, long eyelashes framed his eyes which were a bewitching shade of ocean blue.

"Who is this?" Dustin asked Feyre in wonder.

"this is Dreya, he is a witch under my employ." Feyre made the introductions.

"Your highness." Dreya made a bow.

"Dreya, this is Dustin, a very dear friend of mine." Feyre said to Dreya.

Dreya nodded his head in Dustin's direction.

"Greetings." he said, his voice was like the tinkling of a bell.

"Pleased to meet you Dreya." Dustin replied.

"Dreya is going to be an essential part of our plan to rescue Ava." Feyre informed Dustin.

"How is he going to do that?" Dustin asked.