
Mated to Alphas

Alisha had lost her parents when she was fourteen years old in a brutal attack orchestrated by Alpha Thomas. She swore on her parents grave that she was going to make Alpha Thomas pay. In the meantime, she needed to first comprehend that she had not one but two virile wolves claiming that she was their mate.Was that even possible?Could she actually have TWO mates? Mitchell, the younger twin with the deepest blue eyes that reminded you of a clear summer's day at the beach where you just wanted to laze in the glorious sun. His wavy long hair beckons someone to run their fingers through his hair.Alisha fingers itched to run her fingers between the strands of his silky hair While Markian, the older twin had the hue of the forest green radiating in his eyes which reminded her of the trees with its glimmering leaves after heavy rain.His short black hair which curled around his ears made Alisha wish that she could to do more than just kiss him. Both Markian and Mitchell were in line to take over as Alpha of Starfall. Would that become a problem for the new mates? When Alisha gets caught by Alpha Thomas's men, would the twins be able to get her back or forever lose her?Would Alpha Thomas be able to break their bond?

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35 Chs

CHAP 4:Now I see you

The two alpha wolves waited with bated breaths. They knew that it was just a matter of time before this angel came out of the lake. The two other kids were cold as well. "There was no way she would let them stay in for longer than it was necessary, would she? So why wasn't she coming out?" they mindlinked each other.

The Alphas could already hear the kids teeth chattering in the cold. They were already feeling the cold wind lap at their bodies. Surely she would already be freezing as well. She wouldn't stay in there any longer, would she?? Nah!! She wouldn't do that to them. Doubts began to assail both the alpha's minds..." Please Moon Goddess! Make her come out soon" prayed the two Alphas silently

Markian and Mitchell kept looking towards the lake in suppressed anticipation. They knew that she was a wolf. The three people in the lake were definitely not human. Wolves didn't feel cold as much as humans do but that doesn't mean that they couldn't get chilled. They were still warm-blooded after all. It just took more than cold wind to make them feel cold. Just add the cold water from the lake and you could have the winning equation. This beautiful water nymph would be getting ready to come out of the lake just about now. The twin alphas were practically shaking in anticipation of her exit from the lake which was hiding her full beauty from them.

From the large rock that they were sitting on, Markian and Mitchell had front row seats to the unveiling of this beauty. They could just make out the outline of the limbs against the crystal blue water of the lake

"A real water baby I see," Markian said disturbing the vision in the lake. She ducked underwater trying to hide from them. Refusing to come out of the water, hoping that the two men would somehow disappear. She didn't want to come out of the water as she was wearing her revealing swimsuit.

At that instance, she cursed the luck that made her think that no one will see her in this swimsuit. Now here were two strange wolves, and they would be soon bearing witness to her entire back and buttcrack!! She prayed to all that was sacred, that the two men she had caught a glimpse of just now, would understand and leave.

"Nope!! The Moon Goddess wouldn't let me off that easily, would she??" Alisha fumed under the water. She could already feel the chilled water of the lake seeping through her bones. She was surely going to catch a cold soon. This too she wanted to blame the strangers. Heera, her wolf, was getting angsty. Alisha could not understand what was going on.

"Stop this Heera!! What is wrong with you?" though Alisha angrily. Heera was practically jumping through her deep subconsciousness and trying to paw her way forward. She started whining as she realised that Alisha didn't want to meet the two men. Heera wouldn't explain to Alisha what was going on. She just tried to push Alisha to get out of the water.

"Now look what you have gone and done." complained Mitchell hitting Markian on the chest with his fist."You better hope she can hold her breathe down there cause I am not going to be the one who jumps into that freeze tank looking for her." Mitchell stood up on the huge rock and surveyed the surface of the lake. He could see an occasional ripple that meant that she was slowly moving towards the edge of the lake. He wondered why Apollo was so anxious to see this beauty. He could feel Apollo pawing at the periphery of his consciousness seeking permission to take over. Mitchell refused, knowing instinctively that he would frighten the little cubs as well as their enchanting friend. He didn't know why Apollo was acting so crazy but he planned out finding out soon but for now, Mitchell's attention was very much captured by the girl in the water.

Seconds ticked away and now Markian too started getting concerned as well. He could only see her movement through the crystal clear waters of the lake. Markian wanted to see the young she wolf's face that was stirring a flurry of emotions within him." When do you think she will decide to come out? The water down there is probably colder isn't it?" he countered. He took a step forward coming closer to the lapping shores of the lake. He was trying to decide if he should jump in and save the girl who was most probably planning to drown herself or should he wait and let her come out on her terms.

The two small children in the lake started crying. They couldn't see the older girl anymore and they were starting to get scared. The little boy hesitantly took a step into the lake. He was already shivering and was reluctant to dip himself into the cold water again.

Markian got off the large rock and walked towards the edge of the lake." Hei kids!! I am Markian and that loony toon over there is my twin. His name is Mitchell. We are twins because we were born on the same day. So what're your names then?" said Markian pointing to towards Mitchell who was staring at the children and the water beside them. Markian smiled at the children trying not to look big and scary so that they would come towards him, more importantly, they would come out of the lake

Alex puffed out his little chest and answered"I am Alex and this is my twin sister Alia. We are.. uhhmm!! We are franteran...That's not it! We are fretenal..uhm..nope! That's not it either...oh yes !! We are fanatical twins" he said jubilantly with all the pride of a little boy being able to remember what his parents had taught him.

"It's fraternal you boob!! And don't talk to strangers or I will tell on you"Alia corrected him with a huff as she looked back towards the lake anxiously. She looks like she was about to cry but the sisterly instinct inside her couldn't resist correcting Alex even when she was worried about Alisha.

"Don't call me a boob and anyway...We aren't alone. Alisha is here. So who is the boob now?" scolded Alex pointing towards the lake as he too turned and looked for the elusive "Alisha"

The mystery woman now had a name. Alisha!! Markian's toes curled and his breath hitched "That's a sexy name" he thought to himself. He rolled his tongue over her name savouring the delicious taste of the word. He could already see himself holding her close and whispering her name into her ear. Visions of what he would do to her after that, danced in front of his eyes causing him to shift uncomfortably as he started getting turned on just by the sound of her name.

Mitchell growled in disgust. He saw what just finding out the beauty's name was doing to Markian. As he was the older twin, he knew that he had to get back some semblance of control. He turned to the kids and smiled."Yup! You are right. It is fraternal, isn't it? And we aren't strangers, are we?? You know I am Mitchell and you know my brother Markian too. We know that you are Alex, and your sister is Alia. So we are actually friends, aren't we?" Said Mitchell getting right into a conversation with the little cubs while squatting by the side of the lake

"You look really cold. Why don't you come out of the lake and we will help you get warm and eat some of this delicious food, we found it the basket here? This is your basket, isn't it? I think I saw some sandwiches here. Which one do you guys want?" persuaded Mitchell opening the baskets and pulling out all the food that Alisha and the kids had brought with them on the picnic.

Alex looked at his sister, Alia. They were cold and hungry. Those sandwiches looked really inviting. He remembered that they were ham and cucumber sandwiches and they were his favourite. Mrs Hanson has specially made them for him as she knew he loved them. He saw Mitchell pop a whole sandwich into his mouth and lick his lips. That sandwich was gone in two bites. It was there a second ago, and now whoosh! It was gone!

The way that Mitchell gulped that sandwich down Alex knew that it wouldn't take him very long to pop the rest of those sandwiches into his mouth. Alex knew that as the only male wolf in his trio, it was up to him to save those sandwiches from Mitchell's great big mouth

Alex was shivering and his sister was turning blue. Alisha was nowhere to be seen so he decided that the only way he was going to stop freezing and rescue the sandwiches that Mrs Hanson had packed for them, was to get out of the cold lake and stop Mitchell himself.

He turned to look at Alia and whispered"Alia...Mitchell's going to finish those sandwiches before we can get any of them. I am starving and I am getting out of this lake. I say we get out of these wet clothes before we get sick. Are you coming with me? " he asked, trying to quickly convince his twin while his stomach growled loudly in protest at keeping it empty. Both of them agreed and slowly got out of the water.

Alex turned to Alisha who was still in the water and called out "Alisha! Come out of the water. You are going to drown! Please, Alisha !! I am cold !! And I am soooo hungry"Alex continued exiting the lake, his lips and fingers already turning blue in the cold.

Alia who had walked out of the lake while Alex talked to Alisha had already reached Markian. He emptied a bag near the basket and found the towels and dry clothes that Alisha had brought with them. He held out a towel to Alia but was surprised when the child ran into his arms asking him to wipe her down. Without hesitation, Markian smiled and started rubbing the big towel over Alia's limbs simultaneously wiping and warming her up. Alisha giggled at being rubbed and dried so vigorously. As she began to feel warm, she made Markian tie a towel turban on her head so that it would dry as well. Alia had to point out the correct way of tying the towel turban as Markian was quite inept at dealing with her long wet hair. After two tries, Alia was finally satisfied with the result. She turned around and gave the shocked Alpha a hug before going towards the mat and sitting down to enjoy the scrumptious feast that Mitchell had pulled out from the basket.

On seeing how warm Alia was getting, Alex wasted no time rushing into Mitchell's arms which held another towel. The little boy let Mitchell rub the towel all over to him while he stretched into the basket to get a ham sandwich. Alex stuffed half a sandwich into his mouth like the way he had seen Mitchell do a few minutes back. What Alex didn't count on was that the ham sandwich was actually quite large for a seven-year-old to stuff into his mouth.

Mitchell was gifted with a toothy grin while Alex tried valiantly to swallow the sandwich. The bits of ham and cucumber didn't want to cooperate and began protruding out of Alex's mouth. Mitchell started laughing at the way Alex was stuffing his mouth."Slow down champ! Don't choke yourself on the sandwich please." said Mitchell melting again at the antics of the little cubs. Both kids who had been briskly dried were now looking expectantly at Mitchell and Markian as if to say

"uhm...my clothes please!"

The two elder twins shook their head in amazement at the sweetness of the little cubs. They helped Alia and Alex to get undressed, pulling at their wet swimming attire and tossing them to the corner of the mat. Mitchell turned to the bag beside him and began pulling out the clothes that had been neatly folded and kept there."Are these what you are looking for?" pulling again at random clothes in the neat pile

Markian and Mitchell felt their hearts well up with a strange sensation at the antic of the little kids who came up to them for comfort and warmth. Markian exchanged looks of wonderment with Mitchell at the cuteness of the little cubs.

Alisha's head popped out from under the water."Where do you think you are going, Alex??" "Come back here now Alia!!" She spluttered angrily. Her eyes blazing with fire and her breasts heaving for air after hiding underwater for a long time. She was standing in chest-high water but as the two men were perched on higher ground they could actually see her whole body until the level of her umbilicus. Alisha didn't realise how seductive she looked at that moment as she called out to the cubs in indignation. She stared in growing concern as the two little cubs kept standing next to the strange men. The two alphas blinked in surprise and tried to pick their jaws off the floor as they looked at her

She was divine...In fact, the black swimsuit held on to her curves like a second skin. The white lace on the chest area of the suit was barely holding onto her breasts. Failing miserably, the small piece of lace decided to give up and flop forward making her breast push out of the suit. Her taut nipples heaved in relief as they escaped their confinement. In Alisha's agitation, she didn't notice that her suit was having a wardrobe malfunction. Markian stared at her breasts and his mouth watered in anticipation. He couldn't believe at how much he longed to lick those little nubs which peeked out through the white lace so shyly. Her pert nipples held on to Markian's attention so lovingly, tempting him to take a sip.

As he stared at the vision, still in the water, Markian's nose quivered. An alluring scent of vanilla and strawberries wafted from Alisha's vicinity and tickled Markian's nose. Markian could not believe his luck. To suddenly smell such an alluring smell would only mean one thing. Markian had been waiting for nearly 5 years of his life to experience this and to suddenly be face to face with it... Damon started getting excited. That was her!! That sweet sensual smell signified only one thing. The vision of loveliness was his mate. After countless nights of longing for her, finally, Damon found her. His mate!!! Markian clenched his fists to prevent himself from running towards Alisha and kissing her on her lips.

Mitchell turned toward the vision of loveliness that was walking out of the lake. Apollo was already eroding at Mitchell's control and the slight of Alisha coming out sent Apollo into hyperdrive. It took all of Mitchell's power to calm Apollo down and push him back into his subconscious self. Suddenly Mitchell lifted his head and sniffed into the wind. His stomach clenched with anticipation. Mitchell was getting the smell of gardenias and chocolate. The smell of gardenias reminded him of walking into a large garden which had hundreds of trees sporting gardenias in full bloom. The smell intoxicating him even from afar. It was his mate!! Apollo wanted to run up to her and hug this goddess even though she was still standing waist-deep in the lake. Mitchell grinned wolfishly at Alisha. He wanted to do more than hug her. He knew that it was her. He had found his mate and he was not going to let her escape.

Apollo had been looking for his mate since Mitchell's 18th birthday. It had been a lonely five years but looking at the vision in the lake...It may just have been worth it. Apollo howled in delight

Both Alia and Alex now warm and comfortable, realised that Alisha was still standing in the water and staring at them. They got anxious and ran to the edge of the water calling for her to come out quickly

"Alisha!! You are going to catch a cold! Please come out! Look here...Mitchell has put Mrs Hanson's sandwiches out and remember ..... Mrs Hanson also packed you a surprise, didn't she? I want to know what it is, Alisha. Please come out so that we have some!" begged both the young cubs as the looked beseechingly at her.