
Mated to a Ruthless Alpha King

Sold to a ruthless alpha king, Julie expected a life of misery. What she didn't expect was a scorching desire that defied their cruel fate. But when his coldness cuts deeper than any blade, she flees with their secret weapon - his heir. Now, the alpha king who craved only an heir discovers a love that burns hotter than his icy kingdom. He'll tear down empires and conquer hearts to reclaim his mate and their defiant cub. Prepare for a heart-pounding chase where a fiercer love story unfolds, proving that even the coldest alpha can be melted by a fiery omega on the run.

Princess_3286 · Fantasy
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49 Chs

The Hunter's Trap

"Stay calm, Dom," I whispered, clutching Dominic tighter as we pushed through the undergrowth. The storm had calmed, leaving behind a thick mist that hung low between the trees, muffling the sounds of the forest.

Dominic whimpered, his grip on my cloak turning desperate. We'd been running for hours, the memory of the werewolf's glowing eyes still vivid in my mind.

"We're almost there," I lied, my voice thin. My strength was waning, my arm throbbing with a dull ache. We needed shelter, a place to rest and regroup.

Suddenly, a loud SNAP echoed through the stillness. My breath hitched. I froze, every sense on high alert.

"Mama?" Dominic's voice trembled.

"Stay here," I hissed, pushing him behind a thick clump of ferns. My hand instinctively went to the discarded sword, my stomach churning with dread.

Another snap, followed by the low groan of wood straining against metal. My heart hammered against my ribs. A trap.

Cautiously, I crept forward, peering through the foliage. A large snare, woven from thick vines, lay sprung on the forest floor. Dangling precariously within it was a small, furry creature – a rabbit, its eyes wide with terror.

Relief washed over me, momentarily eclipsing the gnawing fear in my gut. It was just a trap for animals.

But as I relaxed, a deep, guttural chuckle echoed through the trees. A figure emerged from the mist, his weathered cloak blending into the shadows. He was tall and broad-shouldered, a gnarled beard framing his face. A cruel smile stretched across his lips as his eyes fell upon me.

"Well, well," he rasped, his voice rough as gravel. "Look what the forest has brought me."

My blood ran cold. This was no ordinary hunter. He wore a leather jerkin studded with metal, a hunting knife strapped to his thigh. His gaze glinted with a predatory hunger that sent shivers down my spine.

"Who are you?" I demanded, my voice hoarse but resolute.

"The name's Silas," he drawled, taking a menacing step forward. "And it seems you've stumbled upon my territory, little Omega."

My breath hitched. How did he know I was an Omega? My fear intensified, fueled by a sudden suspicion. He wasn't just a hunter. He knew about our kind.

"I'm just passing through," I stammered, gripping the sword tighter.

He let out another chuckle, a sound devoid of humor. "Passing through with a stolen heir, perhaps?"

My world tilted. Dominic. He must have seen us hiding when the trap went off. Panic surged through me, hot and suffocating.

"He's not stolen," I snarled, the desperate edge to my voice betraying my fear.

"Then why are you running from your Alpha?" Silas taunted, his smile widening.

"He's not his Alpha," I spat, refusing to dignify the name with a title.

His smile faltered for a brief moment, then returned with a chilling intensity. "That doesn't matter now, does it?"

He lunged forward, his hand reaching for his knife. My heart hammered against my ribs. I had to protect Dominic.

Raising the discarded sword, I met his charge head-on. The clash of steel echoed through the silent forest. But before the fight could truly begin, a new sound filled the air – a chilling howl that shattered the stillness and sent a wave of terror through me.

Silas froze, his eyes widening in fear. He glanced toward the source of the howl, his face draining of color.

"What was that?" I whispered, dread creeping into my voice.

He didn't answer. Instead, he turned and sprinted deeper into the forest, his heavy boots disappearing into the mist.

Left alone, I stared after him, my mind racing. The werewolf. It had followed us.

A whimper from behind the ferns jolted me back to reality. Dominic.

"Dominic, stay put!" I shouted, fear twisting my throat.

But before I could reach him, a monstrous growl ripped through the air. The mist parted, revealing not the werewolf I expected, but a pair of glowing amber eyes unlike anything I'd ever seen.

A cold dread settled over me. This wasn't a creature of myth, this was something far more terrifying. And it was heading straight for Dominic.

The creature emerged fully from the mist, a hulking beast unlike any wolf I had ever encountered. Its fur was a mottled gray, thick and matted with dried blood. Its eyes, those glowing embers that had replaced the usual wolfish gleam, held an intelligence that sent shivers down my spine.

Panic clawed at my throat. The werewolf was bad enough, but this... this was a nightmare given form. My mind raced, searching for a way to protect Dominic.

"Dominic!" I screamed, my voice hoarse. "Stay behind the ferns! Don't move!"

My desperate plea hung heavy in the damp air, unanswered. The beast paused for a moment, its head tilted as if listening. Then, with a ground-shaking roar, it charged towards the ferns where Dominic hid.

Sensation of excitement ran through me, overriding the fear. I couldn't let this creature take him. With a primal roar that surprised even myself, I lunged forward, the discarded sword clutched in my trembling hand.

The beast turned, its monstrous head swiveling to fix its glowing gaze on me. For a fleeting moment, I saw a flicker of something in those eyes – not just savage hunger, but a flicker of confusion.

But the moment passed in an instant. The beast roared again, the sound tearing through the stillness of the forest. It lowered its head, preparing to charge.

My heart hammered against my ribs, a frantic drumbeat against the looming silence. The sword felt heavy and awkward in my untrained hands, a woefully inadequate defense against such a creature.

Just as the beast lunged, a memory flashed through my mind – a hazy image from my childhood, a woman with gentle eyes demonstrating a fighting stance. It was a fleeting glimpse, buried by years of hardship, but it sparked something within me.

Instinctively, I shifted my weight, mimicking the stance from the memory. The sword felt more natural in my grasp now, balanced and ready.

The beast's gaping maw loomed before me. A choked scream escaped my lips as I raised the sword, aiming for its monstrous head.

But in that split second, the unexpected happened. A surge of energy, the same warmth that had healed my wound, pulsed through me. It flowed outwards, emanating from my hand and enveloping the sword in a shimmering blue light.

The beast recoiled with a surprised yelp, its attack faltering. The glowing energy crackled around the blade, casting an eerie light on the clearing.

I stared at the sword in disbelief. Was this the source of my healing power? Did it also hold the key to defending myself?

Before I could dwell on these questions, the monster roared again, its anger renewed. It shook its head, ridding itself of the stinging blue light.

With a renewed surge of aggression, the beast charged once more. This time, however, I was ready. Fueled by a desperate need to protect my son, I met its charge head-on.

The clash was deafening. The beast's immense power sent me flying backward, the weight of its body crashing against my chest. I gasped, the air knocked out of my lungs. The sword clattered away from my grasp, lost in the undergrowth.

Pain lanced through my ribs, but the overwhelming feeling was fear. I had barely managed to slow the beast down, let alone defeat it.

But then, as I lay there gasping for breath, a new sound filled the air – a chilling, mournful howl that echoed across the clearing. The beast froze, its head swiveling towards the source of the sound.

Another pair of glowing eyes emerged from the mist, identical to the first, but smaller, dimmer. It was a younger beast, a pup perhaps. The beast I was facing let out a low whine, a sound that seemed to convey fear and submission.

Then, with a final defiant glance in my direction, the larger beast turned and fled deeper into the forest, its pup trailing behind it.

Silence descended once more, heavy and oppressive. I lay there, my chest heaving, my body wracked with pain.

Slowly, I managed to push myself to my feet, my eyes searching the clearing for Dominic. Relief washed over me as I spotted a small figure emerging from behind the ferns, his eyes wide with terror.

"Mama!" he cried, running towards me.

I scooped him into my arms, holding him tight. He sobbed against my shoulder, his small body trembling.

"It's okay, baby," I whispered, my voice thick with emotion. "It's okay."

But even as I held him close, a new worry gnawed at me. What was that creature? Where did it come from? And more importantly, would it be back?

The encounter left me shaken and confused. But amidst the fear, a flash of hope flickered. My strange energy had somehow repelled the beast, protecting me and Dominic. Perhaps, with time and practice, I could learn to control this power, to use it as a weapon not just for healing, but for survival.

Suddenly, a new, and much more immediate, threat surfaced. A guttural growl cut through the silence, colder and deeper than the beast's roar. Silas emerged from the trees, his face a mask of fury.

"You!" he snarled, his gaze fixed on me. "You scared off my prize!"

He lunged forward, his hunting knife glinting in the weak moonlight. Dominic whimpered, clinging to me desperately.

The events of the night spun through my head. The escape, the werewolf, the monstrous beast... I was running on fumes, both physically and mentally. But giving up wasn't an option.

Mustering every ounce of remaining strength, I shoved Dominic behind a large oak tree. "Stay there! Don't move!" I commanded, my voice shaky but firm.

Dominic's large, tear-filled eyes stared back at me, fear etched on his small face. But he nodded, understanding the urgency in my voice.

Silas reached me in a flash, his knife aimed for my chest. I twisted at the last second, the blade slashing through the air a hair's breadth from my face. Adrenaline surged through me, fueling a desperate counterattack.

I remembered the fighting stance from my forgotten memory, the movements flowing through me with an unexpected fluidity. Dodging another swipe of the knife, I slammed my shoulder into Silas's chest, using the momentum to knock him back.

He stumbled, surprised by my resistance. The discarded sword lay a few feet away from him, glinting in the moonlight. We both lunged for it at the same time.

My fingers reached the hilt first. I ripped the sword free, the cold metal a familiar comfort in my grasp. Silas scrambled to his feet, a crazed glint in his eyes.

"You think you can defeat me, Omega?" he snarled, his voice laced with a dangerous edge.

"I have to," I spat, my voice tight with determination. "For Dominic."

The clearing became a blur of movement. Silas, a seasoned hunter, fought with a brutal efficiency, but I countered his attacks with a newfound ferocity. The forgotten fighting style, fueled by my desperation and the strange energy pulsing within me, gave me an unexpected edge.

The fight raged on, fueled by primal fear and the will to survive. Just as I began to tire, my movements sluggish, Silas made his move. He lunged forward, a vicious grin splitting his face.

But before his knife could find its mark, a loud crack echoed through the forest. A massive branch, loosened by the storm earlier, snapped and plummeted towards Silas. He reacted instinctively, throwing himself to the side to avoid the crushing blow.

The branch crashed to the ground with a deafening thud, narrowly missing Silas but knocking the knife from his grasp. He scrambled to his feet, a look of pure terror contorting his face.

"This isn't over, Omega," he snarled, turning and disappearing into the deepening shadows.

I watched him go, my body trembling with exhaustion. Slowly, I lowered the sword, the weight of it suddenly unbearable. Everything ached, but a sense of elation mixed with relief washed over me. I had survived. Dominic was safe.

I stumbled towards the oak tree where I had left him. He rushed into my arms, burying his face in my cloak. Holding him close, I whispered soothing words, the fear and exhaustion momentarily forgotten.

The clearing was shrouded in an eerie silence once more. The strange energy that had pulsed within me during the fight had faded, leaving behind a profound sense of exhaustion. But despite the ordeal, a single, burning question remained: what was I?

The answer, like the source of the beast and the strange energy within me, lay shrouded in the mysteries of my forgotten past. And until I unraveled those mysteries, survival for Dominic and myself would be a constant struggle in this unforgiving wilderness.

With a weary sigh, I hoisted Dominic onto my back. The journey ahead was uncertain, but with the faint embers o

f hope rekindled, I pressed onward, deeper into the unknown, determined to find the answers I craved and a safe haven for my son.

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