
Mated to A Rival Alpha

[COMPLETE] [WARNING: MATURE CONTENT 21+ // Mercy Makes You Weak] “And when the sun goes down on your grave, let it be known, that it was all my doing.” ***** Tired of the shit-show put on by her apparent ‘mates’, Kim Rania, the most powerful, ruthless, and psychotic alpha of the Obren kingdom declares that she will not take a mate, a decision that no one questions, not even the mighty werewolf king. However, her announcement unlocks a pandora of betrayal, chaos, secrets, and unforgivable sins; which brews in her, a new tornado of anger, hate, and a great desire for retribution, a need she must fulfill. At the center of all that, is her ‘clueless’ true mate, the man she has grown to hate with everything she has and doesn't have; a man determined to cripple her rule with the unfortunate aid of her parents – Park Jihoon, alpha of her rival pack, Calindra. Rania knows she has a choice to make. To either forgive them and give in to her mate bond, or to burn them all and everything they hold dear. However her anger is too great and it drives her to seek the help of humanity’s greatest evil & immortal psycho, the lycan Kaia Seto, the soulless barbarian of barbarians, who is a little too willing to help her with her vengeance. Perhaps Kaia just has a good heart, right? But what if there is another reason Kaia is open to helping, will the psycho alpha agree to it, just for her vengeance?

she_osprey · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
377 Chs

The Face of Karma's Ally


"You wanted the attention of Calindra? Now you have it. Have fun explaining to them what the fuck you mean by their rightful luna," Jihoon said before he walked to have a seat next to his beta and his parents.

Yanna looked angry and scared at the same time. Of course, she had every right to be.

Park Taeho and Park Yoona were like hunters, who never let their prey go and given the things that their son had told them of Yanna in the past few days, they were more than ready to start the torture.

Yanna knew that if they took her, there would be a higher probability that no one would ever know that she was ever inCalindra. No one would ever find her and that in itself was the scariest thing that could have happened to her here with these people.