

  "That wasn't so bad", Serah giggled.

  They had just finished from the meeting as they headed toward the car. Brian gripped her hands, giving it a gentle squeeze. He was grateful for her strength, he didn't know what he'd have done if she wasn't there to support him.

  "That's because you stood up to him. He usually doesn't behave the way he's behaving now", Jack said.

  "How?", Serah asked.

  "He's usually always so smitten especially when he's with a beautiful lady and you're one hell of a beautiful woman. I guess it's because you showed him right from the on set that you couldn't be pushed aside or used", Jack said

  "I'm just happy he didn't try anything funny, I was ready to deal with him", Brian growled.

  "There wouldn't have been any need for that, I would have dealt with him even before you get to him. I hate that man like a hate the dirt beneath my feet", Killian said.