

  "He's okay and responding to treatment", the doctor said.

  It's been over two hours since the trio waited patiently for news concerning Jack's health and now that it was here, they were beyond relieved.

  "Thank fuck", Brian said.

  He heaved a huge sigh of relief as he placed a steamy kiss on Serah's lips. He was greatful for her hope and courage even when he was almost loosing his. He didn't know what he would have done without her if she wasn't there to assure him that everything would be fine.

  "Can we see him now?", Killian asked.

  "Yes sure but first i need to talk to you all about something", the doctor said.

  "Go on, we're listening", Brian said.

  "During the treatment procedure, we discovered some unusual occurrence", he said.

  Serah sniffed the air silently and she discovered that the doctor and the entirety of the hospital were all humans. Serah knew where this conversation was headed but she remained silent, wanting to see the outcome.