

  "Babe, your unveiling is next week at the grand hall", Brian said.

  It was the following day and the couple were still in bed when Brian announced this. Now that he and Serah had settled their differences, he felt it was time to unveil her to his whole kingdom. Brian had a feeling that his coronation would be anytime soon as his father's health condition was deteriorating.

  "Okay but that's too soon though", Serah yawned.

  She got up from the bed with only a loose wrapper tied on her waist. Her upper body was bare and Brian had a hard time controlling the lust he felt for her.

  "I know but I think it's best we do it now in case my father-", he choked.

  "Oh baby, it's okay. Your father is a strong man. I'm sure he'll pull through this", Serah said, cradling his head.

  "I'll go see my father today but I believe he'll pull through", Brian said.