

  "Brian, we need you at the club now. Something just came up", Killian said over the phone.

  Brian sat up in his home office. He was at home for that day, trying to sort out some things that didn't require him to be at the office.

  "What's the deal Killian?", Brian said.

  "Just come, I can't say it over the phone", he said.

  "Fine, I'll be there in a few", Brian said before cutting the call.

  He sighed, placing his hands on his head. Few minutes later, the door to his home office opened and even before she spoke, Brian could tell that his mate was here.

  His wolf pranced about, happy to see their mate. Serah walked towards him, placing a gentle hand on his shoulder.

  "Brian, what's wrong?", She said.

  Brian pulled her to his lap as he nozzled her neck, breathing in her intoxicating scent. He always loved it when she was close to him and this was one of the moments.

  "Nothing. To be honest, it's nothing", he said.