
Mated at First Sight

Making poison, studying poison, and playing with poison is her hobby and fascination. Saving people, killing people, and torturing people - those are considered her virtues and ethics. Indeed, she is a doctor - a term that might be more appropriately shortened to... physician! She has the medical code of ethics, yet lacks the empathy. Her patient care is purely dependent on her mood. An injury led to a fortuitous encounter, making two individuals completely unrelated to each other cross paths. Later on, as the woman became a military doctor... In their first meeting, she saved him from the brink of death. The location of his wound was "a wake-up call". And in their next meeting, when she offered - to devote herself to him! His response was: "I... am willing." She said: "I was actually just joking." For Mu Lin, there are only two types of people in the world: the sick, and the deceased. For Jing Chen, the world also only consists of two types of people: family, and soldiers. However, when he met her; when she met him, everything was bound to undergo chemical changes. Mini Theater One day, a dandy with an enchanting posture and seductive eyes said: "From now on, all of me belongs to you." This Poison Doctor, leaning forward revealing a slight smile, "Are you serious about what you said?" in a place he couldn't see, the silver needle in her hand flashed with a cold glint. Snapshot Theater In the future, the child asks: "Mommy, why was your taste so bad back then, choosing this daddy to be my daddy?" How contemptuous. Mu Lin: "This is a serious question, I need to think it over carefully." She definitely needed to think it over thoroughly. The child, full of high spirits: "Certainly this daddy is not your true love." The next second, an aria flies past, "Wife," came a voice filled with aggrievement. "Good." People only know that women are oblivious to Master Jing's eyes, but they don't realize that from their first encounter, her figure has already silently approached him. Some say that Mu Lin was taken down off her lofty pedestal by Master Jing, but Mu Lin wants to say, she did it willingly. [I'm incapable of writing a good summary, please refer to the main text for the story! Come and take the plunge!] Moreover: For recommendations check out my older works: [Overbearing Marriage: Cold wife of a wealthy family after rebirth] [Master Jing's colorful life: Doting on a spoiled wife] My new book [Art of Seduction: Master, hurry up and wear a condom] is looking for favorites.

Still Simple · Urban
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799 Chs

Chapter 3 _1

A dim light shines, within the quiet night, a house neither grand nor small stands solidly in the vast jungle, radiating an aura of antiquity and mystery.

Ying Sun's group eyes shimmer with delight, at last, they have found signs of human habitation!

"It turns out that this Azure Sea Dragon was here to repay a favor." With a thoughtful look, Xigua finally seemed to understand, "But how did it know who we wanted to find?" The next moment, his face showed utter confusion.

Moreover, whether the person they were looking for resided in this house was still uncertain.

Could it be that the Azure Sea Dragon had a master?

"Silence." Black Shark hushed them; if the person inside indeed was the Poison Doctor, they could not afford to act recklessly.

It was rumored that the Poison Doctor was erratic and moody. A thoughtless remark might offend their potential savior. Their hard-earned discovery could all go to waste. They had come a long way to find this place; their leader's injury couldn't bear any delay.

The Eagle Hawk's long cry echoed around, and the Azure Sea Dragon circled the house before quietly landing on a wooden stake in front of the house, no longer paying any attention to Black Shark and his companions.

The next second, the initially closed wooden door started to open slowly.

The girl stepping out wore light-colored clothing with a faint smile on her lips. Yet her eyes held a chill like water.

The young girl was around twenty, her fair face, pale skin, long eyebrows like ink strokes, radiant eyes, and purity made her look like a budding flower waiting for its bloom.


As soon as it saw the girl, the Azure Sea Dragon let out a low cry and flapped its wings gently, landing on her shoulder.

Under the dim and soft halo, her slender figure became very clear in the eyes of everyone. Her appearance etched in their hearts, little did they realize.

The icy, elegant eyes of the young girl swept over the group of downtrodden people, finally settling on one particular person.

Well, the wound seems serious but not life-threatening.


Looking at the man's eyes, the girl felt no affection.

Because all she saw in those cold eyes were intense investigation and sharpness.


"Come in." She said, as all stood wondering what to do. Her indifferent voice was colder than the night.

The girl turned around and walked back into the house.

After exchanging glances, the group decided to follow her inside.

They didn't know who this girl was, but they believed she was the only clue to find the Poison Doctor. After all, in the vast Black Forest jungle, they only found this one house.

What was the girl's relationship with the Poison Doctor, or was she … the one?

Inside the house.

Looking around, Black Shark's group finally understood why the light inside the house was so dim.

It was surprising to find that the house didn't have electric lights but used candles. The pure white candles stood next to the fire, quiet and serene. However, in the silent night, accompanied by the sound of the rain, it felt somewhat eerie.

Especially, on such a day.

"Um…" Xigua opened his mouth, breaking the silence as he watched the young girl inside the house busy with something, "Excuse me, does the Poison Doctor live here?"

Although a bit abrupt, he couldn't hold back his curiosity.

The atmosphere was creepy.

"What do you need the Poison Doctor for?" The girl responded softly without directly answering.

Or maybe she was feigning ignorance.

"We, our leader is injured, a gunshot wound. It's located near a hidden critical area. We ran out of medicine and hemostatic drugs. It's said that there is a highly skilled... Poison Doctor... in the heart of the Black Forest, so… that's why we…" They were desperate.

In reality, they didn't have any other options.

Hearing Xigua's words, the girl slowly turned around, her eyes calmly landed on the wounded man's injury, her gaze indifferent.

"Bring the injured ones over and let them sit down." Saying this, she disappeared into the inner room.

"It seems our leader is saved." Xigua said with relief.

He thought this girl must have gone into the inner room to fetch the Poison Doctor. It looked like she really knew the Poison Doctor.

Without a word, Black Shark had a strange feeling that everything that happened today was connected somehow.

Helping the injured man sit on a soft couch to the side, who would have thought such an old piece of furniture could be found here.

Pearwood, old and valuable.

A minute later.

A bottle of alcohol, a knife, a set of silver needles, a roll of bandages, and a few small bottles were placed quietly before everyone's eyes, but the "Poison Doctor" everyone was eager to see, did not appear.

"Excuse me, where is the Poison Doctor?" Black Shark asked looking at the young girl.

"There's no one here but me." Fixing her eyes on the man's wound, the girl didn't turn to face him.

Everyone shared a look of disbelief, "Are you saying that you are the Poison Doctor?"

This girl looked considerably younger than them. How could she possibly be the renowned Poison Doctor?

But the next moment.

"The title of Poison Doctor is too grand for me." The young girl glanced at them casually, opened the alcohol cap, lit a candle nearby, and said indifferently: "I just enjoy studying a few minor things." Though those minor things could be deadly or cause incomprehensible pain even if they didn't cause death.

However, this was just a small hobby of hers, and it didn't mean much.

As for the title, well…

Upon hearing the girl's words, everyone was shocked. Even the injured man showed a slight change in his eyes.

In fact, many people did not know; many years ago, the 'Poison' was her, but the 'Doctor' was her master, Mu Jue.

Mu Jue was kind-hearted and spent a few months every year wandering in the outside world, in villages, in the city, sometimes taking her along, sometimes going alone.

He didn't like the hustle and bustle of the metropolis but wished to help those in need with his medical skills.

However, compared to practicing medicine, Mu Lin preferred researching different kinds of poisons. Mu Jue couldn't do anything about this, but luckily, her medical skills were not bad either.

After repeatedly telling her not to research poisons and seeing no results, he gave up and let her continue.


"Take off your pants."