

An orphan girl that has a power that not everybody in the world has. From this day on, she is different. She will need time to control her power. In the time of sorrow and sadness, she decided to kill her self but a werewolf man save her life. In that day, she met her one and only "Mate". What is her mysterious power that suddenly awakened? How will she accept her Handsome werewolf mate?

Midnyt_Zun · Fantasy
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309 Chs

Chapter 26

The hallway ends, morphing into a giant room covered in bean bags. A giant, blank wall stretches over twenty feet horizontally, and is about the same height.

From the high ceiling, a projector perches in its nest at the back of the room, shooting high definition images through the air to the blank space.

To the side, there is a marvelous food station, vending machines stocked with every sort of candy and drink imaginable. A popcorn station is right next to that, and a platter of delectable hotdogs.

But the star of the show is the plate of juicy steak, surrounded by a ring of eternal glory.

My mouth waters at the sight. How is this amount of food even possible?

"Hey Berenice," a similarly mouthwatering voice speaks near my ear, causing me to jump.


"Um, yeah, that's me," he laughs, emerging into my line of vision.