
Mate to the vampire

“I don’t know all of the details, only that you’re in danger. The life you’ve been leading is now over.” He said to me. “What kind of danger?” I asked with fear written all over my face. Clara Darlington is a strong and independent scientist and single mother who is used to fighting for what she wants and protecting her daughter, Jane. But when a dangerous stranger arrives and tells her that she is in danger, she is forced to make a choice: marry him or risk her life and Jane's. The stranger, Taki, is a three-hundred-year-old vampire who claims to be Clara's fated mate. He is also the leader of a secret society of vampire protectors who are sworn to keep humans safe from evil. He is kind and protective of Clara Clara doesn't believe in vampires, but she is willing to do whatever it takes to protect Jane. Will she agree to marry Taki? Or, will she stand against all odds and fight for herself and her daughter?

Deborah_Olawale_8913 · Fantasy
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45 Chs

Chapter 39


He knotted one hand in my hair to angle my head more to his liking. He fought a groan as my sweet body arched up into the hard planes of his. I was he could even feel the heat from the brand at my hip.

Almost panting, he broke our kiss, staring in male satisfaction at my bemused gaze and swollen lips.

The arrogance on his face brought me back to reality, or partially back, anyway. My shields were useless against him. Damn it. I was out of my element, desperately turned on, and my heart was vulnerable. And vulnerable in a way I arrogantly thought I would be able to avoid. The last frightened me, and fear slid into anger. I moved against him, tried to keep my eyes from falling back in my head, and rebelled. "So"—my voice aimed for sarcastic but the breathiness probably ruined it—"am I tamed yet?"