

Alpha Aston heard the door of his chambers open and footsteps followed. He turned around to see Violet's smiling face.

"Why did you come in without knocking!" He yelled and she gasped.

"I I'm so..rry" She stuttered and tears clouded her eyes.

"Arrange those things into their place and get out of my chambers!" He barked.

Violet went down and picked all the stuff on the floor and arranged them back on his study table, hot tears poured out her eyes as she arranged them into their place.

She couldn't just wait to be done with all this so she could get out of his room. Alpha Aston is always cold towards her no matter what.

For a minute he acts so lovelily and the next minute his cold self comes back and takes control over his body.

She is done with the arrangements. She wiped off her tears, went over to his bathroom, quickly grabbed his used clothes, and ran out of his room. She tried all she could to hold back her tears until she got to her chambers.