
Chapter 60; YOU BELONG TO ME

He squeezed her breast softly and she squeezed her eyes shut tightly.

The ruffling of clothing chimed behind her and she thought of stopping at a point.

The bed dipped and Blake came up behind her. The tip of his swollen phallus nudged her opening. She spread her thighs wider as wide as she could, readying herself to take the full length and girth of him.

Her pussy hung in the balance. Finally, she was going to have him again. After he drove her crazy last time she wanted to feel the same way again.

"You gonna have this on a condition." She whispered in his ear. He wanted to withdraw at first but his young daddy said otherwise.

"What do you want?" He asked bitting her neck gently.

"We gonna have this all the time. Anytime I want." She replied slowly.

"W..ha..t..." He stuttered.

"Then you have to stop." She twirled her hand around his nipple.