
Chapter 35; SCARY MALE

"I understand," he sighed. "But what about your parents? I feel you are too young to be striving so much on your own."

She laughed. "I'm not seventeen. I'm twenty-one plus. So I'm not a kid. My parents are fine. Living their lives while I live mine and I'm frankly ok. I'm not complaining. I've never depended on them anyway."

"If you say so" he shrugged off. "But know that I'm always here for you. And perhaps, that's if you don't mind I can teach you how to drive on your free days." He smiled and honked at a car that blocked his path and the car zoomed off letting him whirl into the left part of the road.

"Really?" She exclaimed staring curiously at him. "Hey, watch out!" She suddenly exclaimed sighting a bus that was moving to them at high speed and matching the brake quickly he whirled the steering and jumped into a nearby field. "Shit! That was close."

"It sure was. Are you ok?" He asked staring tenderly at her.

"Yea, I'm fine. What about you?"