

Little Lyndon stirred open his eyes at dusk and rubbed his still weary eyes. He yawned a little loudly and climbed down from his little bed. Looking around as if looking for something or perhaps someone his little cute face shaped into a frown. "Mum" he called strolling out. He got to the room just a few steps from his room and tapped softly on the door. "Mum, it's little Lyndon. Can I come in pweese" he whispered and tapped on the door once more but got no response. Sighing he pushed the door and it unlocked on its own revealing an empty room with no one in it. From the images of him and Violet that were hung on the wall and the room which was decorated in all pink one could tell that it is Violet's bedroom. And it happens that she's still addicted to pink color cause starting from the drawer, pillowcases down to her flip-flops were all in pink. "Mum." He walked into the bathroom and yet she wasn't there.