

It's the fourth day now since Lyndon slipped into a coma which is the exact 72 hours Alpha Aston gave them to revive his son. He had for some reason started counting the days from the next day and yet the day has come. How time flies.

It is the third day that Tabitha has stayed in the dungeon and also the third day that Chad and Layla found out that they are mates and had heated sexual intercourse.

It's not been easy for Violet bearing not hearing her son speak for four days now and also hasn't been easy for Alpha Aston.

Sometimes even after she's been consoled by him she still ends up soaking herself to tears. No one knows when she does that because she always does in the middle of the night.

They had gone to visit Lyndon in the hospital yesterday, Violet cried all through.

Alpha Aston tried his best not to let them go because he didn't want her to find out the state Lyndon is in but then ladies got a way of having whatever they want.