
Chapter 158; I'M READY

"Lyndon told me that he forgot his watch and that I should please help him get it. I tried to call my Majesty's attention to that but she wouldn't give me a listening ear so I told Lyndon to rush and join her while I rush inside and get his watch."

"He obliged and immediately rushed off while I dropped everything in my hand and rushed back inside. I strolled straight to the couch we earlier sat, picked up the watch, and just as I turned to leave my ear picked up a statement her father made to someone over the phone."

"He first said 'hello Blake.' Then he continued. 'She is not far away from my house right now. Do all you have to do. She must not get back to that castle.' Those were the exact words he said and ended the call."

"I rushed out immediately with Lyndon's watch and the other things I initially dropped on the floor and tried alerting my Majesty that there is danger but she wouldn't still listen to me."