
Chapter 139; TRAPS AND FLAGS

Alpha Aston while going knew that he doesn't know where he is headed but then just wanted to trust his instinct to need him to her.

He walked through several trees, several routes and so many others but yet didn't give up even though he knew his chance of success was so tiny.

Chad on his part just didn't want to come off as a bad guard or friend or whatever he takes him as so he just kept quiet and kept following his lead.

Nightfall was almost on them yet they haven't even seen a trace that will show them that they are on the right track.

Chad wasn't walking fast anymore. He was drawing his feet. He's human after all and humans get tired.

But then he isn't just human so he wasn't as tired as a normal human would be after walking such a distance.

Alpha Aston could feel the tiredness of Chad and so being kind enough stopped for them to rest a little bit but then while they were resting he remembered that they've been using their human strength so why not shift?