
Mate Bond

Zhang family pack and Han family pack both being strongest but they have never associated with each other as both of their territory are really far from each other. What happens when Zhang Feng and Han Zhan falls in love with each other in human world? And they both have no idea they are werewolves and possible future mates to each other. They both think that they should be faithful towards their mate and can not be with each other.

DaoistvQ4rjP · Fantasy
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4 Chs


Supernatural world always has been hidden from the human beings world which is separated by the barriers of the magic which cannot be seen by human and neither can be cross by them. There can be supernatural being beside you but you will never know of it. As they are bounded by law to never show power to humans otherwise they will be punish by their ruler. Supernatural beings consists of witches and wizards, Vampires and Werewolves.

The kingdom of witches and wizards is rule by 12 elders. The elders are the most powerful witch and wizard who can cast spell without any wand and can do non-verbal spell. Any witch and wizard who is able to do non-verbal spell without any wand will be elder. With just their hand movement and their eyes they are able to caste a spell.

The kingdom of Vampires is rule by the five clan. Wilson clan in north ,Kim clan in south, sidorov clan in east, Lin clan in west and Wang clan in central. Every head of clan posses the special powers and is change in every thousand year. Vampires who have their soulmate are more powerful then normal one who does not have. At the age of 99 they will know if they have soulmate or not. Rose mark will appear on their wrist if they have soulmate at the age of 99.

The kingdom of Werewolves is rule by 10 major packs. Among 10 there are two strongest pack which rule even the four remaining pack near their regions. Alpha of 10 major packs posses special power like clan head of vampires. They pass down their position of alpha when their heir is at the age of 199 year.

White moon pack and Black moon pack are the strongest pack among 10 major packs. As their name of the pack -white moon pack, their alpha family (Zhang family) have white wolves and black moon pack, their alpha family (Han family) have black wolves.

Zhang family rule over four major family near their territory which are Yin family, Li family, Huang Family and Mu family. Han family also rule over four major family near their territory which are Chen family, Yang family ,Su family and Zhao family.

Zhang family and Han family both being strongest but they have never associated with each other as both of their territory are really far from each other.

I have read many novels of werewolves but never had seen some chinese character in them. So i had made my own universe of chinese character werewolves. Hope you guys will enjoy it. It is my first novel so there can be error in it. Hope you guys will forgive for my mistake.

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