
Mate and Deception: Gifted Werewolf Book 3

What is real? What is false? What is truth? What is lie? These are the questions Whisper asks herself since she was put into an insane asylum at the age of nine. How do I save her? How do I free her? How do I get her to trust me? How did she get here? These are the questions Zane asks himself when he finds his shy mate who jumps away from his touch for fear of hurting him. Whisper and Zane are opposites: one is quiet the other playful, one is terrified while the other will go on fighting the world. While Whisper finds Zane intriguing, she is afraid. Not of him, never! But of the past. Of the one who put her in the asylum in the first place. Zane and his close circle within his pack work hard to free his mate of a fate possibly worse than death, for why would anyone want to be called insane and a murderer? Will Zane gain her trust in time? Will Whisper be able to accept that she is normal and not a killer? Or, will her nightmares come to life and rip them apart forever?

Patricia_Levy · Fantasy
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38 Chs


Zane's pack was losing fairly quickly. Will's men were tough and hard to kill, making the men tired more quickly. Even though they were losing, Zane saw one bright spot: Rovell, Whisper's Doctor from the facility and Reed's old pack doctor, was dead. The only leader that remained was Will who was currently fighting against five of Zane's men. Zane knew he had to quickly end this battle or his pack would be weak.

He locked eyes with Reed and they understood each other. As if they'd fought for years, they charged at once towards Will, taking out his men along the way. Zane's men who were currently fighting the guy moved out of the way as Zane and Reed pounced on him. Will growled and shifted, but Zane was on top of him, clawing furiously at his underbelly and chest. Will howled in pain but didn't give up.

He clawed at Zane with such ferocity, it was almost too fast for the naked eye. But Zane didn't notice the wounds because he leaned forward and bit into Will's throat, biting down hard on his windpipe. After a moment, the man's body went limp and all fighting ceased. Reed backed away from Zane, seeing the wildness in his eyes and not wanting any part of it.

Nico rushed forward and tried to calm him, but Zane only snapped his jaws at him, narrowly missing Nico's ear. When no one else came close, he shifted and glared at the people before him. "This is my pack! How dare you go against me!" he snarled to the many of Will's men, at least thirty of them. "If it weren't for the fact that I have a mate who is nearly dead, I'd rip all of you apart!"

Someone laughed and Zane turned towards the sound. A man came up and the Alpha instantly recognized it as ne of Will's friends. He said, "Your mate is the reason we're here! Just because Will is dead does not mean we will stop."

Zane smirked. "Then why have you?"

The man was about to answer when his neck was broken by Reed from behind. Letting the body drop, he dusted his hands off. "Anyone else?"

Three men jumped forward, surrounding the two alphas. Zane shook his head. "Idiots! Do you not understand that when an Alpha is pissed, you stay away?"

He lunged for the two in front of him and slit their throats with his claws while Reed plunged his own hand into the chest of the third and brought out a heart. The rest of the men bowed their heads in submission.

"Nico, Anton, Thaddeus, help round the rest up and get them into the cells. We'll interrogate them later." They nodded and Zane closed his eyes. He had left Simone with Whisper earlier this morning, now it was dark. He was exhausted, wounded, and still had a bunch of work to do before everything was alright again.

"Zane?" he heard Reed say hesitantly.

"I need to be alone," he muttered and walked away. Taking out his phone, he dialed Moe's number. He got four rings, then voicemail. His anger spiking, he called again.

This time, there was only two rings before it was answered. "Zane?"

"Simone?" Zane said, confused. "Where's Moe?"

"Oh Goddess!" she cried. "Zane, he's dead. He died at the airport fighting off five men while the pilot tried getting us into the air! I'm so sorry!"

Silently, the Alpha thanked Moe for his loyalty. "Simone, where are you?"

"My mother's pack. We got here safely."

"Both of you are there?"


He sighed a breath of relief. "Okay, has she woken up yet?"

"N-no," Simone stuttered.

"What is wrong?" he asked, sensing her worry about something. "Simone, is she okay?"

"If you mean screaming at the top of her lungs for help and for someone to stop is okay, then yes. But, she won't wake up…"

"Shit!" Zane hissed and headed back to his home. "Simone, I can't do anything right now, but if she starts to do it again, hold her limbs down. Make sure she doesn't hurt herself."

"What's happening?"

"I can't explain. I'll try to get out of here as soon as I can, but I'm not sure when that'll be."

Nico appeared in front of him, stopping Zane in his tracks. "Go."

"I can't."

"Go, Zane. The pack will be fine. Will and Rovell are dead, the prisoners are locked up. Right now, Whisper needs you more than we do."

"I can't leave you—"

"Damn it!" Nico growled. "Just go get her! Ger her and bring her back! We both know what might happen if she wakes up and doesn't see you."

Defeated, Zane sighed and put the phone up. "Simone, I'm on my way."

"You are?" she asked hopefully.

He nodded even though she couldn't see him. "I am."

After he hung up, he went and packed an overnight bag with his clothes and some for Whisper in case she woke up. He told Nico he'd only be there as long as he needed to be then return. Nico just had to watch out for the pack and start the necessary changes that happen after a battle. When he was finished, Reed helped him onto a plane and they headed towards Simone's mother's pack.

It was a quiet ride, which gave Zane time to close his eyes and sleep. He was grateful the girls had gotten there safely, just wished Moe had gone with all the way. He would have at least been able to sit with Whisper when no one else could. Moe was the only man he trusted with Whisper, besides Nico. He didn't even trust Anton as much as he trusted those two, mostly because Moe had a mate and Nico was a gentleman.

When the plane landed five hours later, he was met by a beautiful woman, older than him. "Hello, Alpha Zane," she greeted. The woman turned to the other male. "Reed, good to see you."

"Rosetta, long time no see, it seems," Reed replied.

They hugged and when she turned back to Zane, she gestured towards a large building. "Your mate is put into our pack house where she will be more protected. Our pack doctor has his office there, so it's more convenient for him."

"Who's watching her?" Zane asked, trying not to show irritation about the situation his mate was in.

"Usually, my daughter."

"Who's that?"

She turned to him with a look of realization. "I'm sorry, Alpha. Simone is my adoptive daughter. She became my daughter when she became Luna of Reed's pack."

"I see," he said and they continued. They only passed a corner when he heard it. "Whisper!" he hissed and ran ahead toward the sound of her screaming.

"No! Stop! Please! Stop!"

He slammed open the door to her room and saw Simone trying her best to hold Whisper down, but was being thrown around in the process. He strode forward and nodded to her, then took her place. He grabbed Whisper's wrists and held them to his chest, then hauled her up so her face was in his chest. "I'm here, Little Wolf. It's okay, Whisper. I'm here," he breathed into her hair.

She cried, but stopped struggling. Whisper let out small whimpers and incoherent words as her tears soaked his shirt. Her body shook, but soon became relaxed against his, her fists flattened out on his chest and she snuggled her nose into his shirt as if sensing he was there.

Just being near her, his wounds started to heal like her wounds healed when he rescued her. He could feel less pain and more energy flowing into him as he poured the same kind of energy into Whisper's body. He kissed her hair and rubbed her back gently. "I'm here now, Little Wolf."

"Well, damn!" He heard Reed breath from the doorway. "It's like watching myself with Simone all over again!"

Simone smacked his chest and smiled. "That's the fastest she's calmed down."

Zane glanced at her. "How many times has she gotten like this?"

"Twice. She slept for a good two or three hours in between though."

Zane shook his head. "Goddess, that's worse than before!" He pulled Whisper into his arms and stood up, going to the bathroom. "If someone from my pack needs something, tell them it can wait until I'm finished."

Reed nodded right as Zane kicked the bathroom door shut.

The Alpha laid Whisper on the ground and took off her hospital gown, then started the bath water, making sure it was warm. He took his shirt and pants off, then picked her up and got in, setting her in front between his legs. Whisper gave a light shiver before relaxing as Zane poured handfuls of water over her chest, keeping one hand around her waist at all times.

She didn't wake, but by now, Zane hadn't expected her to. She was breathing and calm, that's all he wanted. That's all he cared about. He grabbed a soft wash cloth and washed her body, then her hair. When he finished, he made them lie back slowly so the water was up to her shoulders as he held her.

He began to retell the story she loved, calmly whispering it in her ear while playing with her wet hair. He nuzzled her neck as he spoke, caressing her soft skin with his nose. He told her she was truly safe now. Her brother was dead as well as Rovell, they couldn't come to hurt her anymore. He said that her nightmares were now only nightmares, which he would always help her defeat. He promised her everything he said was true and that they would go home in the morning. He told her he loved her.