
matchless Sword God

A skilled ancient warrior from Earth is reborn in the Spirit Martial Continent, shattering his inner barriers and resuming his cultivation. He seeks vengeance for his family's long-standing feud, obliterating his enemies with the Stellar Absorption Technique, Sword Art, and various ancient martial arts. Amidst demons and spirits, he navigates through love and hatred, aiming to dominate and establish his martial prowess as a supreme expert of both earthly and heavenly realms. With his sword in hand, Jiang Yun severs all obstacles and becomes an unparalleled Sword God. There are three realms of human martial arts: Body Martial, Qi Martial, and Yuan Martial; three realms of earthly martial arts: True Martial, Profound Martial, and Void Martial; and three realms of heavenly martial arts: Honored Martial, Emperor Martial, and Divine Martial.

DaoistUz6A8r · Eastern
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110 Chs

A clean and decisive victory.

Facing the six members of the Yanyue Sect, Jiang Yun emitted a sword intent with his Swordforce enveloping the surroundings. He stood his ground in terms of momentum, and the Qingping Sword let out a low hum in its scabbard, seemingly resonating with Jiang Yun's battle spirit.

Chen Si and the other five members of the Yanyue Sect also sensed the pressure from Jiang Yun's sword intent. The external disciples of the Heavenly Sword Sect, apart from Zhou Zi Yue, were concerned for Jiang Yun. After all, he represented the highest strength of the external disciples.

For a moment, the scene fell into complete silence.

Suddenly, a breeze blew by, lifting Jiang Yun's hair at the forehead. He raised his head, his eyes radiating a chilling intent.


The Qingping Sword suddenly unsheathed, its sound resembling a resounding dragon's roar from the ninth heaven. The dazzling sunlight shone upon the edge of the Qingping Sword, reflecting a brilliant light. Leveraging this gleam, Jiang Yun took action.

With Jiang Yun's movement, all eyes were on him. Everyone's focus was fixed on Jiang Yun, who was swiftly moving with the Qingping Sword. However, hardly anyone saw how he closed the distance and approached the members of the Yanyue Sect.

"Such swift footwork!"

Following Jiang Yun's action, Yang Jin Yan saw Jiang Yun rush towards the six members of the Yanyue Sect like a shadow, and he couldn't help but exclaim in astonishment.

Chen Si and the other five members were also startled by Jiang Yun's rapid approach. Although there were originally six or seven meters between them and Jiang Yun, in the moment he unsheathed his sword, Jiang Yun took a step and crossed that distance, arriving right beside them.

Anxious, they disregarded their original tactics. Some boldly moved towards Jiang Yun, while others remained cautious. Although the members of the Yanyue Sect acted in haste, there was still a certain level of coordination among them.

Chen Si, among the members of the Yanyue Sect, possessed the highest strength. He assumed the role of the foremost attacker. As Jiang Yun closed in, his spiritual energy surged. He performed a peculiar movement with his hands in front of his chest, arranging his spiritual energy into a visible shield in front of him.

A disdainful smile played on Jiang Yun's lips. Just as Chen Si faced Li Da Dan earlier, the immense power of Swordforce was beyond their imagination.


As soon as Chen Si's spiritual energy shield came into contact with the edge of the Qingping Sword, it produced a sound like the popping of a bubble. The shield was forcibly shattered and quickly dissipated into the air.

Chen Si felt a shock in his heart. His spiritual energy shield, at the Elemental Martial Layer Seven, should not have been easily destroyed by a single strike, even by a martial artist of the Elemental Martial Layer Nine. Yet, Jiang Yun had effortlessly shattered it. Could it be that Jiang Yun had already reached the Earth Martial Realm?

Of course, Jiang Yun was not an Earth Martial Realm martial artist. However, Swordforce had always been the most powerful attack technique on the Ling Wu Continent. Jiang Yun's Swordforce had undergone a mutation, integrating the internal energy from the Yi Jin Jing, resulting in his unique Swordforce, which was exceptionally potent.

Therefore, Chen Si's spiritual energy shield might work against other Elemental Martial Realm martial artists, but it was not effective against Jiang Yun. After breaking through Chen Si's shield, Jiang Yun's sword tip quickly tapped beneath Chen Si's armpit.

Swordforce instantly entered Chen Si's body, charging towards his dantian like a fierce tiger descending from a mountain. The dantian was the root of a martial artist's spiritual energy. If Swordforce entered Chen Si's dantian and churned around, he might need several months to recover.

Nevertheless, Chen Si was still an Elemental Martial Layer Seven martial artist. Although he had no resistance when facing Jiang Yun, he was by no means a weakling. He made a quick decision, mobilizing his internal spiritual energy to counterattack the invading Swordforce.

However, by doing so, Jiang Yun had already achieved his goal. With Chen Si focused on countering the Swordforce within his own body, he couldn't afford to divert his attention to deal with Jiang Yun. This allowed Jiang Yun to confidently engage the other five members of the Yanyue Sect.

The other five were weaker than even Chen Si, making them no match for Jiang Yun. Coupled with Jiang Yun's incredible speed, he weaved between the five individuals, and each one of them could barely touch the corner of his clothes.

Each time Jiang Yun closed in, a flash of sword light accompanied his movement, with the suddenness of this sword light making it nearly impossible for anyone to dodge.


As Jiang Yun's sword light flickered, one of the Yanyue Sect members fell to his knees with a cry of agony, collapsing to the ground. Before the sound even faded, Jiang Yun had already dashed towards the next person, wasting no time.

Jiang Yun's speed was incredibly swift. The members of the Yanyue Sect couldn't catch a glimpse of his figure while they stood still like targets, allowing Jiang Yun to cut them down effortlessly.

Jiang Yun's speed was indeed remarkable. The Dugu Nine Swords technique was a sword art that could rival the Sunflower Scripture. While it might be slightly inferior in speed to the Sunflower Scripture, it was still one of the fastest sword techniques in the world. The Sunflower Scripture, after all, was the fastest martial art on Earth in his previous life.

From the moment Jiang Yun took action, to when he shattered Chen Si's spiritual energy shield with a single sword strike, and to the Yanyue Sect members falling one after another, all of this happened in the blink of an eye, within a mere three minutes. Jiang Yun's speed left the onlooking external disciples of the Heavenly Sword Sect dumbfounded.

Although Wang Kai Hai was the first to support Jiang Yun, after witnessing everything unfold, he felt a pang in his heart. Jiang Yun's displayed strength was truly disheartening.

Apart from Wang Kai Hai, who had regarded Jiang Yun as a target from the beginning and now felt a hit to his ego, the other external disciples took it lightly. They had always seen Jiang Yun as a monster, so witnessing his extraordinary power didn't evoke a strong reaction. They were now cheering as they saw Jiang Yun's might.

Before Jiang Yun took action, almost everyone believed it was impossible for him to defeat six opponents single-handedly. However, not only did Jiang Yun take on all six opponents, but he also triumphed in a swift and clean manner, utterly overwhelming them. This amazing display of strength left the external disciples of the Heavenly Sword Sect in awe.

As the Yanyue Sect members fell one after another, Chen Si also observed everything. He felt a mixture of shame and urgency. His impulsive reaction was not favorable. He had been focusing all his efforts on countering the Swordforce that had entered his body. However, in this moment of distraction, his internal spiritual energy dissipated, allowing the Swordforce to burst through his spiritual energy and penetrate his dantian, causing turbulence in his dantian and overturning his spiritual energy.


As his spiritual energy was churned, Chen Si's face turned pale. His throat itched, and he spewed a mouthful of blood.

Originally, Chen Si, along with the external disciples of the Yanyue Sect, had come to humiliate the disciples of the Heavenly Sword Sect. They had indeed taken advantage of Chen Si's strength to mock the Heavenly Sword Sect's disciples before Jiang Yun appeared.

However, with Jiang Yun's arrival, they found themselves being humiliated in return. Just the thought of this reaching that person's ears was distressing. Overwhelmed by this realization, Chen Si spat out blood twice in succession due to his agitated state of mind.

"I'm not targeting you specifically; I'm saying that everyone present is trash."

Returning to Chen Si's side, Jiang Yun repeated this classic line from Master Duan Shui Liu, causing Chen Si to feel infuriated once again.

"Trash, all of Yanyue Sect is trash!"

The external disciples of the Heavenly Sword Sect joined in, recalling the Yanyue Sect's arrogant demeanor before and contrasting it with Chen Si's pitiful appearance now. They felt a sense of satisfaction.


Chen Si spat out blood once more, his vision darkening as he collapsed onto the ground, unconscious.