
Mastery: pokemon

AU from Unova league. 4 years after being betrayed by many of his friends following a significant loss, Ash is competing in the 1st ever tournament to crown a Pokemon Master. But as Ash and company battle, something else is with them. What is it that is going so wrong, and what connection does it have to a mysterious incident during those missing years of his life?

infinite_red · Anime & Comics
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10 Chs

chapter 2

Ash, Dawn, and Sam entered the Pokemon Center, having arrived at the Indigo Plateau on their respective Flying types only moments ago. Heads turned as the three walked in; the tall, muscled man in a black T-shirt and jeans on the left flank, the beautiful brunette in jean vest and pink skirt on the right flank, and the lanky, average height but the well-toned young man in the jeans and the strange attention-catching blue vest with matching cap and shoulder-mounted Pikachu in the lead.

The Nurse Joy behind the counter perked up as the threesome approached. "Can I help you?"

"Hi, we're here to register for the Mastery Cup?"

"Of course, can I just have your Pokédex for reference?"

Ash and Dawn reached into their pockets and brought out their Dexes, handing them across the counter to the nurse.

"Thank you, and you sir?" she asked, looking over at Sam.

"Oh, I'm not competing, I'm here as one of the expert VIPs."

"Oh," the nurse replied, startled, "well I'll just get you situated first and…"

"No that's alright, I'm traveling with them. I can wait."

"Alright then," the nurse replied, clearly confused but deciding to just go with it. Let's see now, Ms. Dawn Berlitz? Which side of the tournament did you want to register for?"

"The contests, thank you."

"Ah, yes, that makes sense from this record. And Mr. Ketchum, I'm guessing you're going for the battle title?"

"That's right."

"Very well then. You're all set. Here are room assignments for the three of you. Enjoy your stay and good luck in the tournament."

"Thanks," Ash replied distractedly. He'd sensed a reaction nearby when Nurse Joy had mentioned his name. Now he had the distinct feeling he was being watched. With Dawn and Sam on his heels, he walked away from the desk and out of the center, communicating with Pikachu silently all the way.

"We're being watched."


"It's coming from above. Feels like a pokemon, but it reacted when Nurse Joy mentioned my name."

"Want me to fry it?"

"Just give it a mild shock to let it know we know it's watching. 8 O'clock about 20 feet up."

Pikachu started sparking on Ash's shoulder before leaping into the air and letting loose.


The bolt of electricity streaked forward striking the purple form which had been hovering and leaving it slightly dazed.

"Cro- Cro-"

"A Crobat?" Sam asked, seeing Pikachu's target.

"Wait a minute, I know this Crobat. This is-"


Ash turned at the voice to see a young man in a green and orange vest running up, stopping several meters away as Ash brought a cold glare to bear on him, Pikachu sparking his cheeks again.

"What do you want, Brock?"

"Ash wait, please, let me explain."

The temptation to let loose some of his anger was huge, but Dawn's hand on his arm stopped him.

"You can sense it, Ash. There's something important he wants to explain, and he has no hostile intentions. Maybe we should hear him out."

Ash let out a breath through his nose and folded his arms together over his chest.

"You've got five minutes, Brock."

Brock looked both relieved and grateful, though whether that was for Ash granting him the time or for his words slowing the sparks dancing across Pikachu's red cheeks nobody could tell.

"Ash, I'm so sorry about what happened all those years ago. I had no idea the others were planning on doing that to you."

"And yet you were the one who questioned my decision to go to another region!"

"To go right away! I was trying to say you might want to take some time with your other pokemon first, train them and spend some time with them because I thought that might be part of the problem you were having! I would have said something then, but I was shocked by what happened. I went looking for you, but I didn't find you. I've kept an ear out for you ever since, but the most I've ever heard were whispers."

Ash narrowed his eyes channeling his senses to read Brock's aura, but seeing no deception on his part. Ash's eyes drifted closed, feeling a keen sense of relief. Of all of his old friends, Brock's betrayal had been one of the worst. Ash had traveled with him so long, been through so much with him. He'd looked up to him as a big brother. To find out that he hadn't meant to betray him, that he'd been trying to give him advice that he'd learned himself later was correct, meant so much to him.

"I believe you, Brock." He said softly.

The look of sheer relief positively lit up Brock's face. Ash could see that his old friend had been plagued by that question.

"Thank you, Ash. Thank you so much. I don't know why you'd be able to believe me after everything, but I'm grateful for it all the same.

Ash gave him a grin. "I believe you Brocko because I can see you're telling the truth."

Brock grinned at the old nickname but looked puzzled when Ash finished the sentence. "What do you mean Ash?"

"You remember Riley, the aura guardian, not to mention our little rollercoaster ride at the Tree of Beginning?"

"There are much much easier things to forget."

That drew snickers from the rest of the group. "Yes, I suppose there are. Anyway, we met up with Riley again. With some help from him and some of our pokemon, you're looking at the two newest members of the Order of Aura Guardians." Ash finished with a gesture to Dawn.

Brock looked stunned. "R-Really? Both of you can use aura? The odds of that have to be…"

"Nonexistent." Dawn cut him off with a grin. "I didn't have the ability naturally. But some aura guardians can help someone who is tremendously close to them find the ability."

Brock's face broke into a grin. "And by close you mean…"

Ash and Dawn grinned at each other and held up their hands, the matching gleams coming from their ring fingers unmistakable.

"You guys are married!"

"Engaged. We haven't even set a date yet, we've been a little busy since the proposal…."

"But," Dawn cut her fiancé off, grabbing his still-raised arm and pulling him around to face her, we'll get to that very soon."

"Too right we will," Ash said with a grin as he gazed at Dawn with a beatific, semi-glazed look on his face.

"Don't mind them, they've been like this since the proposal. If they keep it up too long Pikachu will shock 'em. Sam Mosely." Sam stepped forward with his hand outstretched.

Brock was startled by the name. "Mosely? THE Sam Mosely? The famous Pokemon strategist?"

"No, I just share his name, face, and pokemon. But I'm better looking than that other one."

"You'll have to excuse him," Ash said, coming out of his stupor with Dawn. "His sense of humor is a little bit warped," Sam replied to this with a punch to the shoulder.

"So those rumors of you having a protégé, they were true? And it was Ash?"

"Not exactly," Sam replied. "Why don't you come with us to get something to eat and we'll explain."

Brock looked at the other to who grinned and nodded.

"Sounds good to us," Dawn replied. "Besides we want to hear how you've been and what you're doing here. Doesn't strike me as your cup of tea."

"Oh, you'll find out why I'm here tonight at the opening ceremony."

Ash and Dawn stood together in an immense crowd, watching as fireworks exploded in the night sky. They'd enjoyed their day with Brock, who described the process he'd had to undergo to achieve his position as a Pokemon doctor. But now they were here for the opening ceremony, where the actual tournament itself would be described. Ash, Dawn, and everyone else in the huge crowd looked up as the voice of the announcer sounded across the stadium.

"Good evening everyone. Welcome to the first Pokemon Mastery Cup Tournament! Here to describe exactly how this tournament will work is Pokemon's League President Charles Good show!"

The familiar diminutive figure got up on the podium at the front of the crowd and began to speak.

"Welcome! Now, many of you have heard the term Pokemon Master in the past, but there has been no meaning to it. There are trainers, elites, champions, but the actual moniker of being the best of the best hasn't been given out because there has been no way to determine it. Well, the Pokemon league has spent the last several years hard at work developing this competition, and we are quite satisfied with the results. Here's how it works:

The competitors are divided into 2 segments for the 2 types of professional pokemon competitions, pokemon battles, and pokemon contests. However, there will be a great deal of crossover between the two to demonstrate the skills and interaction of both trainer and pokemon

The preliminary rounds will be just traditional Pokemon's battling, but they will not have any competitors battling each other. Instead, the competitors will square off against Pokemon league officials who are ineligible for the tournament. The champions are all competing in the tournament, but gym leaders and elite four members with specific types of specialties were deemed ineligible. After all, a Pokemon master would have to be someone who has mastered dealing with Pokemon of every type, not just one. But those ineligible members will be battling you in the preliminaries to determine who will advance to the next round. I warn you though! Unlike in a regular gym battle, the gym leaders' goal is not to help you grow as a trainer, but to knock you out. They will therefore come at you with everything they've got! In addition, which official the trainer will battle, and what kind of battle they will have, and what battlefield they are competing on, are chosen at random. The trainers will find themselves confronted with situations that will force them to compensate on their toes and deal with less than ideal circumstances with little or no warning.

After 3 rounds of this type of battling we move into the 2nd stage, where the trainers will find themselves in similar battle circumstances, only pitted against the other competitors.

The exact nature of each battle will be provided to the trainers precisely 30 minutes before the beginning of the battle, so they may select their pokemon within the criteria established for them.

I look forward to seeing the myriad of skilled trainers and welcoming our new master trainer and coordinator.

Let the tournament begin!"

A huge cheer rent the air with the end of Goodshow's speech.

Ash and Dawn looked at each other, the fire in each other's eyes unmistakable. They were here to take this tournament by storm. They would be going home with those titles. In their hearts, they knew it.
