
Mastermind of the Akatsuki

Traveling back to the Yahiko period within the Akatsuki organization, Byakuya initially sought to escape swiftly to avoid becoming a victim of the rise of Pain. However, he unintentionally acquired a system bound to the Akatsuki organization. This system offered rewards as long as the Akatsuki organization grew and developed. To prevent the Akatsuki organization from being obliterated, Byakuya had to take charge of guiding its development, steering it onto a completely different trajectory. When Hanzo and Danzo joined forces to crush the Akatsuki organization, they were astonished to discover its newfound strength, capable of challenging even the Hidden Rain Village. Many years later, the five major ninja nations were taken aback to find that the Akatsuki organization had quietly subverted the entire ninja world, emerging as the uncrowned king of the shinobi realm. All of this was thanks to the man concealed deep within the Akatsuki organization. === I don’t own anything in the novel and English isn’t my primary language. I could rely on feedback to improve myself. Don't ask about Harem since even I don't know yet. Romance would be decided for later. Read advance chapters here: https://www.patreon.com/OberonLA

OberonLA · Anime & Comics
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147 Chs

Chapter 6: Team Kakashi

As Byakuya and Konan lurked in ambush within the Rock Hideout, a Leaf Shinobi team was hot on the enemy's trail.

Their jounin leader spearheaded the assault on the enemy stronghold, their mission critical: to sever the enemy's communication lines.

However, for the silver-haired youth at the team's helm, it felt more like a chance for their jounin sensei to provide them with battlefield experience.

More precisely, it was an opportunity thrust upon him, burdened by two teammates he viewed as liabilities. Having recently earned his jounin rank, he'd already weathered countless battles. He didn't need this trial by fire to grasp the war's brutality.

"Hey, Kakashi! Why the constant deadpan expression? We're on a mission, remember?" Obito, the black-haired youth sporting goggles, barked at Kakashi's indifferent demeanor, a flicker of annoyance igniting within him.

Kakashi barely registered Obito's thoughts. He darted to a nearby tree, scrutinizing the footprints below. Finishing the mission swiftly was his sole focus.

"Kakashi's attitude really grinds my gears! One of these days, I'll make him pay," Obito grumbled, folding his arms across his chest and glaring at Kakashi's retreating form.

Rin, the brown-haired girl beside him, offered a helpless smile and patted Obito's shoulder in consolation. "Hold on, Obito. You know Kakashi. He's been in a dark place lately."

"Even so, I can't stomach his aloofness. How can the mission possibly outweigh our comrades' well-being?" Obito's voice softened slightly, but the embers of resentment towards Kakashi still smoldered. Feeling a surge of indignation, he quickened his pace to match Kakashi's, both of them examining the enemy's escape route.

Suddenly, a deafening explosion ripped through the distance.

The explosion ignited a spark in Obito's eyes. Without hesitation, he bolted through the forest, drawn towards the source of the blast.

Seeing Obito's impulsive charge, Rin scrambled to follow him, while Kakashi, trailing not far behind, let out a resigned sigh but nonetheless pushed forward. Minato's squad was the only one willing to take him on anymore; ostracized by the others, Obito was a constant source of frustration.

Obito's movements were a blur of speed, and within moments, he had reached the supposed battle zone. Large trees, scarred and splintered by jutsu clashes, surrounded him. His gaze darted around frantically, searching for any sign of the enemy.

Just as Obito was about to launch himself down from the branch, a voice cut through the air, sharp and laced with warning. "Hold it right there. The path ahead is littered with explosive tags I planted. Unless you have a death wish, I suggest you reconsider."

Obito reacted instinctively, leaping backward with a startled yelp. A kunai, snatched from his pouch in a practiced motion, flew forward – just in time to deflect a detonation charm that erupted in a blinding flash.

The shockwave from the blast sent a wave of icy sweat cascading down Obito's back. He cautiously turned his gaze towards the source of the voice, his apprehension solidifying into recognition at the sight of the two figures emerging from the smoke.

Byakuya and Konan. After neutralizing the Iwa-nin squad, Byakuya had picked up on the presence of Kakashi's team. Even before Obito's reckless charge, Byakuya had spotted Kakashi perched on a treetop. The silver hair, the ever-present mask, and the unmistakable Konohagakure headband – it was unmistakable. Kakashi Hatake.

This Kakashi, a prodigy even in his youth, possessed skills that rivaled any jounin. He was a force to be reckoned with, one of Konoha's most promising talents. With Kakashi's identity confirmed, the other young ninja's became clear as well. Obito Uchiha, the very same who would one day lay waste to the entire Akatsuki organization while the Sannin were away on a mission – Obito Uchiha, also known as "Tobi."

The thought of eliminating Obito right here, severing the future threat he posed to Akatsuki, flickered across Byakuya's mind. But after a moment of cool consideration, he opted for a different approach.

Taking out Obito was certainly an option, but even his demise wouldn't guarantee complete eradication of the problem. Nagato and Konan were still very much in the picture. Besides, with Kakashi by Obito's side, a reckless move was almost guaranteed to backfire spectacularly.

More importantly, there was no way Kakashi and Obito would simply allow the Iwa-nin to waltz away from their mission. During the Third Great Ninja War, the only ninja who could force Iwagakure to abandon a mission was the future Fourth Hokage, the legendary "Yellow Flash" – Minato Namikaze.

"Identify yourselves," Byakuya demanded cautiously.

Obito, ever the impulsive one, bristled at being ignored and opened his mouth to speak. But Kakashi, ever the strategist, cut him off with a placating hand.

"We are Konohagakure shinobi," Kakashi began, his voice measured and polite. "We recently dismantled an Iwagakure base in the Land of Grass. In our pursuit, we may have inadvertently crossed into the Land of Rain. We have no hostile intentions and will depart immediately. We sincerely apologize for any offense caused..."

"Hold on," Byakuya interrupted, stroking his chin thoughtfully. "Weren't the ninja we just subdued affiliated with the Grass Village?"

He glanced at Konan beside him, who mirrored his look of confusion.

The tense atmosphere began to dissipate slightly, and Kakashi seized the opportunity to elaborate. "The ninja you just defeated were actually Iwagakure forces masquerading as Grass-nin. Their true objective was to spark a war between the Land of Grass and the Land of Rain, dragging Amegakure into the conflict!"

Byakuya's expression hardened. "While we can't completely trust your word, I will relay this information to Lord Hanzo. However, how can you ensure this isn't some elaborate Konoha scheme? Historical accounts passed down through generations tell us of Konohagakure shinobi waging war on our Rain soil."

Kakashi was momentarily struck speechless.

He too was familiar with the events of the Second Great Ninja War, where the legendary Sannin supposedly suffered defeat at the hands of Hanzo of the Salamander on the very land they now stood upon, a feat that earned them their renowned title.

Even in his absence for several years, Amegakure's formidable leader still held considerable sway over the surrounding nations.

A misunderstanding that painted Konoha in a negative light and strained relations with Amegakure was an unwelcome prospect.

Sensing the eased tension, Byakuya let out a curt scoff and proposed a solution. "Considering your current state, infiltrating the Land of Rain seems beyond your capabilities. Let's call this a truce for now. I'll return and inform Lord Hanzo of the events that transpired here. Be warned, any future trespass into the Land of Rain might result in a personal visit from Lord Hanzo to your Hokage for a… pointed conversation."

With that, Byakuya hoisted the Iwa-nin's body and, alongside Konan, ventured deeper into the Land of Rain, their figures swiftly swallowed by the dense rainforest.

Once Byakuya and Konan were out of sight, Kakashi, who had maintained a stoic facade throughout the encounter, finally exhaled a breath of relief.

His intuition screamed that the blue-haired kunoichi's strength rivaled his own, and the slightly younger boy by her side emanated a sense of immense danger.

It was highly likely that, just like him, they possessed jounin-level abilities despite being barely more than ten years old.

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