
Mastermind of the Akatsuki

Traveling back to the Yahiko period within the Akatsuki organization, Byakuya initially sought to escape swiftly to avoid becoming a victim of the rise of Pain. However, he unintentionally acquired a system bound to the Akatsuki organization. This system offered rewards as long as the Akatsuki organization grew and developed. To prevent the Akatsuki organization from being obliterated, Byakuya had to take charge of guiding its development, steering it onto a completely different trajectory. When Hanzo and Danzo joined forces to crush the Akatsuki organization, they were astonished to discover its newfound strength, capable of challenging even the Hidden Rain Village. Many years later, the five major ninja nations were taken aback to find that the Akatsuki organization had quietly subverted the entire ninja world, emerging as the uncrowned king of the shinobi realm. All of this was thanks to the man concealed deep within the Akatsuki organization. === I don’t own anything in the novel and English isn’t my primary language. I could rely on feedback to improve myself. Don't ask about Harem since even I don't know yet. Romance would be decided for later. Read advance chapters here: https://www.patreon.com/OberonLA

OberonLA · Anime & Comics
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48 Chs

Chapter 32: The destroyed Uzumaki Clan

Several days passed, and Byakuya found himself surprisingly adept at the Uzumaki sealing techniques bestowed by the system. While the Dead Demon Consuming Seal remained a challenge due to its rigorous activation requirements, he'd honed his proficiency with the others.

Repeated practice yielded satisfying results – these seals could effectively hinder White Zetsu's unwelcome intrusions and prying eyes.

However, Byakuya opted for a subtle approach. He refrained from plastering the entire base with these barriers, choosing instead to place them around his own room strategically.

His keen sensory perception, courtesy of the Mind's Eye of the Kagura, allowed him to pinpoint White Zetsu's location, eliminating the need for excessive caution. An overly guarded stance could arouse Madara's suspicion, inadvertently revealing his awareness of White Zetsu's presence.

Maintaining this delicate balance was key.

As for the possibility of White Zetsu breaching his room during his absence, Byakuya had meticulously erased any remnants of his transmigration. His room now contained only a single, innocuous item - a "diary" chronicling Akatsuki's daily activities.

With his room secured, Byakuya made his way to Karen's quarters, his knuckles rapping gently on the door. A flurry of activity ensued from within, followed by Karen's breathless reply moments later. She swung the door open, embarrassment flushing her cheeks.

"Byakuya-sama, why the sudden visit?"

A quick glance at the disarrayed room and Karen's flustered state told Byakuya all he needed to know. He politely closed the door, affording her a moment to compose herself.

A few minutes later, a visibly tidier Karen emerged, round glasses perched on her nose and a scholarly aura replacing her earlier fluster. She ushered Byakuya in, her voice a soft murmur.

"Please excuse the earlier mess, Byakuya-sama. It was quite embarrassing."

"The room wasn't the only thing messy, was it?"

A wry smile shone across Byakuya's lips, but he refrained from saying it aloud. Instead, he opted not to dwell on the situation. His primary objectives were to assess Karen's progress and introduce her to the Uzumaki sealing techniques.

"Don't worry about it."

He replied with a reassuring smile, accepting the steaming cup of tea she offered.

"I came to check on your training and to share some Uzumaki Clan sealing techniques with you."

Karen's eyes gleamed with excitement at the prospect of learning new jutsu.

"Thank you, Byakuya-sama! I'll dedicate myself fully to mastering them."

Byakuya nodded in approval.

"These sealing techniques are powerful tools that will undoubtedly serve you well. Let's begin with the fundamentals and gradually progress to more advanced methods."

Several hours melted away as Byakuya meticulously guided Karen through the intricacies of the Uzumaki clan's sealing techniques. He emphasized each step, ensuring she grasped the principles and could execute them flawlessly.

Her swift learning and dedication impressed him; he had no doubt she'd soon wield these potent abilities with mastery.

As their session concluded, Byakuya offered a final reminder.

"Practice these techniques diligently, Karen. They'll not only safeguard you but also bolster our organization's defenses."

Karen responded with a fervent nod.

"I promise I will, Byakuya-sama. Thank you for entrusting me with this knowledge."

Leaving Karen's room, Byakuya's lips contained a satisfactory smile.

Karen's progress, coupled with the newly acquired sealing techniques, undeniably strengthened their position as a group. This, in turn, would better equip them to face any looming threats.

After all, Nagato's growth had plateaued; their advancement now hinged on nurturing other capable members.

The comfortable silence stretched for a moment too long. Finally, Byakuya broke it.

"Karen, how are you faring with the medical ninjutsu and books I gave you?"

A flicker of surprise crossed Karen's features.

"Is that the real reason for your visit, Byakuya-sama?"

"Yeah, why else?"

He countered with a teasing sip of tea.

"Or perhaps I simply missed having a company of a shut-in girl. It's been a week since I last talked with you."

Karen adjusted her glasses, a sheepish smile tugging at the corners of her lips. Past experiences had instilled a fear of venturing outside the base.

Coupled with the convenience of living within its walls, where tending to the occasional patient ensured her survival, she saw no reason to leave.

"I've finished reading the medical books, Byakuya-sama, and I even mastered the Mystical Palm Technique!"

She said, a small white mouse suddenly materializing in her hand. With a practiced flick of her wrist, she made a shallow cut on the creature's leg. Emitting a vibrant green glow from her palm, she swiftly healed the wound, leaving the mouse none the worse for wear.

Byakuya gaped in astonishment. Mastering the Mystical Palm Technique – an A-rank jutsu – was no small feat.

It spoke volumes of Karen's aptitude for medical knowledge. A prodigy in the field, she undoubtedly possessed an exceptional talent for healing.

However, despite achieving such an accomplishment, her system evaluation remained unchanged. This development piqued Byakuya's curiosity.

A shadow of disappointment clouded Karen's face as she noticed Byakuya's bewilderment.

"D-does that mean I wasn't good enough? I... I've only managed to learn this one jutsu so far. I'm still struggling with the others."

Now Byakuya understood. He'd made a mistake in his haste.

"No, Karen. Don't misunderstand. Mastering the Mystical Palm Technique is a remarkable achievement. It speaks about your talent for medical ninjutsu."

He paused, then inquired.

"But, why haven't you master defensive jutsu for your own protection?"

Karen shook her head in response.

"No, Byakuya-sama. I've been entirely focused on mastering the medical ninjutsu you provided. There wasn't any mention of learning other types of jutsu."

Byakuya nodded, a flicker of understanding passing through his eyes.

"That explains it. While medical ninjutsu is invaluable, it's equally important to equip yourself with techniques to ensure your safety."

Her sole focus on medical techniques had left her vulnerable in terms of self-defense.

Karen was still confused.

"But Byakuya-sama, you only instructed me to study the medical books and learn medical ninjutsu on my own. There wasn't anything mentioned about other forms of training."

Byakuya now know everything. Karen hadn't received any instructions regarding combat-oriented jutsu. No wonder her system evaluation remained stagnant at chuunin level.

Her strength hadn't increased – a crucial step toward achieving jounin rank.

However, his decision to share the Uzumaki sealing techniques remained a sound one.

"Good. Now, pack your things. We're heading to the training ground."

Karen's eyes widened.

"The training ground?"

"Yup. Nagato trains there daily, and you'll be joining him. You've been cooped up indoors for too long. And yes… you have gained some weight too."

Karen's hand instinctively flew to her stomach, and she sighed dramatically after a quick inspection in the mirror.

"Gained weight?" Karen immediately became alert. After checking herself in the mirror, she sighed, "I have gained a bit of weight, but that's the price of comfort. I'm willing to pay a bit more for it."

Nevertheless, she gathered her belongings without further argument, ready to follow Byakuya to the training grounds.

As they approached the training area, Karen spotted Nagato diligently completing laps. Her shoulders slumped slightly.

"Byakuya-sama, am I expected to… to train my body like Nagato?"

Byakuya let out a sigh.

"It's not quite the same, Karen. With the Rinnegan and his status as the Child of Prophecy, Nagato needs a rigorous physical regimen to handle his immense power. Your training will be focused on building a solid foundation in various aspects, not just physical fitness.

But remember, Karen, you lack the natural advantages Nagato possesses. Your Uzumaki lineage is your only head start. You'll need to work considerably harder to reach your full potential."

Byakuya paused, considering his next words.

"Unfortunately, sealing techniques are the only way for you to bolster your self-defense capabilities at this point."

Karen's eyes softened.

"Having you by my side is all the protection I need, Byakuya-sama."

But halfway through her sentence, Karen seemed to remember something and widened her eyes.

"Wait a minute, Byakuya-sama. You were just about to introduce me to some sealing techniques, weren't you? But there aren't any in the organization's secret vault."

A mischievous glint sparkled in Byakuya's eyes.

"So, who do you think delivered those jutsu to the vault?"

He countered with a playful shrug. He tapped her forehead lightly.

"Let's not waste time. Consider this a lesson – procrastination is a foe. Now, focus! I'm going to teach you the Adamantine Sealing technique."

The name sent a jolt through Karen, momentarily freezing her in place.

"Adamantine Sealing?!"

She gasped, reeling from the unexpected revelation. After a moment to collect herself, she spoke again, her voice laced with concern.

"Byakuya-sama, this is a highly classified technique within the Uzumaki clan. How did you acquire this knowledge?"

Byakuya feigned ignorance, furrowing his brow in mock confusion.

"A secret technique of the Uzumaki clan, you say? It appears to be just another jutsu from my family's dusty bookshelf. Perhaps one of my parents crossed paths with an Uzumaki ninja during their travels."

A silent rebuttal formed in Karen's mind. No, you are an Uzumaki, she thought defiantly.

 Techniques of this caliber wouldn't be casually shared with outsiders. Even within the Uzumaki clan, only elite jonin-level members were entrusted with such knowledge.

After a thoughtful pause, Karen spoke with newfound seriousness.

"Byakuya-sama, there's something Nagato-senpai and I have been meaning to tell you for a while now. We suspect you might be a descendant of the Uzumaki clan, just like us. We couldn't be certain before, but now…"

She trailed off, her gaze locked on his.

"One of your parents must have been a high-ranking Uzumaki ninja."

Karen had anticipated a reaction of shock or surprise, but Byakuya's response left her bewildered.

He simply offered a faint smile and dismissed her words with a nonchalant wave.

"Perhaps, but the Uzumaki clan is a relic of the past, long since gone. Even we, you and Nagato, have shed the Uzumaki name."

His voice hardened slightly.

"Instead of dwelling on the past, let's focus on what truly matters – becoming stronger."



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