
Chapter 48: Rivals, Part 6


She wanders into the lounge, be-gowned, sleepy-eyed and lovely.

“Good morning, Charlotte. You’ll be pleased to know that Michael is on his way.”

She brightens; nods and smiles, yawning, but doesn’t reply. Instead, she ambles across to me, looking over at where I am working in the kitchenette.

“I could have done that for you, Master.”

“Thank you, Charlotte, but there’s no need. I enjoy cooking. I always did…. What would you like for breakfast.?”

She surveys my work area. “Is that pancake batter?”

“It is, yes.”

“Pancakes sound good then.”

“Anything with them?”

“Um… syrup? Bacon?”

“Coming up.”

“Shall I make some coffee?” she asks.

“Good idea. I like mine strong and black.”

“Yes, Master. I know that.”

I smile and wink at her, then pointing, “Orange juice too, I think. You’ll find the oranges over there.”

I rummage through the fridge, searching for the bacon, then notice her expression, pensive, as she tips beans into the grinder. “Something wrong, Charlotte?”