
Chapter 197: Guardians, Part 2, Nine Years Ago, The Farm

Jenny’s beyelids flutter open and she inhales deeply….

Whiteness above her, and a sweet scent….

…. and the sound of chatter and laughter….

Her lips are a little sore and frowning as she pulls herself up, she sucks at dry skin.

Jennifer sits in a bed made up with clean, sweet-scented linen, topped with a cover made up of knitted squares. She has never seen such a thing.

Baffled, she slips out from the sheets, to find she is wearing a long nightgown in a plain white linen which smells faintly of lavender and falls almost to her ankles. And beside her, lying on a wooden chair is a white bathrobe and on the timber plank floor, by a rag rug in bright colours, slippers

Around her, a plain pretty room painted in a neutral colour. Beside her, a small set of drawers with a vase of flowers, delicate and wild, and the source of the perfume...

.…. Or are they? The room itself smells sweet.