
Master Pei Has Tons of Ideas to Trick Her Into A Marriage

After witnessing her fiancé sleeping with another woman, Su Yu got herself drunk at a bar out of sadness and rage. At the end of the night, she accidentally slept with a ‘poor scoundrel’. This poor scoundrel was stubborn, always hounding after her to take responsibility after their night together. 

Pei Tianlin said, “You took my first time, so you should take responsibility.” 

Su Yu flew into a rage. “That was my first time too!” 

Pei Tianlin retorted, “Then I’ll take responsibility. Let’s get married.” 

Su Yu was flabbergasted. “Dream on!” She had a feeling she was being tricked by the poor scoundrel, but he didn’t want money or assets. He just wanted a marriage certificate. Su Yu gritted her teeth in anger. “It’s just a marriage certificate! Sure, let’s go get it!” When her fiancé heard that she was marrying a poor scoundrel, he kept trying to persuade her. “Yu Yu, I know that I hurt you, but you can’t ruin yourself by marrying a poor scoundrel out of spite. If you’re willing, I can marry you.” Su Yu scoffed. “Go marry your mother!” Who knew that on the second day of Su Yu’s marriage to Pei Tianlin, countless jewelry pieces, diamonds, high-quality custom-made clothes, luxury cars, and deeds to extravagant manors were delivered to Su Yu. The ‘poor scoundrel’ suddenly became a domineering CEO who spoiled Su Yu to no end. Rumor had it that Pei Corporation’s mysterious CEO, Pei Tianlin, was a germaphobe. But when Su Yu was eating grapes, he obediently extended his hand to catch the grape seeds she spat out. Rumor had it that Pei Corporation’s mysterious CEO was aloof and difficult to get close to. However, he was nothing but gentle in front of Su Yu. Rumor had it that Pei Tianlin was a fair and unbiased man. But he would break the rules just to protect his wife, Su Yu. Justice and law were nothing compare to his wife!

Yellow Stone · Urban
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110 Chs

Let's Get Married!

Translator: Henyee Translations Editor: Henyee Translations

Soon, she saw the agent at home but did not see the buyer.

Fortunately, the buyer had already signed the transfer agreement. As long as she signed it, the money would immediately be in her account.

Hence, it did not take much effort. After signing the contract and receiving the money, the house was completely sold.

When Aunt Liu and the other servants saw this, their faces were filled with trepidation.

After the agent left, Aunt Liu hurriedly went forward and asked, "Eldest Miss, w-why did you sell the house?"

Su Yu looked at the few of them and said, "As you know, I'm seriously ill and don't have long to live. Since I lack money, I decided to sell the house.

"As for all of you, perhaps you can wait for the buyer and see if he's willing to let you stay? I'll give each of you three months' salary as compensation. That's all I have to say."

Although Su Yu was very dissatisfied with the servants' attitude previously, she knew that it was caused by her indulgence in her younger sister. She could not blame anyone else, so even though she dismissed them, she still compensated them.

"Right, when Second Miss returns, don't forget to tell her about this. Get her to move out within three days."

Su Yu sighed in her heart. She had failed her mother's trust in her.

The words she promised her mother back then were still vivid in her mind.

Now, she was about to part ways with her sister.

The world was unpredictable. No one could predict what the future would hold.

Then, she packed some important things, put them in two boxes, and placed them in her car. Finally, she drove away and stayed in the hotel she booked long ago.

From now on, she would only live for herself. She did not have to bear too many responsibilities anymore and felt much more relaxed.

In the evening, Su Ning, who had shopped for the entire day, returned home.

After hearing the news from Aunt Liu, her expression changed drastically. She called Su Yu dozens of times but could not get through to her.

She knew that things were not looking good. Her sister must have realized something. Otherwise, she would have told her about such a big matter like selling the house.

She was furious, unwilling, and indignant. She even smashed her most beloved item. But no matter how she vented, she could not change the fact that the house had been sold.

This was no longer her home.

The next morning, Su Ning packed her things and returned to the Su family.

Wang Rong, her stepmother, was surprised, but she did not show any ridicule or disgust.

"Why are you back?"

"Su Yu sold the house but didn't tell me about it in advance. Where can I go if I don't come back?"

Even now, Su Ning still did not believe that her sister would do such a thing. She slammed her bag on the sofa and sat down angrily. She shouted, "How could she do this?"

Initially, her stepmother, Wang Rong, had never been kind to the two sisters in front of Su Yu. However, she was surprisingly amiable now.

"Ning Ning, could it be that Su Yu has found out about your identity? Or did she find out about you and Tianhao?"

Su Ning was not surprised by her stepmother, Wang Rong's words. She shook her head with a dark expression and said, "It's hard to say! She gave a very good reason. She said that there's a problem with the company and she's sick, so she needs money urgently.

"She even canceled my credit cards."

Of course, the most important thing was that Su Ning thought that she was hiding her secrets well enough and would never be discovered. She also did not think that Su Yu was smart enough to notice anything wrong.

"Then stay at home for now. I've always kept your room for you! We'll discuss Su Yu's matter later. We must get her shares!"

A shrewd look flashed across Wang Rong's eyes.

The next morning, Su Yu drove to the Civil Affairs Bureau.

This was the day she was supposed to marry Lin Tianhao. However, she was not here to register their marriage but to completely break off their relationship.

After waiting for a long time, Lin Tianhao did not come. He probably would not come.

Whether the other party had sensed something or did not intend to come, it did not matter to her.

Just as she was about to leave, a tall figure appeared in front of her.

"Pei Tianlin?"

She knew that Su Ning and Pei Tianlin had already canceled their marriage. Even though they had originally agreed to register their marriage today, their marriage had already been canceled, so they naturally did not have to register their marriage.

"You've been waiting for a long time, right?"

Su Yu was stunned. "What do you mean?"

Pei Tianlin smiled and lowered his head slightly. He looked at Su Yu and said, "You're so smart. You must know what I mean. What Xu Fei said to you the other day is still valid today. Let's get married!"