Jomel Ruhong died of electrocution while playing his favorite pocket monster game and transmigrated to a world full of monsters he cannot comprehend with similar typings and rules to the game he is playing. Later, he discovered it was different because the people here can merge with their beasts and would have to go to different worlds and dimensions to improve their cultivation levels. However, if a tamer like him didn’t improve their cultivation level in time, they would be crushed to death by the main world itself, no matter where they are... Let's embark the journey of the multiverse demonification of gluttony. …
"Heh! I told you that your attacks won't work…" Balmorc snickered, his tone and his laugh were full of despise.
Because right now, there are swords, spears, and many kinds of attacks are on his body piercing him through, but still, he won't budge, these are just scratches and every time they attack, his body would just heal himself.
Right now he is level seventy-two because he using the body of his mythical beast megalania, and the enemy is all level higher than with their beasts that are also high level.
Some of them are even level ninety-seven, near one hundred, their bodies in their combat form are also well built, meaning that they tamed their beast and their beasts willingly submitted themselves, but still he didn't care.
The physique of mythical beasts is far more powerful than semi-legendary beasts plus his beasts megalania have a hidden talent, called immortality, so their attacks are useless because they will just heal naturally.