
Master of Time[MHA]

Yuji Kyotsu, a boy blessed with a one of a kind quirk, a powerful influence, and endless amounts of money. Read as the boy who has it all, slowly learns that he really has nothing at all. "Times just a limitation, a barrier for you people.. But it chose me, and now I own it." [OP FROM THE START.]

StickyStick · Anime & Comics
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4 Chs

Chapter 1

Plopping on my bed, I gripped my eyes in pain. It wasn't long till the burning sensation firing within my eyes, mind and body proved to be superior.

"AHHHH!" Screaming at the top of my lungs in pain, thrashing around on my bed trying to shake the pain out of my body, it was all for naught. Not a single idea I had to get rid of this pain worked, I could only writhe and bathe myself in it.

"Young Yuji!" A man, up there in age but still able to move like a teenager, bursted through my door and into my room. Cradling me like I was his child.

My five year old physique curled into a ball, screaming bloody murder as tears stream downed my face.

I've never felt pain like this before. At least not physical..

"Shh, shh, it's going to be okay! Just take deep breaths, give it time to adjust…" The man cooed, his soothing, raspy but aged voice sent a wave of refreshment throughout my body.

As expected from a man with a quirk called "Calmness."

"I-I can't! It's so- AHHH!" His quirk gave me a moment of refreshment, but the pain came over me even harder the next time around. Koshige, my butler, kept shushing me, lacing his quirk in every word while he embraced me in a hug.

Minutes felt like hours while I suffered, but soon enough, the pain started to die down. Leaving me with aching eyeballs, a sore brain and tense, sore muscle and bone.

All the shock to my system left me gasping for air, eyes wide as my vision began to blur and black out only for it to fix itself, then to repeat the process. I could vaguely see my butler watch over me with worry written all over his face, his eyes and his mouth being half-cocked were the most obvious signs.

"Master! I-It's your quirk!" He exclaims, his worry getting mixed in with some excitement and happiness for me. This was great news, but I couldn't process it fully at the moment.

'Quirk? Is this part of my manifestation?' I managed to put together a thought that left me with more questions than answers, and before I could even begin asking the right questions, I passed out.


"-For today's weather broadcast, we're looking at highs of eighty-seven degrees and lows of just sixty! That early summer weather sure is great… There's also a chance of rain-" Groggily opening my eyes, through the blurred outlines I could make out my bedroom.

Wide, spacious, walls painted a dull gray with a big window on the right of my bed, which sat in the middle of the room. A huge walk-in closet was attached to my room, its entrance just at the other end of my bed.

Groaning, I roll over on my side, looking at the modern day clock flashing red numbers as the time changed from 10:42am, to 10:43am. Sighing, I suck in a cold breath of air and push myself up, sitting upright against my headboard.

"Argh.." Holding my head, I scowl, using my hand to block the sunlight that beamed into my still sensitive eyes. With the wide screen TV nailed to my wall on the left of my bed, just next to the door, being no exception, I turn it off and sit in complete silence; Falling into thought.

'My quirk manifested.. I feel.. Amazing.' I mused, balling my hand into a fist. My muscles, eyes, brain.. Even though they were still sore and aching, it felt like I could lift a mountain.

'My eyes feel better than expected… Did my eyesight get better?' I questioned myself, squinting to see if my eyes were just playing tricks on me.

But in reality, my eyes really did get better. Hundreds of times better. Seeing each and every dust particle that floated within my room, I could see them so clearly, I could accurately count them.

Not to mention the smoothness and quality of the world. It was like I was perceiving everything in a higher, enhanced quality. Almost like a TV calibrated for 4k instead of the simple 1080p.


Pulling me out of my revere, my head shot up to my door, surprised when I could actively feel a presence outside.. "Come in!" I call out, moments later my Butler, Koshige walks in with a small, pleasant smile on his face.

Holding a tray with glasses of water, plus a plate of basic scrambled eggs, toast and bacon.

Smiling slightly, I wave. "Goodmorning, Koshige. You sleep well?" The man chuckles, a tear forming in his eye as he sets the tray down on the nearby side table.

"I should be asking you that. You were asleep for three days… I thought you went into a quirk induced coma or something." My eyes widen and my jaw slacks.

"What!? Really?" He nods, chuckling at my reaction. Now standing closer than ever, his face contorts, surprise, confusion and awe all written as perfectly as ever.

"What is it?" I ask, tilting my head. He stammers, his mouth opening and closing rapidly. "Y-Your eyes… They've changed." He mutters, scrambling to the other side of the room to grab my full body mirror that was situated quietly in the corner of my room.

Setting it down at the foot of my bed, he grunted. "Here, look. See? They've changed. They're quite… Beautiful if I do say so myself." I gasped slightly, touching my face as I stared at what looked back at me from the mirror.

A boy, me, with short cropped red hair, forming into a sort of mullet. A chubby but slightly angular face with red thin eyebrows sitting above two magenta pink eyes with white-cross pupils.

"Holy- Wow~" I was in a daze. Was this really me? My eyes had such a drastic change compared to the old boring brown. Widening and squinting, I played around with them, making sure this wasn't some illusion.

Koshige just stood by, watching me and my antics until suddenly, the doorbell rang. Causing us to share a curious look.

"I'll be right back, master. Please eat." Koshige bowed slightly, gesturing to the full plate of food before turning on his heel and heading down the stairs.

I wanted to follow him, but I was stuck in place due to how hungry I actually was. Growling for food, I quickly scarfed down whatever was on my plate and gulped down the water too.


The doors to the Kyotsu Estate rang once more, it was much louder now that I was directly in front of the double doors. Much more obnoxious too.

Sucking in a deep breath and suppressing my rising annoyance, I put on a fake smile and opened the door, "Yes, how may I help you today-" My words got caught in my throat.

An eerie young man with cropped red hair fashioned into an acceptable modern day mullet, a sharp, angular face and a scar that laid just under his left eye.

He was suspiciously dressed too.. A black getup, a hoodie fashioned with black and silver colors, though black was the main and silver being the accent.

His pants were more or so the same- But what caught my eyes and put me off my guard was his piercing, magenta pink eyes with a bright white, glowing cross that acted as his pupils.

"..." We stood in silence, his eyes that seemed to peer through anything stared directly into my own pair of eyes. "H-Hello? Who are you?" I asked, clearing my throat and fixing my declining posture.

The young man sighed, cracking a wavering smile.

"Hey, Koshige."

This was story was something I put some thought into, I figured I'd get to writing it down and see just how well my idea sounded.

It actually didn't sound that bad, lol.

Anyway, I hope you all enjoy this chapter and the many chapters to come. All criticism is welcomed as long as its actual criticism and not just bland complaints..


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