
Master of the Manor

Disclaimer:- This novel has very high incest, so if you don't like it then don't read it. Additional tags: Smut--- Handsome Male lead-- No NTR (only Netori) -- Incest -- Sister incest -- Mother Incest. ___________ Noah's life sucked. He had no job prospects. All he did all day was play video games and watch porn. Worst of all, he lived in a home with six annoying sisters and a naggy mother. However, all that changed when he hit his head, only to find that the genders of the world had suddenly swapped. Women had become the leaders in charge, full of sex, violence, and shamelessness. Men were valued for their looks and pursued and taken advantage of by horny women. Now living with six horny perverted teenage girls and his son mother, can Noah rise and take charge of the house or will he yield under this new society's standard?

Avi_Lekhak · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
26 Chs

London [1]

After recovering from my odd encounter with my mother and sisters that was completely different from what I was used to, I walked cautiously out my door. I was wearing a pair of jeans and a shirt. Both were a bit tighter than I was used to, but they weren't something I would not have worn in my old world. I cautiously looked around, almost afraid to encounter my sisters. They had changed so drastically that I had become extremely wary of them.

Mackenzie was still in her room from where she fled after that strange moment in my bedroom. I couldn't even wrap my head around it. Did we almost kiss? I felt up my sister's chest, and not only did I get no repercussions, but she was the one embarrassed and hiding in her room.

Kristy and Kelsey were also in their room. Usually, the girls left their doors open unless they saw me walking by. They would then deliberately close it as if they had been waiting just to shut it in my face. Now, the doors were already closed, every girl demanding privacy.

It was the same with Bethany too. Four sisters, three closed doors. That was when I came across the first door that was open. Well, calling it open was a bit off. It was only open a crack. It was as if Dawn had closed the door, but forgot to latch it all the way. Our of pure curiosity, I peaked through the crack in her room.

So messy! Her bed wasn't made, and there was stuff all over the floor. It looked really dirty. There was no light on at all. Instead, there was a computer in the corner that offered the only glow in the room. Dawn herself was sitting on a chair. I couldn't see anything but the top of her head from the angle the crack afforded me, but I could see her computer. Also, as my eyes adjusted, I could hear something being said over her speakers, although they were down low.

"Ah… Ah… Ah… Fuck yeah! You're grabbing my dick. It feels so good."

"Hehe… Do you like that pussy? Take that pussy! Fuck it!"

My eyes popped wide as there was clear porn on the computer screen. There was a girl there, but the camera was completely focused on the guy. You could hear her talking, but she was just a disembodied pussy that seemed to be bouncing up and down on this cock excitedly. Meanwhile, the guy had a silly expression his face and seemed to be lying back, barely doing anything while she rode his cock for all it was worth.

I accidentally leaned forward a bit, and the door widened. The extra light from the hallways flooded into the room. There was a click and the porn minimized, and then Dawn spun around. She had a confused but angry expression on her face. When her eyes landed on me, they turned white, and then she bared her teeth angrily.

"Get out of my room, Noah!"


"Damn, you're so annoying!"

She got up and started walking toward me. However, she was in her underwear and nothing else. I could see her entire body. Dawn was a nerdy girl with glasses and twin tails. She wasn't thin or athletic, but a bit plump. This didn't mean she wasn't cute. All of my sisters were hot, but she had low self-esteem because of her weight and glasses. She also didn't get a whole lot of sun, giving her a pale look. Basically, she was your typical nerd girl. Fantasy girl to all male nerds, but spurned by most women.

"Sister, I…" I wanted to apologize about seeing her almost naked, but she didn't seem to care at all.

She shoved me out and then slammed the door in my face. Somehow, this felt like it always did, yet it was all completely different.

Her room smelled of something too. Was it kind of a fishy smell? When she pushed me, her hand had a scent on it. It felt somewhat familiar like I had smelled it yesterday when I was with Sam. She wasn't… it wasn't… I shook my head, deciding it wasn't something I needed to dwell on. I finally turned away and headed out to the kitchen. I had wasted enough time.

"London?" I was really surprised to see her there when I walked into the kitchen.

I noticed that she was cooking food in the oven.

"Noah! You're up, I'm relieved."


"Mm!" She nodded. "I was still worried about you after last night. I was so busy that I had to just leave you like that, but I wanted to follow up and make sure you're still good. Stupid mom here was trying to make you cook after suffering from a head trauma!"

She nodded into the living room, which could be seen from the kitchen. Mom was sitting in a chair and seemed to ignore London. She had a shirt on, but she was sitting in her panties like this was normal. She was watching the television, which appeared to be another sports game. Even when I was a guy, I didn't understand the appeal of sports. Watching mom watch it so intently; it filled me with an odd feeling.

At least I wouldn't need to worry about cooking right now. My skills really were basic.

"You are doing okay, aren't you?"

"Ah!" I turned and made a noise of surprise when I realized London was right next to me.

She reached out and touched my forehead with her cool hands. She was really close to me, and I wondered if when I gave her a peck on the cheek if it had affected her more than I thought it would.

I suddenly had a massive urge just to come clean and tell her everything. I had spoken to Sam, but she hadn't believed most of what I told her. In the end, I had only gotten her in a bunch of trouble, and she wasn't able to help me at all. London was kind of different though. She was older, and she had someone. There wouldn't be that weird tension between her and I like there would be between a girl and a guy. Plus, she was pre-med, so she was smart and probably had an idea or two on how to help me.

Instead, a strange thought came to me, and my hand darted out and pinched her nipple. She made a noise and pulled away. I jumped for a second, seeing her react like a normal girl.

"Wh-what are you doing?" She said, covering her chest and blushing.