
Master of The Great Dao

Dao is the beginning and end of everything. The great Dao binds all living and non-living things in the universe. It is the absolute concept that underpins the universe, incorporating the Yin and Yang principles as well as the Five Elements. Follow our protagonist Liu Feng as he travels through the mysterious world of cultivation with his unique system and unveils the mysteries of the great Dao.

Sarcastic_Ape · Eastern
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64 Chs

Visiting the Black Market

//Last Updated on June 22, 2024

"Could one of my brothers have betrayed me?" he pondered, but quickly dismissed the idea, believing in them completely.

After a day of relentless travel on horseback, Ma Jin finally reached his cave, only to discover the bloodied remains of his pet python. The kid they had taken prisoner had escaped, and many looted items were missing from their storage. Signs of a fierce battle with a third person were visible on the ground.

Desperation fuelled Ma Jin as he retrieved an ancient compass-like artifact from his pocket. It was his most prized possession. Usually, it takes the owner's qi to use such artifacts. Given he was unable to cultivate qi, he did not have that option. As he had cultivated his body, his flesh and blood were overflowing with vitality and qi.

The artifact hummed to life as droplets of blood seeped into it. The needle on the ancient artifact began to spin, seemingly in search of a particular direction. Finally, it steadied, pointing steadily toward Gale City, confirming the location of the culprit.

This fuelled his anger even more. Just the thought of missing the culprit on his way back fuelled his rage.

Though he knew the young prisoner must have played a crucial part in the demise of his pet, the main culprit remained unknown.

Without a moment's hesitation, he set out on his path of vengeance following the directions from his artifact.


Liu Feng, Zhang Yan, and Mei Lin strolled through the lively market, their footsteps blending with the cheerful crowds preparing for the upcoming festival. The vibrant atmosphere added to the sense of excitement and anticipation.

Intending to gather information, Liu Feng approached a couple of shop owners. Slipping them a handful of silver coins in exchange for any leads. The most interesting thing he learned was the existence of a black market.

Gale City was not the most bustling city nor it was the city full of riches but a couple of key factors made it ideal for the operations of the black market.

Firstly, there was the connection of the city with an influential sect that provided a degree of protection and resources. This alliance allowed the black market to operate with a hint of immunity. Secondly, the city lord was somewhat more lenient compared to others, enabling the underground activities to thrive discreetly. If they conducted their operations quietly without any violence, the city lord did not hinder their movements. He believed that allowing the black market to exist was necessary for maintaining a balance of powers within the city.

One of the shop owners eventually guided them in the direction of the black market, with suspicious glances and whispering remarks. It was an alleyway beyond the bustling market.

Guided by their directions, they ventured deep into the alley until they reached a concealed entrance. An air of mystery surrounded the place as they stepped inside, finding themselves amidst an endless array of stalls displaying various trinkets and questionable items.

Before entering the alley, Liu Feng realized the need for caution and anonymity. He instructed his companions to disguise themselves.

"Quickly, grab some clothes and cover your faces so that it makes it harder for anyone to identify us. We should not draw any unwanted attention to us and remember not to use our names!"

As Zhang Yan and Mei Lin acknowledged his instructions, Liu Feng and the gang donned their makeshift disguises. Liu Feng couldn't help but smirk. 'So finally, a black-market arc, huh?' he whispered to himself with a glint of excitement in his eyes.

'I wonder if we can find some sort of powerful and undiscovered items, something like a 'Grandpa in the ring' or maybe an ordinary looking spear with a legendary dragon spirit sleeping inside of it. Perhaps Zhang Yan can stumble upon a hidden inheritance from a rusty sword that will help him grow in strength and level up his abilities.'

'Also, there is Mei Lin. I don't quite feel the same vibe from her as I do from Zhang Yan, but there's undoubtedly something unique about her, or perhaps it's her talent or something else—I'm not entirely sure. Sigh, let's keep our hopes high. Maybe even I can find some secret treasures, after all, I might also be a chosen one with this system and all...', Liu Feng muttered to himself with a smile on his face.

But the reality was not what Liu Feng had imagined. Instead of encountering magical artifacts or treasured items, they were greeted with a rather ordinary sight. The majority of items displayed here appeared to be ordinary stolen goods which are most likely been pillaged from traveling merchants.

As Liu Feng and his companions continued to explore the market, his eyes keenly scanned the myriad of stalls in search of interesting items. Realizing this process of exploring this market is taking longer than expected, Liu Feng decided to change his approach.

He approached Mei Lin and Zhang Yan and suggested, "Let's split up for a while and explore the market on our own. If anything catches your eye or seems interesting, don't hesitate to inform me. We can investigate it together. Who knows, we might stumble upon some truly valuable items amidst all the ordinary ones."

As Liu Feng continued to look for valuable items, one particular medical stall caught his attention. Amidst the array of merchandise on display, some pills were lying still in a wooden box.

When Liu Feng approached the medical stall, the merchant's greedy eyes sparkled with as he displayed his prized item – a small wooden box containing several questionable pills.

"My young friend, behold! This is the only item you need to become an immortal cultivator. Just 10 gold coins and you'll be soaring to the heavens in no time!" the merchant exclaimed with an exaggerated aura.

Liu Feng raised an eyebrow, feigning interest. Although he was not tempted, he wanted to hear what the other party had to say. It was not easy to fool him and he knew these common tropes very well from investing hundreds of hours in reading countless 'Holy Scriptures'.

"Ah, really? so what makes these pills so special?" he asked, trying to suppress his urge to laugh.

Before the merchant could respond, another vendor from the neighboring stall chimed in,

"Ha! You see, my friend, Old Lao's pills will definitely lift you higher than the heavens, but be prepared, you'll be soaring high with an 'explosive' power. And trust me, brother, you don't want to be flying around with that kind of wind pressure and smell!", As he giggled at his joke, he started advertising his products.

"Instead," the vendor continued, "I've got something even better – only 5 gold coins and you'll be cultivating like an immortal master without any tummy troubles!"

As old Lao overheard his mischievous remark, he erupted like a volcano with anger. "You little scoundrel! Ruining my business with your jokes again! I'll make sure to feed you a mountain of my special pills then!"

As their bickering blended into the lively market, Liu Feng let out a soft chuckle. Liu Feng cleared his throat and replied, "Ahem..., thank you for the offer, but alas, my pockets are empty. I do not possess a single gold coin to my name."

The two sellers exchanged glances, raising their eyebrows in surprise. "Tch! No money at all?" old Bai asked Liu Feng as he moved away to his stall again, clearly irritated, realizing the customer in front of him had no money to offer.

"None, none at all" Liu Feng responded with a slightly embarrassed face putting his hands above in the air.

"But let me make it up to you with a good chat!", reaching out to his pocket, Liu Feng took out a single silver coin and told them, "This, my friends, is all I have to offer and I believe this will be worth the knowledge I am asking for."

Old Bai was clearly dissatisfied with this as he ignored Liu Feng but old Lao was different. His curiosity piqued hearing Liu Feng's offer.

Grabbing the coin in a flash, he asked, "What do you want to know, young friend, tell me?"

Getting startled a bit by the old man's fast response, Liu Feng continued, "Nothing much, just I want to know about this place. Any interesting news you have heard recently or if there is any interesting news about the Chen family."

"That's a lot of question...", old Lao stroked his long white beard, contemplating the question.

"This place, my young friend, is a melting pot of stories and secrets. Recently, there have been some whispers about a cloaked beggar appearing in the depths of the market, carrying some interesting items."


If you like the story please vote with power stones.

If you have any suggestions for any weapon techniques like sword, spear, etc. comment them and let me know, I'll try to use them in the story if possible. I am mostly looking for weak level techniques that will mostly be used by others.

Fist Technique

Palm Technique

Sword Technique


Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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