
Master of The Great Dao

Dao is the beginning and end of everything. The great Dao binds all living and non-living things in the universe. It is the absolute concept that underpins the universe, incorporating the Yin and Yang principles as well as the Five Elements. Follow our protagonist Liu Feng as he travels through the mysterious world of cultivation with his unique system and unveils the mysteries of the great Dao.

Sarcastic_Ape · Eastern
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64 Chs

Unexpected Turn Of Events

//Last Updated on June 22, 2024

Liu Feng did not believe it would harm Zhang Yan and realized it was the quickest way to teach him his technique.

"You will be able to draw in the Qi of your surroundings and use it to strengthen your abilities using this technique."

Zhang Yan felt a warm strand of Qi enter his body and tried to follow the path Liu Feng showed him. When the Qi surged through him, he felt a surge of vitality revitalizing his body.

It took some time for Zhang Yan to adapt to the sensation. Soon after, Liu Feng left Zhang Yan alone to practice, but the sensation of qi became confusing to him, and he requested Liu Feng for assistance.

After a few attempts, he eventually got the feeling and was able to sense qi within his body, but not to the point where he could draw the surrounding Qi inside his body.

Liu Feng felt the situation was a bit unexpected but he decided not to express it. He was confused and wondered if his teaching had been insufficient. He pondered the details, considering the possibility that he might have missed some key points.

Liu Feng sat in quiet contemplation; his brow furrowed in concern. "Is there something wrong with my technique? These things are not like it's unique to me, Zhang Yan is already practicing the [Beast God's Claw Art] just fine, but then again, he's not using any qi, so it's just an ordinary martial art."

He sighed, realizing that this was a cultivation world and what he was teaching was a form of qi cultivation. 'Perhaps there is a different method that Zhang Yan is more suited for. Maybe he's not suited for qi cultivation. Perhaps I should be looking for a body cultivation technique given his excellent endurance.'

He opened his eyes and sat up, determined to find a solution. 'I'll have to look for another way, a different approach that will work for him. There has to be a way for him to cultivate.'

Liu Feng leaned back, closing his eyes and pondering the possibilities. "In body cultivation, people take medicinal baths to absorb the medicinal essence to break through. But even in body cultivation, there must be special circulation methods to draw in the medicinal properties. I guess I need to explore some other options or get some method but again it will be expensive to buy some good medicinal herbs.', he sighed.

'I guess I have to create some [Divine Asura Body Forging Technique] or [Beast God's Body Forging Technique] or something like that,' Liu Feng thought, feeling a sudden surge of inspiration.

He went on to explore his fantasies, imagining the potential power and abilities such a technique could bestow upon its practitioner. Perhaps he could incorporate elements of the fierce and unstoppable nature of the wild animals into the body refining process. The more he thought about it, the more excited he became at the thought of developing a new and unique cultivation technique.

It had already been a couple of hours so he decided to take a break and clear his mind. It was important to him that Zhang Yan succeed, not only for his own growth but also for their future endeavors. So, he resolved to continue his efforts to guide Zhang Yan and find a way to help him break through in his cultivation after some time.

As Liu Feng and Zhang Yan finished their cultivation practice, they headed toward the direction of the carriage.

They saw Li He waiting for them with a longing expression on his face as if he had been waiting for them for a long time. As they approached, he explained that some of his people had been heavily injured while fighting the cicadas.

Luckily, none of them died as Liu Feng intervened and used his skills to defeat the cicada queen.

He decided to meet with Mei Lin to discuss their next actions. That's when he discovered their horse had escaped, leaving the carriage behind.

When Liu Feng heard this, he laughed at himself for not considering the possibility of the horse fleeing, while Mei Lin blushed slightly and buried her face because she was in charge of the carriage.

To solve the problem, Li He offered them one of his carriages and a member of his group to drive their carriage, allowing the trio to rest inside while traveling to the Gale City.

After hearing Li He had already asked his men to load the cicada queen's remains and several smaller cicada bodies into their carriage, Liu Feng was impressed by his tactfulness. They soon boarded their carriage and resumed their journey to Gale City.

Zhang Yan sat next to Liu Feng, and Mei Lin sat across from them. They had been on the road for some time.

Mei Lin's expression expressed a distinct sense of curiosity, which Liu Feng noticed. Her eyes seemed to be filled with questions she wanted to ask.

Liu Feng noticed this and decided to take advantage of the situation. He asked Mei Lin how she was able to withstand the poison breath from the cicada queen earlier.

Mei Lin hesitated for a moment before replying with a question of her own which caught him off guard.

"You never told me you were a cultivator," she pointed out. Liu Feng was stunned.

He realized that the passive ability of his cultivation technique, Perfect Concealment must have been at work, preventing anyone from discovering his cultivation.

Mei Lin's curious expression lingered, and Liu Feng realized she had many more questions. "You seem to have a lot of questions," he told her. "Please feel free to ask them."

Mei Lin took her time and thought for a moment before saying that she had been immune to most poisons since she was a child.

Only she and her father were aware of this. Her father had advised her not to tell anyone, but she was well aware that she had been caught red-handed. She should have known better than to keep these secrets from a cultivator.

She turned to Liu Feng after revealing this information and questioned why he had requested her to accompany him when he was already a powerful cultivator.

Liu Feng took a moment to choose his response.

"Honestly...", he paused, "I thought you were wasting your talents back in the village and can use some of my assistance to explore the cultivation world."

Mei Lin listened closely to Liu Feng's statement as if she was anticipating some profound explanation.

As she waited for something else, she appeared to be pondering his statements and considering his reasons.

"That's it?" she asked, puzzled by his response.

Liu Feng wondered if he had said too little, but he determined that if he wanted to earn Mei Lin's trust, he needed to be honest with her.

Liu Feng was likewise perplexed as to why he had decided to ask Mei Lin to accompany him.

'Was it just a whim of mine?', he understood she was merely a mortal with certain abilities, and he had to admit he had been naive to think she could be a cultivator's bodyguard.

She was lost in her thoughts as she glanced at him. She inhaled deeply and turned to face Liu Feng. "I'm aware that I'm not strong enough to serve as a bodyguard for a cultivator like you. I'll leave tomorrow once I collect some supplies in Gale City."

Liu Feng nodded, acknowledging her fears. "I know it may appear that way, Mei Lin, but I trust you. You've demonstrated your resourcefulness and wit. That is why I asked you to accompany me."

Mei Lin looked up, taken aback by Liu Feng's words. "But I don't even know how to cultivate. How can I be of any use to you?"

Liu Feng grinned. "That's something I can teach you. When we reach the city lord's place, I can teach you some cultivation techniques. You might surprise yourself with what you can achieve."

Liu Feng had already decided to teach some cultivation techniques to his trusted companions. He felt it would not harm him. Moreover, Mei Lin had already displayed her remarkable talent. He believed that even if he imparted his knowledge, they would not surpass him in power due to his exceptional spiritual roots given to him by the system.

Mei Lin hesitated for a moment before finally nodding. "All right, I'll give it a shot."

Liu Feng smiled and gave her a thumbs up. "That's the spirit."

As they settled down for the journey, Liu Feng couldn't help but wonder if there was something bigger at play here. He couldn't shake the feeling that their journey together was part of a larger plan. Soon he shook his head, 'I think I am going crazy.'

As Liu Feng and Mei Lin continued their conversation, Zhang Yan's mind wandered off, distracted by his thoughts. He felt disheartened that he was unable to sense qi, and memories of his past failures flooded his mind.

Hello Readers,

I am thrilled to announce that we have reached chapter 25 of our journey together. It's already a quarter of a century.

I hope that you have been enjoying the story so far, and I welcome any feedback or suggestions that you may have. Your support and enthusiasm have been an incredible source of motivation for me, and I am grateful for each and every one of you.

I know the updates are super irregular but thank you for being a part of this journey, and I look forward to sharing many more chapters with you in the future.


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