
Master of Scented Temptations

DaoistCjjvNg · Eastern
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80 Chs

Chapter 76: Sweeping the Martial Arts

Along the way, Song Qingshu intentionally or unintentionally rubbed his body against the other person's delicate body. In order to avoid being discovered by the other party, he would break up every time. The feeling of separation made Song Qingshu seem to have returned to the scene of his first love in his previous life.

The girl's sensitivity made Shuang'er notice it quickly. Smelling the smell of alcohol on the other person's body, she thought he was subconsciously acting after being drunk, so she could only blush with embarrassment and walk faster and faster.

Finally arriving at the wing, Shuang'er had just laid Song Qingshu down on the bed, when the other party suddenly stretched out a pair of hands and held her tightly in his arms.

Shuang'er couldn't help but get furious and was about to explode when he heard Song Qingshu murmuring to himself: "Miss Youyou, your ditty just now was so nice. Don't leave, stay with me..."

"It turns out that he thought of me as a escort girl in a brothel..." Shuang'er was thoughtful, and when she was distracted, her face suddenly turned red with embarrassment, and the other party's hands actually started to roam around her body.

"Puff, puff, puff!" Shuang'er stretched out his fingers and touched several large acupoints on the other's chest. He took the opportunity to jump off the bed, looked back at Song Qingshu on the bed hatefully, and bit his teeth: "Men can easily become bad when they drink. ." After saying that, he quickly ran out with his ears flushed with embarrassment.

Feeling that the other person's breath was far away, Song Qingshu on the bed opened his eyes, put his hand on the tip of his nose, and took a deep breath. He noticed the girl's fragrance. Song Qingshu, who had always regarded the characters in this world as intelligent NPCs, felt confused. : With such a realistic feel and that unique girly fragrance, is this world really a game? But it's a little too real.

The next day, an imperial decree came from the palace, and Xuan Wei Xiaobao and Song Qingshu entered the palace to meet the saint. Before leaving, when Shuang'er was helping Wei Xiaobao tidy up his official uniform, he couldn't help but secretly glance at Song Qingshu out of the corner of his eye. Seeing that his expression was as usual, he secretly breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that last night was indeed a misunderstanding.

Of course, Song Qingshu was fully aware of Shuang'er's little moves, and kept smiling bitterly in his heart: Although he had the intention of testing last night, a large part of the reason was that he had indeed been a little depressed recently. It doesn't matter if a virgin can hold it for more than twenty years, but for a man who has drank blood and eaten meat, twenty days is a bit difficult. Thinking about it, it seems like a long time has passed since the last time I met Zhou Zhiruo...

"Your Majesty, do you want to clean up the martial arts world under the Qing Dynasty?" Wei Xiaobao's startled cry from the side immediately brought Song Qingshu, who was in a daze, back to reality.

"That's right!" Kangxi said with a sullen face, "Nowadays, there are many sects in the martial arts that have ulterior motives and are openly and covertly against me, the Qing Dynasty. For example, the reason why Yuan Chengzhi's Golden Snake Camp has been wiped out repeatedly is because the entire Shandong martial arts community has They are their eyes and ears; and Xiaobao, you were on your mission this time and were brazenly pursued by a group of people in the world. It is really unreasonable!"

"Yes, this group of martial arts people are fighting and killing all day long. If they don't accept the teachings of the imperial court, they really need to be punished." Wei Xiaobao thought of the embarrassment of being hunted before, and he was not angry at all. He thought that heaven and earth would always be the same. The rudder is in Taiwan, and even if we try to clean it, we can't sweep it away like Master.

"But it is better to defend the people than to defend Sichuan. Such high-pressure means of suppression may cause a strong backlash." Song Qingshu thought to himself, how could Kangxi make such a stupid move? I decided to give my loyal advice a try and see if it could leave a good impression on him, which might be of great help to my future plans.

"What Song Aiqing said is not unreasonable, but I have made up my mind and will not discuss this matter any more." Perhaps realizing that his tone was a little harsh, he continued, "By the way, yesterday was too hasty. You saved my Qing envoy before. , indirectly foiled the conspiracy of the Mongolian and Shandong rebels, and the credit is not small, I wonder what reward you want?"

Song Qingshu was speechless for a while: How come every superior person likes to do this? He wants this thousands of miles of land, but do he dare to say it? He had no choice but to refuse: "I saved Brother Wei just by chance. I don't deserve any credit."

"Your Majesty, Mr. Song... Mr. Song has saved the lives of his slaves from the dragon's pond and tiger's den several times, and he is very skilled in martial arts..." Wei Xiaobao was grateful to Song Qingshu for saving his life, and spared no effort to speak kind words to him.

Yesterday, he also witnessed his fight with Dongfang Bubai. Although... he looked a little embarrassed, Kangxi could also feel that Song Qingshu's martial arts was indeed very high. After a change of thought, he already had an idea: "Song Qingshu accepts the title."

Song Qingshu knew that he should kneel down to receive orders at this time, but as a modern man, he was not used to kneeling before others. When he noticed that Wei Xiaobao kept winking at him, he couldn't help but look embarrassed.

Kangxi was a little displeased, but thinking about the chaos in the world and the vying for power, any promising monarch would recruit all kinds of talents at any cost. Anyway, a little etiquette is not a big deal. He smiled and said: "Xiaobao, you don't have to be embarrassed. He, Song Shaoxia is used to being free in the rivers and lakes, it is no big deal if he is not used to the rules in the palace, just let him stand."

Song Qingshu glanced at Kangxi in surprise, thinking that he really deserved to be an emperor through the ages, with such a heart at a young age.

"Song Qingshu's martial arts is superb, and he is loyal to the emperor and the country... I have specially appointed Song Qingshu as a first-class imperial guard, and he will not worship all officials..."

Until he walked out of the Forbidden City, Song Qingshu was still in a daze, thinking that he was born and died, and he only got a first-class guard after all his hard work?

As if knowing what he was thinking, Wei Xiaobao came over with a smile and explained: "Brother Song, don't underestimate this first-class guard, but he has the official title of the third rank! You have changed from a commoner to a third rank all of a sudden, I don't know How many people would be jealous. If it weren't for the chaos in the world today, I am afraid that the emperor would not grant such a great gift."

"What kind of bodyguards are Zhang Kangnian and the others?" Song Qingshu asked curiously, thinking that if he could compare with those two sycophants, the first-class bodyguards wouldn't matter.

Wei Xiaobao chuckled: "Brother Song, I know what you think, don't worry, they are just the lowest third-class guards among the imperial guards. With their abilities, they will become second-class guards for the rest of their lives."

"Haha~" The two looked at each other and smiled, revealing a knowing smile...

"Xiaobao, this time your mission is so dangerous, I want to go with you too." Shuang'er pouted, looking at Wei Xiaobao and said.

"Be good, Shuang'er. This time I am accompanied by not only the Sanqian Xiao cavalry battalion, but also the imperial guards led by Duolong, as well as masters like Brother Song and King Dalunming. There is no danger." Wei Xiaobao was quite satisfied. I just know that it is strictly forbidden to bring female relatives in the army, and I feel a little embarrassed in front of a group of people.

"Since Miss Shuang'er cares about Master Wei so much, why don't you just let her pretend to be a personal soldier by your side?" Zhang Kangnian on the side still didn't understand his thoughts, and Duolong and the others agreed one after another.

Song Qingshu on the side smiled and said nothing, but he was thinking in his heart that going south to sweep the martial arts world would ruin his reputation. Fortunately, he was only appointed by Kangxi as his deputy.