
Master of Scented Temptations

DaoistCjjvNg · Eastern
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Chapter 69:Lose-lose

"Yes, Xiaobao is my disciple. He has been lurking in the Qing court and has made great contributions to the Tiandi Society. If the situation had not been critical this time, I would not have exposed his identity. I hope that Yuan Daxia will keep this secret for him." This middle-aged literati is the chief rudder of the Tiandihui who "if a man doesn't know Chen Jinnan, it's useless to call him a hero".

It turns out that Tiandihui believers are spread all over the world, and they accidentally discovered that Shandong Wulin was plotting to assassinate Wei Xiaobao. Chen Jinnan was shocked when he received the news. He traveled day and night, mobilizing various branches to investigate the news, and finally caught up with Yuan Chengzhi and others.

"Mr. Chen, your Tiandihui is determined to fight against the Qing Dynasty and restore the Ming Dynasty. I am also against the Qing Dynasty. However, the former Ming Emperor and I have a sworn hatred. You and I are not the same people." Yuan Chengzhi's words made Chen Jinnan feel excited. Shen, unexpectedly, he changed the subject, "But Yuan has always admired Mr. Chen for his character and charm, and he doesn't want to kill each other to gain the advantage of the Manchu Tatars. I can let Wei Xiaobao go, but this trip will be fruitless. Anyway, I need to explain to my brothers."

Chen Jinnan also understood the other party's difficulties. He had been planning with great fanfare for so long, but in the end he found out that it was a futile effort. Anyone would feel resentful in his heart. He smiled slightly and said, "Chen is willing to go to Shandong with Brother Yuan to discuss the relationship between you and me." Regarding the alliance between the two families, in the future the Shandong border, Heaven and Earth will be willing to follow the lead of the Golden Snake Camp."

Yuan Chengzhi was overjoyed. Chen Jinnan had a very high prestige in the world. He personally went to Shandong to form an alliance with the Golden Snake Battalion. This news would definitely boost the morale of the rebels. Not to mention that in the future, the Golden Snake Battalion would be able to obtain information about the Tiandihui when it moved in Shandong. As well as support, one Wei Xiaobao is irrelevant.

"In this case, Yuan arranged for someone to secretly rescue Wei Xiaobao to prevent his identity from being exposed," Yuan Chengzhi suddenly remembered something and frowned, "It's just that there is a difficult problem now..."

"What's the problem?" Chen Jinnan was surprised and asked hastily.

"There are three top evil sect masters working with me this time, the leader of Shenlong Cult, the leader of the Blood Knife Sect, and the first master of the Shingon Sect, Sang Jie. If they find out and join forces, Yuan may not be able to defeat him..." Yuan Chengzhi He thought to himself: fortunately, two of them are injured now, and he barely managed to win.

"Although Chen is not talented, his martial arts skills are so-so. I have heard for a long time that Hong Antong, the leader of Shenlong's martial arts, is very good, and I have always wanted to learn from him. If necessary, Chen can at least hold off Hong Antong. Everything will be done according to the orders of the Golden Snake King." Chen Jinnan In recent years, he has practiced the blood coagulation claw to kill people invisible, and he feels that even if he can't win the opponent, he will not lose quickly.

"Mr. Chen, you're welcome..." Before Yuan Chengzhi could finish his words, he suddenly heard screams coming from outside. He quickly used his magic skills and rushed out of the tent like a puff of smoke. Chen Jinnan watched with admiration. I can't help but know that the opponent's martial arts are probably much better than my own.

Yuan Chengzhi rushed out of the tent and found that the ancestor of the blood knife had killed two disciples of the Golden Snake Camp who were blocking the way with Wei Xiaobao, and was about to flee down the mountain. With a raise of his hand, three golden snake awls flew out from the cuffs, blocking the path forward of the Blood Knife Ancestor. With a jump, Yuan Chengzhi arrived not far behind the Blood Knife Ancestor.

"Old Patriarch Blood Knife, what are you doing!" Yuan Chengzhi looked at him in shock and anger.

"Hehe, my ancestor and I have a share of the credit for capturing this little brat. King of Golden Snakes, you are going to kill him anyway, so why don't you go with the flow and let me take him away and use it as waste?" The Blood Knife Ancestor said with a cruel smile, holding the Blood Knife in his right hand, vigorously Power filled the whole body, secretly guarding against it.

"Grandpa, you are trash, your whole family is trash~" Wei Xiaobao was carried on his shoulders, rolling his eyes, cursing in his heart.

"Yuan brought Wei Xiaobao to Shandong for his own use, so I don't need to bother my ancestors. It would be too fanciful for you to kill my brothers in the camp and run away." In a flash of golden light, the Golden Snake Sword was already in hand.

Seeing that the atmosphere was on the verge of breaking out, Sang Jie hurriedly ran over to persuade: "Why are you two doing this? Qing Dog's army is still chasing us. Are you killing each other to make it easier for outsiders? There is also the Blood Knife Ancestor. I'm not talking about you." , The Seventh Prince asked us to assassinate Wei Xiaobao, you catch him now..."

Sang Jie walked over as he spoke. At this time, he happened to pass by Yuan Chengzhi. A bright light flashed in his eyes, and he turned his palms. In conjunction with the yoga tantra magic skill of Tantra, he used the powerful Yunmi Mudra in the Maha Mudra. A palm was printed on Yuan Chengzhi's side.

Yuan Chengzhi had just learned a shocking secret from Chen Jinnan, and then discovered that the Blood Knife Ancestor suddenly betrayed the alliance. His heart surged for a moment, and without taking precautions, he was hit solidly by Sang Jie's sneak attack, and blood spurted out.

After a successful blow, Sang Jie hurriedly stepped back, but before he had time, he saw a flash of golden light, Sang Jie screamed, and fell back several feet. He looked at his arm that had been severed by the golden snake sword on the ground, and cold sweat poured down his face. , I felt extremely regretful: If I could practice to the second realm of Yoga Tantra - the Great Yoga Tantra, or even the higher Incomparable Yoga Tantra, Yuan Chengzhi would have been killed by the palm just now, how could he have cut it off with his counterattack? arm.

As if they had agreed upon it, Hong Antong also went up to kill him. Among the three of them, he had the strongest internal strength. If he was struck by his palm, Yuan Chengzhi would probably be furious on the spot.

At this time, a person jumped out from the side, blocked Hong Antong's body, and fought each other with fists and palms. After several moves, there was no winner.

"Blood Coagulation Divine Claw!" Feeling a few strands of dark energy running up the meridians of his arm, Hong Antong's heart tightened, and the inner force of luck immediately forced it out of the body.

The three of them originally wanted to take Wei Xiaobao away quietly, but they were concerned about Yuan Chengzhi's superb lightness skills and were afraid of being chased and killed by him all the way, so they simply planned to strike first.

Seeing a person whose martial arts is not weaker than his own, the ancestor of Xuedao knew something was wrong, so he hurriedly fled to a distance with Wei Xiaobao.

"It turns out to be Mr. Chen, the leader of the Tiandihui. I have something important to do today, and I will learn from you some clever tricks in the future." Looking at the seriously injured Yuan Chengzhi, Hong Antong thought that his goal had been achieved, and he no longer wanted to fight, so he turned and left.

Sang Jie sealed the big hole on his arm and ran staggeringly to the other side. He was worried about being seriously injured and was afraid that the other two evil giants would take advantage of him, so he didn't dare to follow them in the same direction.

When Chen Jinnan saw the injured Yuan Chengzhi, he didn't bother to stop him, so he hurried to Yuan Chengzhi's side to help him heal his injuries.

"Thank you, Mr. Chen. I'm fine now. I'll recover in a few days. It's just a pity that Wei Xiaobao was captured by them." Yuan Chengzhi was terrified. If Chen Jinnan hadn't blocked Hong Antong from the sneak attack just now, he would have been hit by Sangjie. Mahamudra did not slow down in one breath, and it is really possible to be angry on the spot. These masters of evil sects believe that the strong are respected, and their internal struggles are fierce. They can firmly stand at the top of their respective sects, and their vision and ability to grasp the opportunity of fighting should not be underestimated.

"Brother Yuan was plotted by the other party because he was concerned about the life of his apprentice. How could Chen just watch you fall into danger?" Chen Jinnan took back his energy and stood up and said, "Since Brother Yuan is no longer seriously injured, Chen still has to go and rescue you." Little apprentice, we will go to Shandong afterwards."

Song Qingshu, who was watching a fierce battle between the two sides in the distance, turned around and smiled at a soldier from the Golden Snake Battalion who passed by him: "Little brother, I see that you are extremely talented and have amazing bones. I think you are a martial arts wizard who is seen once in a century. I am here There is a big fortune for you..."

The soldier was about to turn around and scold him, but when he met Song Qingshu's eyes, he felt dizzy and felt that the other person's eyes were like endless black holes, and he walked towards him involuntarily.

"Little brother, luck comes from your fingers, tap my Jianjing acupoint..." Song Qingshu's words were full of magic.

It turned out that although he mobilized his true energy to continuously flush the acupuncture points according to the method of the Nine Yin Manual, because his whole body was restrained by several top masters at the same time, he was unable to break away for a while, and he saw the two sides fighting not far away. I didn't have the time to notice this side, knowing that the opportunity must be lost, I quickly carried the 'Hunyi Dafa', and with the help of a soldier's external force, opened the acupuncture points all over my body.

As soon as the acupuncture points were untied, Song Qingshu's luck was shaken. The rope tied to his body was shaken to pieces, and it shot into the sky with a loud roar: "What I gave you a few days ago, I should have returned it double today, but for the sake of Miss Youyou, today I will not take advantage of others' danger to let Yuan go."

After a long laugh, Song Qingshu disappeared deep into the woods.

Chen Jinnan looked at the direction where Song Qingshu disappeared with a changed expression: "This young man's internal strength is really rare in the world."

Yuan Chengzhi was also frightened, thinking that he was besieged by three monsters a few days ago and suffered such serious injuries. He didn't expect to recover so quickly. He didn't look injured at all. If it were him, he would have to rest for a while. two months.

It turns out that the Jiuyin Manual and the Shenzhao Sutra are both top-notch healing techniques in the world. Jiuyin governs internal injuries, and Shenzhao Sutra continues the menstrual bones. They really work together perfectly, which is why Song Qingshu's recovery ability is astonishing.

Moreover, the Blood Knife Ancestor carried Wei Xiaobao and ran all the way. Feeling that he was out of danger, he quickly put him down and took a rest while breathing heavily.

"Who is this ancestor?" Looking at the other person sitting cross-legged on the ground meditating, Wei Xiaobao poked him tentatively with his little finger.

"Put it out quickly." The Blood Knife Ancestor did not open his eyes, but concentrated on running the Blood Knife Meridian.

"Tch, I wanted to give you a big fortune, but since you're not interested, forget it." Wei Xiaobao turned around and muttered something just enough for the other party to hear.

"What wealth?" The Blood Knife Ancestor opened his eyes as expected and chuckled, "Do you want to use your embezzled money to redeem yourself?"

"Bah! I'm not a girl from Li Chun Yuan. How can I redeem myself?" Wei Xiaobao glanced at him with disdain. "I just want to tell you that if you take me back to Mongolia to meet that seventh prince, it's better than watching others helplessly." Killing me is so clever, but you can't get the maximum benefit, and the other party will kill you and seal you as a no-name general."

"Hmph! Is there anything wrong with General?" The Blood Knife Ancestor gave him a cold look.

"Hey, I'm talking about a fortune that can make you a prince and prime minister." Wei Xiaobao's eyes were full of cunning light.