
Master of Paths, Ascending To The Throne of Universe

[ Rewrite of Master of Element and Rules, Conquerer of Worlds. The characters will be the same, though there will be some changes in the plot line. If you like the novel, then you can try the rewritten one ] Ryker is born as the oldest of 14 siblings, so he is the one responsible to take care of them all. When given the choice of choosing the easier path or the harder one, he will take the harder, more arduous path, to ensure his siblings will be safe. However, the path he took is hard and long. Ryker must master countless Paths to rise to the top of the world he is on. But he will endure, for the sake of his siblings. He will walk great distance, travel through countless nations and visited the myriad realm, to become the strongest in the world, and later, the universe. Yet, why did all the women he met is interested with him??!!!!!! -x- "Big brother, you are strong enough. You can add more women into your harem," "I already have hundreds, even thousands of women! And you wanted me to add more!" "Yes," "Of course," "For the sake of our bloodline," "It is more fun this way," "I want more big sister," "All of you, huh, fine, I accept, just make sure this is the last one," ( Spoiler, it is not the last one.)

Keeper_of_Time · Fantasy
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391 Chs

President Request

The president took a deep breath before looking at his staff, his face the picture of serene calm.

However, for the staff who knew of the man, it is one where he hide his annoyance and anger, a face that took others by complete surprise by how different his face look from the words spewing from his mouth, whether in volume or words used.

 "Elcir, you said you found a talent," the president used a low voice, looking directly into the eyes of Elcir, "what you describe to me just now is not a talent, but a monster and prodigy in every way possible,"

 He then took a deep breath.


 Outside, people walked pass the president's office when a scream of rage was heard, booming to those standing in near vicinity,

 "Why am I not informed of him when he came to the city!?" the other staff quickly scurried away, not wanting to be near the president when he is this angry, while giving a silent prayer to the poor fools who had the misfortune to be inside the office at the moment. 


 Elcir rubbed his ears, still ringing from the shout of the president. After his hearing returned, he returned the gaze of the president. 

 "I just found it this day, sir. He probably did not come to the building until today," he answered calmly. One of the reason he could be the staff of the president, the closest thing the man had as a personal assistant was because of how he did not break down easily. Plus, the president liked him and personally picked him as his main staff.

 The president sighed and rubbed his temple. He knew him shouting at his staff is unreasonable but he was annoyed he did not know of such talent was inside the capital.

 "What is he doing right now?" the president asked.

 "Currently he is in the Smithy, finishing a commission. He took five commissions, all from different professions," Elcir told the president. The president nodded, his thought focused on the talent that its way into his branch.

 "Tell me when he finished his commotion. I would like to talk to him,"


 Ryker did not know what had happened. He just finished all his commissions. While forging weapon and crafting item usually took longer, he did not took such commission but instead those that require him to repair weapon and item.

 Such commissions are easier and less intensive. It also more common as buying new weapons often cost more than repairing them.

 When he finished his last commission, repairing a Grade 4 Sword, a staff went to him and told him to president want to meet him. 

 And now, he currently seated against the Duchy best Formation Master, who looked at him like he wanted to dissect him.

 "So, you had reach Rank 4 in all the profession arts you practiced," the president began with.

 "Yes sir," he replied, wondering if it is a bad thing to do so. In the end, it always risky showing some of his talents, but the rewards often followed taking risk. It just, right now, the risk could be dangerous, if not fatal.

 The president looked at him, staring to see if there is any lie in his eyes. Seeing none, he nodded before saying something he did not expect him to say,

 "I want to teach you,"

 Of anything he expected the president of the Kilrun City Branch to say, this is not one of them. In reply to being asked by a Rank 9 Formation Specialist, Ryker answered with an intelligent "Huh?"

 Seeing his expression, the president explained some more, "Since you are so talented, it will probably take you few years to reach the same height as me, maybe even less if you are supported with enormous amount of resources.

 I would take you as a disciple but it would do you more harm. Instead, I will teach you what I know. Maybe it will help you become a Rank 5 Formation Specialist," 

 Ryker dumbly nodded, his mind still stuck over the fact a Rank 9 Formation Master intended to teach him. Seeing his nod, the man had a pleased look on his face

 "We will began tomorrow morning. Come in early if you can. I will take my time teaching you," Ryker nodded again before leaving the office. Once he stepped out, he realized what he just agreed to.

 "Did I just agreed to the president teaching me?"


Once he got home, he immediately told others of what happened in the building.

 "Well, he definitely had his eyes on talents, I can tell you much," Mashia commented.

 "This would be helpful too. With his teaching, Ryker could become a Rank 5 or higher Formation Specialist while still being in the Genesis Foundation," Miriam commented.

 Ryker had to agree with the blonde's words. If a Rank 9 Formation Specialist teaching did not help improved his ability in Formation Making, then nothing will.

 "How about next week? After all, there will be the tournament Mashia's in," Era reminded him.

 "I can always asked for time off. Hopefully he will agree," Ryker replied, planning to do his best in persuading the man if he had to.

 "Since you are going early, we should get to bed now," Myna said. Though most knew it just an excuse to have sex. After all, as cultivators, their sleeping needs are less than regular mortals, with sleeping just being something they wanted to do rather than a necessity when reaching the Spirit Grand Realm.

 However, no one, not even Ryker, objected to it. After all, he do want to enjoy the warmth of his women when he can.


 The very next day, Ryker already entered the Craftsman Alliance building, where he was greeted by the president.

 "Aahh, good. You are here. I would like to teach you right away, but I need to have a meeting first. So, you can just go to the Formation Room I already booked for you. Elcir will lead the way," the named Elcir nodded before leading Ryker towards the Formation Room.

 As the two left, the president head towards the meeting room. Inside, he saw all his vice presidents, each representing the different branch of Craftsman Alliance, all the head of a department, himself included. 

 After all, as the sole Rank 9 Formation Specialist, who else could compare to him as the head of Formation Department.

 Once they saw him, they stood up and greeted him, showing their respect, something he returned. After all, the reason he is the president of the branch was because of his leadership skill, despite his anger issue.

 The vice-presidents are all equal to him in other ways, with all of them are Genesis Sea experts while being Rank 9 in their respective profession.

 Seeing they started to seat, the president began the meeting,

 "I like to talk to you about a great talent in the Duchy,"