
Master of none

Everyone has a system they just need to meet hidden conditions to unlock it. A blacksmith system may unlock after a human walks by a forge. A master mage may unlock a system after attempting to control the mana in their body. Even something as simple as kicking a rock at a bucket can unlock the marksman system a unique system allowing for perfect accuracy. But what happens when someone reaches the age of fifteen and hasn’t unlocked their system? Walker is about to find out, time is ticking and he doesn’t want to live out his life as an ordinary human; he has dreams you know! ****** My first ever story please leave plenty of comments so I can adapt and learn as I write The first chapters may be shorter but the length is improving as I write. Editing is in progress To see recent updates remember to clear que regularly

1King_Rep1 · Fantasy
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2230 Chs

548. Herder

"Those orcs were at the river drinking or may have crossed it to get to this side. I am worried that more might be around." Walker voiced his opinion while looking toward the water shining in the distance. It was close enough to see but not enough to see any small details with his eyes. 

"Leader, I can not discern details. But I can see that there are smaller shapes around the water." Su was able to glean a small amount of information, which was better than what Walker could grasp.

"I hope they are just animals. You said there was a bend in the river that was bridged up ahead right? If we pass it we could be in for some trouble." Remey was trying to think ahead. She had taken on this trait more while she was at the elf city which was a nice surprise to her battle strategy.