
Master Of Martial Arts Has An Advanced Optical Brain

Chu Nan was just an ordinary student, but because of an accident, he obtained the data collection, analysis and processing ability equivalent to the most advanced optical brain. In his eyes, everything in the world could be analyzed with the most accurate data. Any attack by the enemy was only a combination of countless data points. Even the flow of Internal Breath in his meridians could be accurately quantified with data. With the help of such extremely accurate data, he could use his physical strength optimally and also create the most suitable internal cultivation method for himself. Following this, his strength naturally advanced by leaps and bounds. After such a sudden event, his life was completely changed.

Eight O'clock At Night · Sci-fi
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1781 Chs

Impossible to Marry

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

Angie Prairie!

It was actually Angie Prairie!

Chu Nan almost widened his eyes and looked at the familiar figure in the distance without blinking. After staring at it for five seconds, he suddenly rushed over and hugged it. His arms almost used all his strength as if he was afraid that Angie Prairie would suddenly disappear.

If it was said that the person he had been most worried about ever since he successfully returned from body rebirth, it was actually not Elvy.

Although he had already fully expressed his worry for Elvy in the past half a year, no matter how little contact she had with him in the past half a year or how cold her attitude was, she could still contact him and let him know that she was still alive and well, but her mentality might have changed.

However, Angie Prairie was different.

In the past half a year, regardless of whether it was Angie Prairie or Supremacy Oville, Chu Nan could not contact them at all.