
Master of Lust

Rick hardly had any hope to find a girlfriend. There were swarms of beautiful women around him, but no one was actually interested in a dull, boy like him. They didn't even pay attention to his existence. But everything changed when he was handed over a rod. Yes, a metal rod. Carrying that metal rod he had hardly taken a few steps when he was struck by lightening. As he lost consciousness, Rick wanted to beat the shit out of bloody bastard who gave him that rod, but when he woke up, he had a surprise waiting. He got a system which would help him get girls and make him stronger. Read my other story: The Devil's Harem (200+ chapters) [Discord: https://discord.gg/thWfhRdpqy]

The_Lonely_Guy · Urban
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240 Chs

Necessary Evil

Chapter - 111

The door groaned open, and in sauntered Evelina, oozing confidence with every graceful step. Geoffrey, playing second fiddle, shuffled in behind her. Rick, lounging in his chair with all the nonchalance of a cat, glanced up at Evelina, a sly grin playing on his lips. Still, getting up from his chair, and greeting her was clearly too much effort for him.

"Well, well, well! Look who decided to grace us with their presence early," Rick teased, readjusting in his seat, a twinkle of amusement in his eyes.

Evelina shot him a dissatisfied frown, clearly unimpressed by his cheeky banter. She turned toward Geoffrey and gesturing to him. Geoffrey, following her unspoken command, exited the room and soon returned with two other servants, each pushing a trolley. The contents of said trolleys had Rick's eyes widening with unabashed interest.