
Master of Legends

This is the story of the one who one day reached the pinnacle, a level that few dared to step on, but in the process lost everything that was most important to him! Taken by the loss, he destroys everything and everyone, surrendering himself to madness, but when the revenge is done, what is left? Nothing! In the midst of the void, he begs for someone to grant him death, and when it is to be granted, a flash of light appears and.... everything begins again! ==================== For all readers, I've been telling you that I'm Brazilian and not very good in English, and I use Google Translator, just giving some small basic proofreading and then sending it, if you find errors, please comment that I'll almost always be watching and trying to fix it as soon as possible! ===================== The cover is not mine and I could not get in touch with her creator, if you are him and don't want me to use your art, please send an email to me: lichgod101@gmail.com

Lich_God · Eastern
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64 Chs

Chapter 23 - Advances in [Boundary Breaking].

It was the middle of the night and now Julius was sitting in a meditative pose in his room, cultivating the [Boundary Breaking] Technique.

"Hm? Am I about to advance?" - Julius said surprised to feel his Meridians, who had all already been opened, have a golden and immaculate glow.

Currently, he was in the Second Layer, Purification of the Meridians, even with the meridians open, does not mean that they are in perfect condition to be used.

And even if they are used, the absorbed Energy will be very impure and when it enters Dantian to become Qi or Vital Energy, it will be impure and will cause internal damage to the cultivation.

So it can be said that the Purification of the Meridians was the most important part of the first 3 layers, something that few Techniques can do.

Julius then closed his eyes and took all the thoughts out of his mind, leaving it empty.

And soon he felt a thin shell of dirt, which was still trapped in his Meridians being released, the next instant his skin began to be covered by several layers of dirt and black viscous liquid.

Soon a huge puddle that covered half the room appeared, a horrible smell impregnated all the air and Julius slowly opened his eyes, ignoring the smell, since he deactivated his sense of smell and taste, he didn't worry about these things.

He looked at his meridians which besides being golden, had a crystalline glow, these were Meridians without any maculation, they were extremely pure.

"Even though it took me a lot longer than in the past, still, seeing my Meridians like that gives me immense satisfaction." - Julius said happily as he looked inside a few more times.

He then looked with displeasure at the floor of the dirty room, at least there were 20 liters of black liquid here, something that has already exceeded the amount of liquid in his body, but of course, this is not from his body but Meridians, all that is on the floor are impurities that his body has accumulated in his 7 years of life, even though he has been extremely meticulous in preventing impurities, he can't stop everything.

Well, at least it doesn't compare to the first time he reached the Third Layer, Meridian Expansion.

In his past life when he first reached this layer, an amount that is several times greater was expelled, if Julius were to compare, this black liquid would be going to his waist now.

Julius then smiling took a thick cloth and a bucket from his Space Ring, something he gained from his master months ago.

He then began to clean the floor and poured out various cleaning products, so that the disgusting smell would come out of the air.


The days have passed very quickly since Julius managed to advance to the Third Layer of [Breaking the Line].

The 3rd Layer: Expansion of Meridians, could not be described with a better word: DOLORIOUS!!!

Julius remembers very well this stage, he felt an intense pain whenever he cultivated because his Meridians were being constantly expanded.

For a comparison, think of his bones as a balloon, now blow them and fill them, this is the pain that Julius is feeling, only 100 times more because the Meridians are not only connected to the body but also the Soul, that is, Julius felt as if his whole body was a balloon and if he blew too much overflow.

And this stage lasted a total of 2 months, the time when he turned 8 years old, it seemed that the heavens were giving him a birthday present... or was it hell?

When Julius was one day cultivating, he felt the infernal pain stop, it made him frown because he knew what was coming, he then breathed calmly before opening all his pores, making them absorb the Energy of Heaven and Earth-like mad!

In an instant, the entire area 1 kilometer away was without any Energy from Heaven and Earth, which made many frowns, especially those who were cultivating.

Julius ignoring this fact, felt the Energy of Heaven and Earth invade his body like a waterfall, all his Meridians who had been expanded 8 times, began to fill up, but so far there was nothing too much.

But when 1 hour passed, it was the hour that the real hell began.

Julius did not absorb this Energy into his Dantian and refined it, he let it accumulate in his Meridians and just waited, he waited an entire hour and it was time for true hell to begin.

His meridians, filled with Energy, began to pulse, for he couldn't bear to store anything else, but Julius ignorantly continued to absorb the Energy, which made his expression distort with pain.

Julius wanted to scream, but he didn't scream, he was afraid to draw attention from that outside, even more, his Master Zero, who may find that he is having a deviation from Qi and may explode, so he would forcibly make him stop Cultivating.

In the end, Julius can only stand firm and strong in will, withstanding all the pain and only waiting for more Energy from Heaven and Earth to enter his body.

Unfortunately, this world has a terrible quality and quantity, meaning that your suffering will be 2-3 times greater than your past life.

6 hours quickly passed, that was the time that Julius felt his body swell like a balloon, it was possible to see with the naked eye, that Julius practically tripled in size, but his inside was quite hollow, one could say that he was about to explode.

Julius who was at the end of his will, finally felt his Meridians reach the final barrier, he then breathed with as much calm as possible, before without hesitating to send a large amount of this Energy to his Dantian and then he absorbed the surrounding Energy, to replace the Energy sent to his Dantian.

Seeing that it was full again, Julius then controlled that unrefined Energy in his Dantian and forced it into his Meridians.

His Meridians, already overcrowded and unable to hold anything else, could no longer stand it and began to tear, Julius felt tremendous pain, but quickly let the accumulated Energy of Heaven and Earth in his body leak, he had reached his goal.

Soon his body began to deflate until he finally returned to normal size, the entire surrounding area had a 100-fold increase in his Sky and Earth Energy, which stunned many people in the Sky'Dragon Family residence.

Julius ignoring such a situation only focused on his wounded Meridians before sending his Qi and Vital Energy to artificially cover up these tears.

Julius felt the pain diminish immensely, but he did not care about it and just waited and soon he felt an immeasurable vitality emerge from his Meridians.

Suddenly the Meridians took advantage of the artificial walls created by Qi and Vital Energy, and using them as a base, began to heal naturally.

This was one of the wonders of [Boundary Breaking], this Mystical Technique somehow made it look like its Meridians had a life of their own, to the point that they could recover from wounds alone after reaching the 3rd Layer.

Julius saw how his Meridians were healed and had expanded 10 times what they were before, this is something shocking, but very common in Julius' eyes.

He deceived his Meridians by creating artificial walls of the Meridians, so when his Meridians went to heal, they expanded and seeing this, Julius no longer needed to control his Qi and Vital Energy, letting only the Meridians do their job.

Julius then couldn't take it anymore, lay on the ground and fell asleep, his mind was exhausted!

It was 6 hours of immense torture, but he knew very well, that it was only the beginning.

It's like they say: No pain, no gain!

The next day, Julius woke up late, but he didn't care much about it, he took a look at his Meridians and smiled widely as he saw them completely healed.

But seeing this, he also frowned and felt like crying.

If only the 3rd Layer, which lasted 2 months, was hellish torture, from the 4th to the 6th Layer, one can say that it will be a hell of a nightmare.

While the first 3 layers are connected to the Meridians, from their openings, purification, and expansion, from the 4th to the 6th Layer, they are connected to the mind.

"It will take 6 months for me to enter the 4th Layer and another 6 months for me to start refining my brain…" - said Julius already afraid.

Few things make him afraid, the Technique [Breaking the Limit] is in 1st Place, just below it is his last lover, she was the devil in person.

Giving off a sorrowful sigh, Julius went to eat, for tonight he would begin to prepare the ground, which is his brain, to be refined.

Luckily this mere preparation that will last 6 months will not hurt at all, only that he will feel his mind electrified and a great sense of numbness will take over his mind, something that is not painful but is uncomfortable.


The days quickly passed, soon became months, Julius grew more and more beautiful, to the point of making many young ladies fall in love with him, even though they were almost 9 years old.

But we will ignore that for now and return to Cultivation.

When the 6 months of preparation were over, that's when hell began, Julius sent his Qi and Life Energy to his brain and began to refine it, which was a painful process.

Julius felt as if millions of needles were punctured in his brain, blood flowed through his nose, but he endured the pain with as much willpower as possible.

When 2 hours passed, Julius stopped the refining process and went to sleep, he was exhausted and no longer could continue.

And this process was repeated for 6 months, and by the time 6 months had passed he was already 9 years old, Julius finally suffered the advance he had been waiting for so long!

A cold wave impregnated his mind, making his senses even more acute, in the 4th Layer of [Breaking Limit], the potential of the brain is unlocked.

With each advance in the Realm of Cultivation, the brain naturally undergoes significant changes, always improving, but no matter what, as long as mystical cultivation techniques are not used, the Cultivator will only be able to use 10% of his brain capacities.

In his past life, Julius already had 40% of his brain capacity unlocked, which is why he was a monstrous genius, but in that life, only 10% of his brain capacity was unlocked, something humiliating.

But with [Limit Breaking], this was quickly solved and in these 6 months that have passed, Julius refined his brain from pain, Qi and Vital Energy, to finally unlock 50% of his brain capacities!

With this, he successfully cultivated the 4th Layer of [Breaking Limit]: Small Unlocking of the Mind, which not only unlocked 50% of his brain capacities but also made him unlock the talent of [Telekinesis], something rare where only 1 in 10,000,000 people can have.

Julius had it in his past life, even before he cultivated [Breaking the Limit] and after he cultivated it, he became one of the greatest Masters of Telekinesis in the world, millennia later, in the Universe!

But that was just the beginning, the next day he already started cultivating the 5th Layer: Medium Unlocking of the Mind, which would unlock 75% of his brain capacities and greatly improve his telekinetic abilities.

This process lasted 3 months, as for the remaining 25%, Julius predicted it would take 6 months.

Well, as I promise, Thursday will have four chapters released instead of two.

You just want to see me suffer. (;-;)

Lich_Godcreators' thoughts