
Master of Element and Rules, Conquerer of Worlds

Learning soon his parents will disappear, Ryker Amirex is given a choice, to be the strongest person in the world in a short time but he will never get to take the next step of cultivation again, or choose a harder path, where he needed to suffer first before he could even take the first step in cultivating, but he can suppress others in the world. Choosing the later, Ryker must undergoes deadly trials and faces powerful enemies, as he grow strong enough to learn the secret his parents keep. For the sake of his younger siblings and his loved one, he will face every hardship. But, Rohuka is not the only world out there. - "Why do you try to set me up with another women??!!" "It's for the sake of our bloodline," "They really like you, big brother," "Besides, someone like can never have enough women, or wives for that matter," "The more lovers you have, the more nephews and nieces we would have too," "Yes/ Yeah/ Agree/ True/ Totally/ That would be great/ Only the best for big bro/ Absolutely." "I want more big sister." "Et tu?"

Keeper_of_Time · Fantasy
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473 Chs

Preparing the Capital Defense

 When he entered the capital, he could see most of the houses were being demolished so new barracks could be made, along with armories, training fields, and healer stations could be created.

 As he walked towards one of the builders, he spotted the Kilrun Capital City Craftsman Alliance President, who was ordering some of the soldiers along with formation masters to build a new formation for the city.

 "Mister President," he greeted the man, the older man turning his head, a frown on his face before it turned to a smile once he realized who had just called him.

 "Ah, young friend, how nice of you to come. Are you going to help us with formation-making as well?" he asked. 

 Ryker shook his head, "I'm still too green to help with the formation making of this scale. I'm just here to observe everything and see if the work is going fine,"

 The man nodded in understanding, "The work is progressing, though it will take probably a week or so to build a formation this powerful, not to mention the cost of it... Thankfully the Duke had paid for all of it, along with the some extra for the fee, even though he did not need to, as we are the ones that benefit the most from making this formation," the man said before turning his attention to one of the workers, guiding them of what they need to do.

 Ryker smiled at the enthusiastic man before continuing his journey to the mansion. By now, most of the infrastructure for the upcoming war had almost been completed, the project began when the citizens of the Duchy was forced to evacuate their home.

 By now, there are no civilians, only soldiers and auxiliary specialists ranging from alchemists and blacksmiths to healers and builders. The last of the civilians were sent on the caravans that Hylla and his family were on.

 With no more civilian population, the capital turned more into a citadel, hopefully able to withstand the onslaught of the Mizalas invasion. As he mused over what had happened, he realized he had reached the gate of the Duke's estate.

 One of the guards recognized him and quickly opened the gate, allowing him entrance into the estate. He proceeds to walk into the mansion, heading towards the Duke's office.

 When he entered the said office, he could see the Duke was watching the construction of the rebuilding of his city into a fortress, along with the creation of the super-formation.

 "My lord," he called the man, the Duke turning his head and smiling at the sight of him.

 "Young man, do you say goodbye to your family and Hylla already?" he asked.

 "Yeah, I did," he gave a short reply before an awkward silence enveloped the office. 

 The Duke decided to break the slightly stiff atmosphere, "I have to thank you for giving me the super formation, without it, we would not be able to form any resistance against the Mizalas,"

 Ryker gave the man a nod of acknowledgment. The formation itself was something he had taken from the formation-making room in the Hidden Ancient Mansion. There are some basic formations along with some advanced ones with notes of there being more in the library.

 While he wanted to grab those, after looking at the content of the books in the room, he decided against it as the book there already has content for Grade 9 Formation, the current limit of the formation masters in the Kilrun Duchy.

 If the so-called basic books already have a Grade 9 Formation, the one at the library likely contained Spirit and Source Grade Formation, and likely for other items too.

 So, he searched for the best defensive formation he could find in the room. He found the Grand Genesis Defending Array, a powerful formation that could, from the description in the book at least, block a Noble realm expert for a short time.

 While he was not too sure of the description, at least it could protect the entire capital, as the size of the formation could be adjusted depending on what the formation master wanted.

 The Grand Genesis Defending Array is special as it is composed of a multitude of formations, ranging from Grade 6 to Grade 8 Formation while the core will be made out of a Grade 9 Formation.

 When he gave the details of the formation, the Duke did not spare any efforts to the creation of the formation. He used almost half of his coffers to build the formation and hire the president of the Craftsman Alliance along with the formation masters of the alliance to help with the creation of the formation.

 The formation will have from regular defensive formations, energy gathering formations to even killing formations, some strong enough to even harm a Genesis Sea expert, if it was not manned by a Genesis Sea expert itself.

 With this, he was assured that the capital could hold on for the upcoming onslaught with ease, though, that was not the only super formation that they are currently working on.

 "How about the formation downstairs?" Ryker asked, a code for the most advanced energy-gathering formation that Kilrun Duchy would have. 

 "It is almost finished. When it is done, the formation outside will also be finished. By then, I will remain inside the chamber and cultivate. I will not come out until I become a Noble expert," the Duke answered, a resolute tone can be heard from his voice.

 Aside from the Genesis Sea experts, no one else knew of the project, as it was done by the president himself. The formation was not too big, but it could connect with some other energy-gathering formation, by siphoning and sending the energy to the main formation.

 The formation was created for one sole purpose, to help the Duke advance to the Noble realm, giving them the victory when he achieved that.

 It is their last hope of winning the war, as a head-on confrontation would just lead to their doom. The reason why he believed the Duke becoming a Noble ream expert was enough to change the tide of war is that the difference between the grand realm is a massive chasm.

 Even he does not think he could hold a Noble expert when he became a peak Genesis Sea expert, the difference between the two is too large.

 "If that is the case, I will be going now my lord. I still need to locate where the invasion force coming from and how long will they arrive at the capital," Ryker told the man before walking out of the office, preparing to do his part for the time being.