
Master of Element and Rules, Conquerer of Worlds

Learning soon his parents will disappear, Ryker Amirex is given a choice, to be the strongest person in the world in a short time but he will never get to take the next step of cultivation again, or choose a harder path, where he needed to suffer first before he could even take the first step in cultivating, but he can suppress others in the world. Choosing the later, Ryker must undergoes deadly trials and faces powerful enemies, as he grow strong enough to learn the secret his parents keep. For the sake of his younger siblings and his loved one, he will face every hardship. But, Rohuka is not the only world out there. - "Why do you try to set me up with another women??!!" "It's for the sake of our bloodline," "They really like you, big brother," "Besides, someone like can never have enough women, or wives for that matter," "The more lovers you have, the more nephews and nieces we would have too," "Yes/ Yeah/ Agree/ True/ Totally/ That would be great/ Only the best for big bro/ Absolutely." "I want more big sister." "Et tu?"

Keeper_of_Time · Fantasy
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473 Chs

Mashia and Hylla Reward

 After abusing the former bandit leader and putting her in the corner, though not forgetting to stuff her with the remaining sex toys, they turned their head towards the sole male in the room, expectant looks on their face.

 Ryier laughed inwardly. To think the two women that had tortured several others, even if it was because of his insistence, look like a bunch of lewd slut. Then again, he did promise them and he always kept his promise if possible.

 He walked towards them, his hand drifted down and groped their rear, making them jolt upward. Smiling at them both, he lifted the two on each hand, the sudden elevation caused them to squeal.

 He silences them with a kiss, one they reciprocate. When he was close to the bed, he dropped them on the bed, giving them a lustful look of his own. 

 Seeing the hunger in his eyes, they both gulped, guessing they would likely become unconscious by the end of their session.

 Looking at them, Ryker first headed towards Mashia, giving the dragon girl a kiss that seemed to suck her life, the moan she let out muffled by the kiss.

 Besides him, Hylla whimpered, trying to gain his attention. She mewled when she felt him grope her breast, squeezing it.

 After sucking the air out of Mashia, she turned towards Hylla and gave her the same treatment. He could not favor just one of them after all.

 Before long, Hylla would also find herself lying on the bed, trying to breathe and replace the air in her lungs that was denied of her by Ryker's kiss.

 Looking at them, he thought of something. Without a word, he lifted Mashia, the dragon girl's squeak escaped her mouth, shocked by the sudden action. The fact he put her on top of Hylla also shocked her though Hylla did gasp from the fact someone was placed on top of her.

 As the two looked at each other in the face, unable to comprehend what just happened, Ryker spread their legs, giving him a view of their slits, placed directly against one another.

 Not speaking during the time, Ryker sandwiched his shaft between the two slits. Despite him not penetrating their lower cavern, the sensation of his shaft rubbing their slits still surprised them, the rubbing caused pleasure to spread all over their bodies.



 Not to mention, his shaft also bumped and hit their pearls, moans escaping their mouth whenever that happened. Hearing their moans, Ryker sped up his thrusting, aiming at their pearl.

 With how precise he is, every single strike always caused his to rub on the sensitive nubs, causing their moans to grow louder as their cores grew hotter from the strike.



 In just a few minutes, they let out screams of pleasure as they released their nectar, their squirting stained their and his lower part. Yet he did not pay heed as he busts his own load.

 Because he did not penetrate either one of them, his seed was released on the gap between the two women's bodies. Staining their belly with some even reaching their breast.

 After letting out the load, his shaft was still hard and so, he decided to do things properly.

 "Whaaah!" Mashia yelped as Ryker roughly thrust into her, piercing her fold. The sudden jolt from Mashia allowed Hylla to realize what happened, causing her to pout at the fact she was not chosen.

 "Aahh! H-hy-hylla, w-wha-what a-are y-you do-doing?" she asked, sensing the woman underneath her moved her hands. Before long, she let out another yelp as her butt was groped by someone that is not definitely Ryker.

 Not to mention, the other hand targeted her breast, toying with the peak even though it was more of a hill.

 "Aahh! S-something co-coming out!"

 Being the target of two people, it was not a surprise for her

 With being the target of two different people, it was not a surprise for her to climax, love juice trickling from her cavern. Ryker pulled out of her lower cavern despite it holding his shaft like a vice.

 He, once again, without a word, penetrated Hylla, making her yelp as she was subjected to an ambush, her fold being pierced by Ryker's thick shaft.

 Realizing it was Hylla's turn, Mashia's face had a big grin forming on it. One that only the gray-haired woman could see and knowing what she did, she knew she was the likely target.

 Before she could beg for her to stop, Mashia's mouth found her nipples, suckling on the pink tip. Her tongue also moves, stroking the tip and the skin near it.

 "I-I cumming!"

 Feeling lightheaded as the pleasure got to her, the thrusting from her man did not help, it did not take long for her to have her second climax for the night.

 Even when his shaft was being held by Hylla's inside, Ryker remained calm, pounding the woman non-stop. After prolonging her climax, he stopped and pulled his shaft before piercing inside Mashia.

 The sudden attack made her squeal. With two back-to-back climaxes, it did not take long for her to reach her limit.

 "I am cumming again!" she screamed, her inside tightening on Ryker's shaft was the push Ryker needed for him to release inside Mashia, staining her womb with his seed.

 Feeling the warm seed inside, the woman sighs, her face falling on Hylla's shoulder. Before the other woman could complain, Ryker thrust inside her, making her push slightly as she slammed into the woman like a madman.

 With him being rough and fast, it was not long for Hylla to reach her own climax, squealing as she released nectar to the ground. With his shaft being sensitive from releasing his load, twice, plus the fact he was not stopping it this time, he released a third load inside Hylla.

 With him painting her womb white, the woman mewled as she moved her hand to her lower part, gently prodding it.

 However, Ryker was not done yet. Using his strength to lift Mashia, causing the dragon girl to yelp in surprise, Ryker lifted her by her thigh before placing his hands on the back of her knees.

 Folding her in half, he thrust into the woman, his shaft striking her lower cavern. As for Mashia, the most embarrassing thing regarding the position was the fact Hylla could clearly see it all, from her bare body to the thick shaft pounding into her tight cavern.

 She covered her face, acting as if doing so would make it less embarrassing. Hylla watched Ryker pound Mashia like a wild animal, the dragon girl being lifted and pushed into his shaft, more like a doll if not for the moans and drools exiting her mouth.

 As she watched Mashia being railed by Ryker, the only thought that was formed inside her head was, "I wish that was me,"

 Soon, her wish came true as Ryker vigorously shaped her inside to the shape of his shaft.