
Master of Deception System

Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) Headquarters in Country M, Top-secret Conference Room. The Director of the FBI sternly addresses the room, "Li Xuan is the most wanted criminal on a global scale." "He's mastered the art of disguise, ranging from doctors, lawyers, police officers, to politicians and businessmen!" "This is an unprecedented grand deception!" "Just yesterday, he sold the Statue of Liberty to South Korea..." "And the most critical part... all his transactions were perfectly legal!" "This involves the dignity of our nation; even if we have to impose a complete lockdown, we must capture this guy!" The room buzzes with discussions. Then, someone asks, "But we only have one photo of him at the age of 18, how can we track him down?" The Director takes a deep breath and says, "If you carefully review our materials, you'll know... he's only 20 years old this year!" "Let me be direct. Internationally, there's a title for him." "The Master Cheater!"

LK99 · Urban
Not enough ratings
62 Chs


Jinling City Police Department.

Fifth-floor conference room.

This conference room had recently witnessed a triumphant hearing about a massive theft ring, and the remnants of the red ribbons left behind for the award ceremony could still be seen on the podium.

However, today's meeting had nothing to do with celebrations.

After the establishment of the special task force, they had managed to trace Li Xuan's whereabouts, but they hadn't been able to capture him in practice. This had not only failed to apprehend the suspect but had also led to Li Xuan escaping once again, disappearing into the shadows and leaving Jinling in a state of anxiety. The operation at the train station had rapidly spread throughout the city, becoming a topic of conversation for everyone.

The consequences would be severe, not only economically but also in terms of public trust. So, this meeting was extremely urgent, with several high-ranking officials in attendance. The purpose was to understand what had happened and how to explain it to the citizens. Accountability, punishment, and disciplinary action would likely be on the table.

September 20th, 2:00 PM.

The conference room was now filled with people. They huddled in groups of two or three, engaged in hushed discussions, their expressions serious as they considered whether to disclose information about the operation.

However, there was no consensus on whether to make this information public, and many had not reached a firm decision. Those who were truly aware of the details leaned towards keeping it classified. Li Xuan, an unconstrained presence, could become an icon or symbol if this information was revealed, and the consequences would be dire. But those who hadn't delved deeply into the situation believed that disclosure was necessary to provide accountability to various sectors of society. Most of the debates were about expressing their stances rather than seeking solutions, especially in this setting where speaking required great caution.

In reality, while there was constant chatter, only a few were deeply engaged in the debate.

Footsteps echoed, making the already quiet room even quieter. They knew that the head of the operation, Kang Shuwei, had returned.

The large wooden doors of the conference room opened, and Kang Shuwei entered with five others. The remnants of red ribbons from the recent ceremony still clung to the podium.

Song Jingwei, standing at the front, saw Kang Shuwei's entrance, cleared his throat, and introduced, "This is Comrade Kang Shuwei from our city police department, the leader of this operation."

Upon the introduction, the audience remained silent. Song Jingwei didn't expect much of a reaction from them and continued, "Captain Kang, please report on the progress of this operation."

Kang Shuwei sat in the seat with his name and began, "Let me start by summarizing the results of this operation."

"We have failed."

"A complete and utter failure. Not only did we fail to capture the suspect, but we also misjudged the direction entirely."

A murmur rippled through the room.

This unsettled Song Jingwei, and Kang Shuwei's lack of emotion was concerning. However, he continued, "Director Song, I'd like to request another search warrant. Li Xuan is currently at Lukou Airport and is likely on Flight ZC5546 heading to Guangdong."

Upon hearing Kang Shuwei's words, the room erupted in commotion.

"Are you kidding us?"

"Can't you get it right? Can you even handle this? If the leader of this special task force can't manage, replace him!"

"Jinling doesn't need to bear the consequences of your continuous blunders!"

But it seemed that Song Jingwei hadn't heard the comments, as if he was unaware of the crowd's discontent. He continued to look at Kang Shuwei.

Given the complexity of the situation, there were too many people present, and Kang Shuwei felt the weight of their expectations. If he declared this decision now, he could either succeed or become the subject of ridicule if it failed.


Someone from the audience spoke up. "I've reviewed Li Xuan's file, and although he's undoubtedly formidable, he's just an eighteen-year-old kid. Is it worth alarming the airport for a teenager?"


"How big of a mess will this create if we can't catch him? This is absurd!"

While the individual was speaking, the door suddenly burst open. Panting and with a flushed face, Sun Ting entered the room. She carried a laptop and immediately lowered her head upon entering the conference room. She rushed to the front and efficiently connected her laptop to the projector.

She exchanged a few words with Kang Shuwei and began the presentation. A complex flowchart appeared on the screen, arrows intersecting and circles representing various events.

As everyone wondered what this was about, Kang Shuwei cleared his throat and spoke again, "Ladies and gentlemen, this is everything Li Xuan has been doing since August 15th."

All the people in the room seemed slightly puzzled as they examined the diagram.

Those seated at the meeting were not ignorant. They could clearly see what this diagram meant.

And the more they saw, the more stunned they became.

What kind of grand scheme was this?