

-This is translate from Google, sorry if it looks bad-


It's a lot of people applying for jobs at The Heaven, and the job that is really dreamed of is being a GM, yeah right ... because the salary can make that person become rich and famous.

Therefore Zie once again applied for his 100th job. Even though he has strong determination, everything will be in vain. Because from all over the world only people who are lucky can become GMs, just imagine that from 100% of the world's population only 2% of people have become GMs.

On the zie train said in his heart;

"This is the 100th time I applied for a job as a Game Master, and maybe this is the last time"

"father ... sorry if this time I failed, I was desperate with all my efforts in vain"

"But for the last time, I will stick to my wishes"

"Hopefully I can be like you, because of this motivation I can survive until now"

*** - The train stops at the city destination E-CTY - ***

E-CTY is the 3rd most populous city in the world, and the number 1 security level in the world, moreover in this modern era everything looks so sophisticated. because of that there is rarely a case in this city. everything remains safe and in control.

*** - After the train zie was also seventh TH-ID-7 (The Heaven Indonesian 7) - ***

Because this company is the largest in the world, many branches are established mainly TH-ID-7, and in every country there are only 10 branches, for example Indonesia has 10 branches from TH-ID-1 to TH-ID-10.

*** - In the direction of the big television announcing something - ***

Host 1: Do you know that the game is phenomenal now?

Host 2: Yes, it's clear The Heaven !!

Host 1: That's right, bro, because this game has a difference from ordinary games ...

Host 1: The Heaven is not like a normal game that still uses VR.

Host 1: In this game you are like in a dream, but it is like real !!!

Host 2: well I heard the game uses the BrainRealty system.

Host of event 1: Right, bro, BrainRealty was made by Kanzo Hidoyoshi from Japan.

Host 2: wow, Japan has progressed well.

Host 1: Well, but the maker died 10 years ago ...

Host 1: and now The Heaven game developer uses BrainRealty to use

Host 1: and as a result 5 years ago this game was considered to have passed the results of the trial

Event host 1: now this game is the most popular in the world right now, man ..

Host 2: why can it be so cute ??

Host 1: because in this game all players in the world can play together. the term "One Server For ALL"

Program host 2: wow, cool, then how do you talk to people who are different in language?

Host 1: because of the large number of enthusiasts asking for this feature GMs also make VoiceAutoTranslate or can be short on VAT

Host 2: wow, so cool !!!

Host 1: So hurry up to play THE HEAVEN there are still many features that you can get ...

The host of event 2: wow is interesting ...

Hosts 1 and 2: Play THE HEAVEN !!!

After arriving in front of the company Zie prayed, and the time that had been waiting for had arrived, where Zie would change her world.

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