
Master of Beasts

He was abandoned He was used He was abused He was betrayed He was rich but he was also poor He was known but he was also an outcast. He was a heir but treated as an orphan. Life had drained him Humanity has deprived him When he seek, they flee Whe he kneel, they spite Murmurs and whispers had shattered his soul. Pain and bruises had made him strong. Torture and mockery had made him nonchalant. While physical pain and harsh words had made him what he is today. Creed Meiho. That was his name. Humans cruelty towards him made him lost interest in all. He lost the color in his eyes and just only waited for death to come and pick him up. That wish has come. He was poisoned by his own family. But he was okay, he was fine. He had already anticipated this coming in his life. The bitterness and unfair life had made him accept it all. He just welcomed it all. 25 years and he could rest now, rest for the harsh and cruelty he had lived for. But one faithful death has knock on his door. A second chance has approach him which he did not wish for. He didn't want it but he was not in control. Life has treated him unfairly and he didn't want to witness it again. He wants to have a choice but even in the afterlife he was still deprived of it all. He was forcefully reincarnated in the world unknown to him. Where magic exist and animal and plants were beast. Where he was reincarnated to a different body. Same status but different childhood. In this world He was known Cain. The weak young master of one of the best family. Welcome to the Realms of Evolution. Cain's new home.

Trinity9790 · Fantasy
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2 Chs


<p>Young Master" <br/><br/>Creed was silently sipping his tea in his room when one of the maids of the Orsville family called him.<br/><br/>Creed just looked at her, waiting for her sentence to continue.<br/><br/>"The lord wish for your presence" <br/><br/>the maid bowed respectfully as she waited for Creed's next answer.<br/><br/>Creed just nodded his head before gesturing her to lead the way.<br/><br/>The maid respectfully bowed at him again and gestured him to follow her. <br/><br/>He slowly stand up and followed her.<br/><br/>Although the maid was walking ahead of Creed, she was still uncomfortable with the development of their young master.<br/><br/>Their young master was not the way he used to be.<br/><br/>The way he talks, his posture and even his naive aura are not visible. <br/><br/>It's like their young master was possess.<br/><br/>Their young master loss consciousness near the river amd was breathing roughly. <br/><br/>His pulse was beating weakly and his complexion is turning white, which was speculated that he ate a black berry with a stripes of red and white.<br/><br/>The speculation were made since their young master was holding that berry and it has an ample of bite on it.<br/><br/>But those are just baseless rumors running around the manor. No one knew the true story, atleast to the likes of them. The servants.<br/><br/>Their young master was just found holding that fruit.<br/><br/>Their young master was ghastly pale and become even weaker when the servant he most trusted found him near the river.<br/><br/>He was unconscious for a week and after he woke up, he became like a new person.<br/><br/>He became different. <br/><br/>The kind boy that they knew before was silent. Deprived of that immature attitude, the carefree vibe and the weak young master that the world knew.<br/><br/>Everyone was stunned when they heard the stories about their young master. <br/><br/>Even she was shocked, she first didn't believe the rumors running around but once she had verified it with her own eyes, she was silent.<br/><br/>The Orsville manor was silent of the new change, even the servants who were close to Cain became distant.<br/><br/>It was not lively anymore, even she was hesitant to approach their young master Cain.<br/><br/>All the servants knew that Cain was more close to them more than his own family, their young master was not loved by his family so he showered them all to the servants of the house. <br/><br/>He was known to have a weak body. He has a weak spirit, even his power and mana are just slightly higher than a normal human.<br/><br/>Without his unparalleled intelligence, their young master would have been thrown out of the Orsville Household.<br/><br/>But eventhough he is weak, the servants knew that their young master kindness was vast.<br/><br/>They felt human in this Household when they were with him, not just some servants who were treated as rags.<br/><br/>All the Orsville heir were geniuses, both in summoning magic and Intelligence, but their intelligence were only mediocore to their weak young master, the gap was worlds apart.<br/><br/>The Orsville family were dejected knowing that one of their young master was only intelligent, the servants were even more talented than him.<br/><br/>The maid just sighed of their young master role in the Orsville manor.<br/><br/>Unknown to the maid, the person behind him can hear all her thoughts.<br/><br/>When Creed woke up for the first time in this world, he was momentarily blinded by the sunlight that was passing through the giant window.<br/><br/>He wanted to cover his eyes because of the blinding light, however his body was too weak, he can't even raise his own hand that time.<br/><br/>Noticing this, Creed gave up on doing it, when suddenly he heard a crash of objects.<br/><br/>He turned his head where the sound was coming from and was welcomed by a servants stunned face.<br/><br/>Creed just stared at the servant covering his mouth with a face of relief, happiness and shock.<br/><br/>The previous person would have smiled to that servant but this was Creed now, he was now the owner of this weak young master body.<br/><br/>Before reincarnating to this body, all the memories of this boy has been transferred to him.<br/><br/>He didn't know why but he eventually come to a conclusion, he thinks that this is a way in order for him to have knowledge in this new world and to lessen the suspicion about the changes happeing to him.<br/><br/>This body previous owner is called Cain Orsville, a 17 year old brat young master who was naive.<br/><br/>He was so weak that his own family only see his value because he was very intelligent.<br/><br/>His character was definitely worlds apart from the previous owner of this. <br/><br/>The previous owner was a happy go lucky and naive child that leads him to his doom, while Creed was a person who has erased his emotion, not that he can't feel any emotion, its just he tend not to show it..<br/><br/>He had a hardtime processing all those memories but eventually he had succeeded.<br/><br/>All the hardship of that boy, he had seen it all. <br/><br/>How the boy befriended the servants of the Orsville Household and how the Orsville family treated him because he lack talent.<br/><br/>The weak young master is only intelligent, no more no less. <br/><br/>His physical body is not even worth mentioning about.<br/><br/>His mana circulation was destroyed after eating the fruit his father gave him.<br/><br/>That fruit was called the black stripe fruit. <br/><br/>A fruit that only grows on the deep forest of the continent in the north.<br/><br/>Only the strong wielded and strong summoners can go near that place. That forest was home of different wild and dangerous mutated plants and animals.<br/><br/>Normal people would have been instantly killed when the moment they step foot in that unknown territory.<br/><br/>The previous owner of this body was unaware of that fruit function. <br/><br/>He whole heartedly swallowed the fruit his father gave him.    <br/><br/>His own thought was only how to make his father proud without noticing the strange plot of his father and without questioning why they were inside the woods beside the river.<br/><br/>Creed wanted to shake the brats head for his naive action, he was known for being intelligent.<br/><br/>Memorizing all the books in the household, it means all the beast names, the fruits and berries, the history as well as the cause and effects of almost everything but he understood that brats behaviour, for he once was also like that. <br/><br/>The attention that he seeks also covers his brain. His emotion also overwhelmed him.<br/><br/>Before, he also wanted his family attention, he will do everything for them and would also follow their words but that was all in the past now, he didn't want to dwell deeper in it, instead he wanted to forget it.<br/><br/>Since he was reincarnated in this world without even a control to it, why not just accept it right?<br/><br/>The previous owner of this body happily eat the black stripe fruit that his father gave him.<br/><br/>The child smiled happily to his father but after a few seconds, his body started to shake, his smile froze as he watch his father sneer at him, eventually his tears started to fall.<br/><br/>"Naive child" <br/><br/>HIs father coldly sneered at the previous owner of this body.<br/><br/>The black stripe fruit is a poisonous fruit that was a delicacy for the undead beast but for normal humans it was a deadly toxin that can slowly burn your organs.<br/><br/>The previous owner of this body was exactly feeling the effect of the black stripe fruit.<br/><br/>He felt the extreme pain inside his body as if he was being melted by magma. <br/><br/>He wanted to utter a word but the voice he wanted to release was clogged in his throat. Even his throat was burning of unimaginable pain.<br/><br/>His eyes were fixated in his father as he cried for help, but only a cold and indifferent look was seen before he pass out.<br/><br/>The brat of this previous body was found nearby a lake.<br/><br/>He was found by one of the servants of the Orsville as the servant was strolling around.<br/><br/>No one knew what was really the true story but the servant knew that their young master time was only a few weeks away from being a corpse when he sees the black stripe fruit.<br/><br/>His master was just a normal human, the path of being a summoner was close but it was still not the time for his body to consume fruits.<br/><br/>He needs to adopt more.<br/><br/>The servant was in a dire situation, without any hesitation, he lifted the weak young master into his embrace and ran as fast as he could into the manor and reported it immediately to the Orsville.<br/><br/>The servant hurriedly rash and explain it to the Orsville Elders what happened to the weak young master Cain but when he finish reporting all of it, he knew that something was off, noticing how the Orsville elders disinterested faces.<br/><br/>The Orsville elders just said that let the young master rest in his chambers and they will do their best to find the fruit of Vitality to help the weak Cain, but the servant already knew that they would not do it.<br/><br/>The servant hesitated but at the end, he followed the order and brought Cain to his chambers. <br/><br/>He clenched his fist unknowingly and bow down for respect, carrying the weak Cain to his chambers.<br/><br/>He knew that the Orsville could easily obtain the Fruit of Vitality anytime due to their family name reputation and money, but the servant didn't refute with them.<br/><br/>He knows his place well.<br/><br/>A day has passed when the servant brought the weak Cain to his chambers.<br/><br/>The sign of waking up was being further away day by day.<br/><br/>The servant already knew of what was going to happen to the weak Cain but everyday, he still comes to wash his face and have a conversation with him. <br/><br/>He knew that eventhough the Orsville decided to give him the fruit of Vitality, it will not heal but just extend his lifespan.<br/><br/>Eventhough knowing that their young master's vitality was slowly fading away, he still continued to offer his service.<br/><br/>The servant wanted to curse at the Orsville but he can't, he was just a mere servant and one wrong word will be the annihilation of his family.<br/><br/>A week later when the servant visited again to wash the weak young master, his grip on the tray loosened.<br/><br/>The bowl of water was thrown on the floor as he look at the weak young master on the bed, eyes woken up.<br/><br/>He was momentarily unsure if what he is seeing was a hallucination but when the young master tilted his head to look at him, all emotions started to show in his face as he covered his mouth.<br/><br/>"Y-young master Cain?"<br/><br/>He muttered as the other servants rash to the room to check what had crash but as they entered the chamber, just like the servant who had entered before them, shocked were also drawn to their faces.<br/><br/>Their weak young master has woken up.<br/><br/>Some have tears slowly fall down, and some were bowing and thanking seriously to the Gods.<br/><br/>The Orsville manor was loud of footsteps as servants came running to the room knowing the news. <br/><br/>They can't believe that their weak young master has survived that Black stripe fruit.<br/><br/>Eventually after the servants seen their weak young master woke up, they were chase away by the servant who was attending to him.<br/><br/>On that day, all the servants who was close to him would always come to visit him but as days pass, they notice that their weak young master has changed a lot.<br/><br/>Until a month has passed.<br/><br/>The Orsville manor was not the same as before. <br/><br/>It was oddly quiet and felt like they were a deserter.<br/><br/>Even the servants who are also close to their young master become distant. <br/><br/>It was uncomfortably quiet.<br/><br/>They didn't even hear a word uttered by their weak young master. <br/><br/>Their kind young master become distant and cold. <br/><br/>The last news they had heard of him was that, their young master could not remember how did he collapsed.<br/><br/>Creed was feeling uncomfortable of the new feelings he was getting when the servants stared at him, but eventually he had manage to become immune with it. <br/><br/>Even in this life he chose not to trust anyone anymore.<br/><br/>He already had enough.<br/><br/>The servant who was attending to him that time and was the first to see him was still following him eventhough he has already said that he can leave, but the servant just shake his head and smiled at him. He said that until his body can still move he will stay by his side.<br/><br/>Creed just sighed and didn't bother conversing with the servant anymore.<br/><br/>Base on the memory he had seen in the brat, this servant is already an old man. Well not currently old but base on his previous life, a 65 year old is already an elder but in this world it was still not.<br/><br/>Additionally this servant was one of the brat Cain most trusted person.<br/><br/>This brat Cain told him everything.<br/><br/>No wonder Cain was easily manipulated. <br/><br/>He was truly naive, not even leaving a single secret to his self.<br/><br/>He gave everything and told everything to this servant.<br/><br/>This servant name was Beyong, according to his memory Beyong was a skilled beast warrior but due to his unpaid debt to the Orsville Family he was forced to become a servant in the house.<br/><br/>Beyong was 65 years old, he also owned a thunderous eagle as his beast, based on Cain's memories the thunderous eagle hates the guts of his but it was not hostile to jim, it just hate Cain for being weak. <br/><br/>But that's not all, even without the memory of the previous owner of this body, Creed can see all the status of the servants around him but those were just basic information, some information have been marked with a question mark.<br/><br/>Suddenly, the maid stop on a large door. <br/><br/>The maid reported that Creed has arrived before she started to walk away.<br/><br/>The maid slightly glance at the weak young master before she continue to strode away.<br/><br/>"You may enter" a cold and distant voice spoke.<br/><br/>Creed did not hesitate to go inside as the servants opened the door.<br/><br/>The servant Beyong was stop by the two servant as they notice that Beyong wanted to follow also.<br/><br/>Beyong just sighed, he almost forget that the servants cannot follow their master freely.<br/><br/>Beyong just waited outside as his young master back was slowly covered by the door.<br/><br/>As Creed enter, he felt like he had just entered a lion's den.<br/><br/>The heavy aura that was impose to him was like a heavy boulder.<br/><br/>He felt like he was being suffocated. <br/><br/>The heavy atmosphere almost made him kneel but he resist. Although his face was nonchalant, his back felt cold like a giant bucket of ice was thrown at him.<br/><br/>The man who called him was slightly surprise, since he didn't expect that the weak son that he knew can still stand straight and look at him straight in the eyes.<br/><br/>He flamboyantly release his aura around the place but the weak son in his front was resisting it miraculously.<br/><br/>In his memory, the weak son in his front would be trembling in his presence openly but look at him, he was standing proud.<br/><br/>He instantly cover his surprise.<br/>He look intently at his son, noticing all the big changes in him.<br/><br/>The weak son in his front now was oozing of confidence. He was slightly amused of it.<br/><br/>"I heard you don't remember what happened to you after you collapsed." He ask.<br/><br/>"No father, I don't. It's hazy" Creed nonchalantly answered.<br/><br/>The person who called Creed his father was slightly shock again by how the weak young master has answered him.<br/><br/>The untalented son he knew would be smiling at him happily but this son infront of him was like a different person, the rumors running around the manor about this untalented son of his was becoming true.<br/><br/>It was like he was possess and a different person lives in him. He pondered longer and tried to use a skill to read his untalented son mind but a bolt of electricity suddenly electrified his intrusion.<br/><br/>He was taken aback by the suddent shock wave.<br/><br/> He believed that his son was weak before, he was sure but somehow he can't feel that his untalented son was weak. Even his mana circulation that was destroyed is fully fine now.<br/><br/> How? <br/><br/>He didn't know what happened but something was not right especially when he tried to use a skill in him.<br/><br/>This did not happen before<br/><br/>He was just relieve that the weak young master did not remember anything, but eventhough if he remembers, who will he tell it too? <br/><br/>The man brush all those away and did not ponder anymore on that, instead he focus his mind to his untalented child who miraculously live.<br/><br/>"Do you not really remember?" The man ask again but Creed just shake his head.<br/><br/>No matter what, Creed will not tell that he was now the possesor of Cain's body and that he was already been killed by him. <br/><br/>Creed was careful of his words.<br/><br/>Knowing that this weird new change behaviour of his untalented son, the man did not ask anymore instead he continued with what he was about to tell him why he summoned him here.<br/><br/>He don't want to ponder on those small things in details, on how his untalented son miraculously survived, instead he just let it pass. One day he will still find out about it.<br/><br/>"I have summoned you here since I would be sending you now for the Summoning Academy" the man spoke coldly.<br/><br/>Creed had already anticipated this, since when he started to research about this world, the right age for summoner to be trained and taught would be at the age of 17, and currently he was one of them.<br/><br/>Every family head will give their son some summoned beast for them to choose to accompany them to the academy.<br/><br/>"You already know what I'm talking about right?"<br/><br/>Creed just nodded<br/><br/>Seeing that his untalented son continued to be silent, eventhough somewhat uncomforatble, he continued to tell.<br/><br/>"Your'e now at the right of age of every summoner to be admitted in the academy."<br/><br/>"Although you are very intelligent, even more intelligent than our ancestors, you are still the most untalented in all of us since your brain is only remarkable" the man coldly said.<br/><br/>Creed just remain silent. Nonchalant of what the man said.<br/><br/>The man coldy stare at the weak young master, eyeing him up and down.<br/><br/>"Consider this a huge kindness that I would give you, eventhough you are an untalented child you are still born in the Orseville Household"<br/><br/>"Be thankful since I'm giving you a chance to help our household"<br/><br/>Creed wanted to sneer at the old fox evilness but he persevere. Nothing would come out good if he tried to say something.<br/><br/>Even knowing the evilness of this man, to the point that killing his own blood made him wanted to puke, he still persevere.<br/><br/>Somehow, even a little bit, he was feeling sympathy for the weak young master since they have similarity when it come to family problems.<br/><br/>This previous body father and his family was truly sickening to the bone.<br/><br/>"Let the beasts in, and you, feel blessed that you can choose" the man said and instantly a back door opened and different kinds of beast sound were heard.<br/><br/>5 servants entered the place holding some big cages with a beast inside.<br/><br/>Creed can feel the auras of those beast, some were full of killing intent, some were scared and shaking, but he didn't feel anything, any deep sympathy for others were like nothing to him.<br/><br/>"Now choose three of them, make sure to make a contract that will suit your weak body"<br/>The man said before leaving him alone with the 5 servants and the 10 cage beast.<br/><br/>"Thank you father" Creed said but the man just continues to walk away<br/><br/>As the man started to walk away from the back door, Creed slowly strode towards the 5 servants.<br/><br/>Creed can already tell that the beast that his father had bring were all normal beast. This beast were all considered even in the planet as just medicore, not even worth to be trained. Some even just used them as decorations.<br/><br/>Creed can really feel how his father treated him. He was just giving me this beast as this was a tradition for every rich household. <br/><br/>Somehow, being rich in this world has a huge advantage, since he will be freely given a beast to have a contract while the commoners in this planet will risk their life to contract any. They would have to dive in the forest to find beast.<br/><br/>The 5 servants who entered were staring at the weak young master in front of them who had miraculously survive the black stripe fruit.<br/><br/>Surprise was drawn on their face as they watched their weak young master strodes towards the beast with calmness.<br/><br/>Didn't they say he was weak? Then why isn't he cowering? Although the beast were all mediocore and not that valuable, but this were still wild beasts, some of the servants thought.<br/><br/>The servants were all watching the weak young master thoroughly, they can't believe what they were seeing.<br/><br/>Although the servants are not showing it, they also felt pressured to the other beast. Some auras of that wild beast are full of killing intent.<br/><br/>Their levels are even higher than them, but here, their so called weak young master is calmly stroding towards them.<br/><br/>Is that weak? What surprisingly strong mind.<br/><br/>As Creed stop infront of the beast, some started to growl ravishly, but Creed remained unfazed.<br/><br/>It was his first time seeing mutated creatures personally. It was definitely worlds apart from the creatures from Earth.<br/><br/>He scan them thoroughly, some were plant creature and others were animal creatures.<br/><br/>"Do they have descriptions?" Ask Creed without looking to the servants, remaining his eyes watching the beast growl and cower.<br/><br/>The servants look at eachother momentarily but eventually one answered his question.<br/><br/>"No young master, you can only see their description once you have tame them." The servant said, they thought their young master still didn't know this, coming to a conclusion that because of the unfair treatment of this young master, Even the basic knowledge of beast was unknown to him.<br/><br/>They symphatize him, but they can't do anything.<br/><br/>Creed nodded. As expected, Creed had already known this since he had briefly read a book about this, but he still wanted it to confirm by mouth.<br/><br/>Somehow he felt special since he has this so called gift, where he could freely view someones status although it was limited.<br/><br/>So this was only available to me, he don't know why he had this and where it came from, but it was already a huge help to him since he can freely read the description of not only humans but also the wild beast.<br/><br/>Through this, he can surely choose the right beast to tame. Even in the hundred or thousands of trash, one would still shine among them.<br/><br/>"I will be choosing my first beast now, although it will take time"<br/><br/>The servants understand this before nodding to their young master.<br/><br/>They stood a few steps away as their young master pick his first beast.<br/><br/>Creed started his search. His dark gray eyes slowly blink as the information of the species started to run.<br/><br/>The servant was shocked of what they witness to their young master eyes, but they remained quiet.<br/><br/>Beast Name: <br/>-Red Horned Winged Snake (Fire Elemental Beast)<br/>Type : Fire, Air<br/>Level: 3<br/>Stage: Red Stage (2 star) <br/>Low-low<br/>Grade: Common<br/>Skills: Blazing Bind,<br/>Burning Bite<br/><br/>A fire elemental snake that has grown wings beside its head. Summoners tried to peer what is the use of the wings beside the head of the snake but the answer is still unknown. The snake skin is born of the fire element, any normal person will be burnt once accidentally touches it. (Level up to open other information)<br/><br/>Beast Name:<br/>-Blitz Bee <br/>(Lightning Insect Beast)<br/>Type: Electric, Bug<br/>Level: 3<br/>Stage: Red Stage (2 star)<br/>Low-Medium<br/>Grade: Common<br/>Skills: Sting Boltz<br/>Paralysis Strike<br/><br/>A lightning insect beast. Born with the ability of lightning and the speed of lightning. A bee type insect that was the size of a new born kitten. A sting that can paralyse a normal adult elephant for 30 minutes. When you see one, run for your life, the Blitz Bee Hive was close. (Level up to open other information)<br/><br/>Beast Name:<br/>- Dark Hound <br/>(Shadow Elemental Beast)<br/>Type: Dark, Normal<br/>Level: 3<br/>Stage: Red Stage (3 star)<br/>Medium -Low<br/>Grade: Common<br/>Skills: Shadow Leaps <br/>Pound <br/><br/>A shadow elemental beast of the wolf family. It has the same size of normal wolf but will grow when level up. The dark hound were known to their skills from jumping from shadow to shadow to ambush their prey. (Level up to open other information)<br/><br/>Creed analyze slowly the beast but the ranks, level and skills are lacking, if he look one by one he will be done by dawn by then.<br/><br/>So instead of analyzing one by one he just check their name and hardly noticable he find one that catches his interest.<br/><br/>Beast Name:<br/>- Dream Worm<br/>(Dream Insect Beast)<br/>Type: Bug, Illusion<br/>Level: 5<br/>Stage : Orange Stage (3 star)<br/>Medium- High<br/>Grade: Uncommon<br/>Skill: Poison Thread<br/>Paralysing Thread<br/>Sleep Powder<br/>Dream Silk<br/><br/>A dream Insect beast that feed on the dreams of humans and beast. The worm skills depends on the dream that it eats. Dream worms use to camouflage their bodies to the surrounding to protect themseves from predators since they can be easily killed. Even a strong slap from normal human can kill it. (Level up to open other information)<br/><br/>As Creed check all the other beast, this beast was on Level 5 and had a medium-high stage. Although it was high but it can also be easily killed, even normal human can do. On the other hand it has many skills but those were only for debuffs and were not for attack. It was said that dream worms were hard to nurture and money would be a waste in them.<br/><br/>Creed was thinking deeply as he watch the dream worm cower in the cage. Its fear made it change his color at an unbelievable speed.<br/><br/>The servant were confused why their weak young master was keenly watching the dream worm. Everyone knows that dream worms were one of the weakest beast, eventhough its level are high, it can still be easily killed by normal humans.<br/><br/><br/>Summoner only tame those dream worms since their colors are bright, those dream worms were even use for decorations. Some summoners even tame those because they want to give it to their kids since it was cute.<br/><br/>I hope young master chose wisely, there are other strong beast in the cage, please choose the strong ones eventhough they are mediocore. Some servant wishes.<br/><br/>The servants face lit up seeing that their young master did not choose the dream worm but their face instantly turned gray when their young master again ponder on one of the plantae beast.<br/><br/>Their eyes slightly twitch as their young master was pondering more on the plantae beast.<br/><br/>Why was our young master more attracted to the weak beast? Some servants thought.<br/><br/>After Creed ponder for a moment at the Dream Worm he suddenly realizes something. There was a plantae beast he had seen althought it level is not that high but it was still good.<br/><br/>Beast Name:<br/>- Allium Flora Beast<br/>(Plantae (Flower) Beast)<br/>Type: Flower<br/>Level: 4<br/>Stage: Orange Stage ( 3 star)<br/>Medium-Medium<br/>Grade: Common<br/>Skill: Sprout Fragrance<br/>Blinding Fog<br/>Ingrain<br/><br/>Allium Flora was a flower beast that was very sensitive to weather. It is widely known as a domesticated pet plant since the fragrance of it dispels bad odor and also helps the body to relax. (Level up to open other information)<br/><br/>As Creed read those description he was somewhat shock, since the Allium Flora Beast has an Ingrain ability. This mean it can restore its energy while absorbing the enery of nature. The Allium Flora Beast also has a healing fragrance that can help him.<br/><br/>The servants were apalled by the action of their young master. Why would he ponder in those weak creatures when there are other beast who are stronger base on their appearances?<br/><br/>Some servants look at their young master in dismay.<br/><br/>Weak people really are weak. A servant thought as he sway his head looking at the young master.<br/><br/>Although Cain always see the servant of the Orsville household being kind to him, it was still inevitable that some would be looking down at him but due to Cain being naive,he didn't notice it.<br/><br/>Thats why their young master was weak, because he always chose the weak.<br/><br/>Creed did not stay longer on the plantae beast, instead he continue to read other beast description. For the servants he was just staring at them but for him he was analyzing it.<br/><br/>He had finished reading the description of;<br/><br/>1.) Red Horned Winged Python<br/>2.) Blitz Bee<br/>3.) Dark Hound<br/>4.) Dream Worm<br/>5.) Flame Flaminggo<br/>6.) Three eyed Fox<br/>7.) Abyssal Jellyfish<br/>8.) Antartic Gator<br/>9.) 2 Headed Ostrich<br/>10.) Lightning Rat<br/><br/>After Creed read the description of all the 10 beast repeatedly, atlast he has finally found his three summons.<br/><br/>The servant eyes were all ever changing when they watch their young master ponder on the 10 beast.<br/>They just realized that their young master was pondering on all the wild beast with same time and effort.<br/><br/>Their young master was staring at all of them the same on how he stare at the insect and plantae beast also.<br/><br/>They did not notice it since they do not view the weak once.<br/><br/>In other words they were being bias.<br/><br/>"I have found my summons"<br/>Creed suddenly said <br/><br/>"I want this one and those two"<br/><br/>"Y-young m-master are you sure?" One of the servants ask, he can't believe what their young master choose.<br/><br/>Creed just nod<br/><br/>The servant tried to persuade their young master to chose again but they were stop by a gesture.<br/><br/>Dissapointment had drawn on their face as what their young master had chosen.<br/><br/>Their young master has 3 chances of choosing his wild beast, but even just one, none of the beast their young master Cain take was looking strong. Infact they can deduce that all of them are weaklings!<br/><br/>After probing on all those wild beast, he still chooses the three. Sigh.<br/><br/>"Are you sure young master?" For one last time, the servant tried to persuade him but Creed remained silent.<br/><br/>Seeing that their young master was unwilling to change his mind they did not persuade him anymore.<br/><br/>Young master, what will we do to you? A servant suddenly thought since they think their young master had not thought it well.<br/><br/>Without further hesitation they proceed to the next procedure.<br/><br/>"Open the cage"<br/><br/>Unbeknownst to them, Creed has carefully analyze what he had choose, although there are 2 higher beast whose level is 7 and the star is 4, he is not confident in taming them and he might also be harmed since they were releasing strong killing intent.<br/><br/>He felt the aura of the 2 beast but he masked it. The servant were just too focus on how their young master would choose not noticing the cold sweat in the nape of their young master.<br/><br/>The beast he wants to summon was undoubtedly suitable for him as he was a beginner, additionally the beast are not showing killing intent but instead fear. One of the reason why he choses those three were because he symphatize it.<br/><br/>Huh! He didn't think he would symphatize with the beast at all.<br/><br/>Additionally the very reason he chose those beast was that of their talents. He don't know why but he has this gut feeling that those three beast will compliment him also, but if it didn't work he can still release them and tame other beast when he became stronger.<br/><br/>With these new start and new companion, he will do his best to live again with the force decision of the afterlife reviving him.<br/><br/>That was Creeds thought before an unknown thing happened to him. He blank out after finishing his contract at the same time.<br/><br/>He really forget that normal people of his age has only one summoning gate available and the rest he will train hard for it to open up a new one.<br/><br/>Creed just notice why those 5 servants has given him weird looks as if they were staring at something unbelievable.<br/><br/>But Creed did not last long. His conciousness is already drifting away due to instantly taming the 3 beast at the same time.<br/><br/>Author's Pov.<br/><br/>Sorry for the grammatical errors my readers. English is not my home language that's why I'm not good with it. If there is any grammatical error, I'll gladly change it. If there are any suggestions such as giving beast names, character names I will gladly appreciate it. If there are sentences that are quite not right, please help me fix it. Thank you❤️<br/>I just want to write to enjoy and bask in my own imagination, hehe.<br/></p>